Architecture Competency Group
Architecture Competency Group
Architecture Competency Group
What Is LDAP? What Can LDAP Do for You?
What Is LDAP?
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an Internet standard protocol used by applications to access information in a directory LDAP is a standard, extensible directory access protocola common language that LDAP clients and servers use to communicate with each other.
What Is LDAP?
There have been two major revisions of the LDAP protocol. The first widely available version was LDAP version 2. As of now LDAP version 3 is a Proposed Internet Standard, because it is so new, not all vendors completely support LDAPv3 yet.
Interrogation operations: search , compare. These two operations allow you to ask
questions of the directory. Update operations: add, delete, modify. These operations allow you to update information in the directory.
Authentication and control operations: bind, unbind, abandon. The bind operation
allows a client to identify itself to the directory by providing an identity and authentication credentials; the unbind operation allows the client to terminate a session; and the abandon operation allows a client to indicate that it is no longer interested in the results of an operation it had previously submitted.
Step 1: The client opens a TCP connection to an LDAP server and submits a bind operation. This bind operation includes the name of the directory entry the client wants to authenticate as, along with the credentials to be used when authenticating. Credentials are often simple passwords, but they might also be digital certificates used to authenticate the client. Step 2: After the directory has verified the bind credentials, it returns a success result to the client. Step 3: The client issues a search request. Steps 4 and 5: The server processes this request, which results in two matching entries. Step 6: The server sends a result message. Step 7: The client then issues an unbind request, which indicates to the server that the client wants to disconnect. Step 8: The server obliges by closing the connection.