What is a betatron?
A cyclic particle accelerator develop by Donald Kerst to accelerate electrons Word derives from B-particles
Betatron principle
Using Amperes law ( = radius of a beam pipe)
E . ds - d dt
E =-1 2 d = 1 d 2 dt dt B = 2 d dt B
d (mv) = - qE = q d B dt 2 dt
mv = 1 q B 2
mv = qvB()
mv = qpB()
Where we find that according to the betatron principle, the relation between the field B () at the orbit P and the average field is
B () = B
Provide high energy beams of electron up to about 300 MeV (particle physics). The betatron can be used as a source of energetic x-rays or gamma rays
Provide electrons can be converted into neutrons by a target to provide prompt initiation of some nuclear weapons
The maximum energy that a betatron can impart is limited by the strength of the magnetic field due to the saturation of iron and by practical size of the magnet core
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