Rock Springs - Technical Features
Rock Springs - Technical Features
Rock Springs - Technical Features
- Motif: Light and Hope - Symbolism - Character - Narrative Point of View - Imagery - simile/metaphor
- I would argue that this shift in attitude towards the goldmine is a representation of Earls shifting attitude towards purpose.
Character: Earl
- I would argue that Earl comes to represent the alienation and isolation of the modern condition. - Alone, living an utterly uncertain existence, slowly realising the unknowability of others, the struggle of knowing himself, the fundamental illusion of purpose, and seeing an odd sense of chaos in the world.
Imagery: Simile/Metaphor
- Rare in Dirty Realism - most writing in the genre avoids imagery. Dirty Realism, works literally, rather than figuratively. - This makes the images all the more powerful - it means they stand out and demand to be read. - The images tend to come at moments where the narrator still doesnt understand the situation hes creating an image for. - And so Id argue that the imagery can read as moments where language fails the narrator and he is forced to resort to imagery to capture something uncapturable.
1: Purpose/meaning as illusory
- Narratives of success are constantly undermined. Any image or idea that is meant to provide structure, purpose, or meaning to existence in utterly illusory. It simply does not exist. - The image of the rainbow: the importance of seems - The image of the goldmine: a place I once saw a goldmine
- Represented in the story by the bleak images of the landscape, Ednas monkey story and Earls inability to understand its importance to her, the destruction of that relationship, the oil light, the Negro womans grandson and anywhere else in the story where characters are at the mercy of the universe.
- Earl suffers an existential crisis - the fiction of himself is what keeps him optimistic, what keeps him motivated. If he were to drop the fiction and face his actions, he would suffer the pain of seeing the identity he has created.
NCEA Questions...
1. Theme, over and above narrative and characterisation this captures the essence of all short stories. To what extent do you agree with this view? 2. Techniques used by short story writers allow them to say more with less. To what extent do you agree with this view? 3. Short stories are most often about characters whose lives are solitary, poor, nasty, or brief. To what extent do you agree with this view? 4. The characteristics of short stories allow readers to explore events from their own life and times. To what extent do you agree with this view?