Quality of Work Life
Quality of Work Life
Quality of Work Life
A Multi faceted concept Worklife balance is the proper prioritizing between "work" (career and ambition) on one hand and "life" (pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development) on the other. There exists a relationship between QWL & productivity .
Work life balance has important consequences for employee attitudes towards their organizations as well as for the lives of employees. . A balance between work and life is supposed to exist when there is proper functioning at work and also at home.
Origin of QWL
After Industrial Revolution, the importance of human factor reduced because of the vast mechanization. Various problems like job dissatisfaction, boredom, absenteeism,lack of commitment etc came up. Most Management theories gave emphasis on production, manipulating the skills of the employees. Tavi Stock Institute of Human Relations, London conducted some research on Workers problems in Industrial World and they produced a study approach called Socio-technical system in which they have great importance to Job Designto satisfy human needs adequately & the need for QWL in an organisation was emphasized.
Objectives of QWL
To improve the standard of living of the employees. To increase the productivity To create a positive attitude in the minds of the employees. To increase the effectiveness of the organization.(Profitability, goal accomplishment etc)
1. Attitude:
The person who is entrusted with a particular job needs to have sufficient knowledge, required skill and expertise, enough experience, enthusiasm, energy level, willingness to learn new things, dynamism, sense of belongingness in the organization, involvement in the job, inter personnel relations, adaptability to changes in the situation, openness for innovative ideas, competitiveness, zeal, ability to work under pressure, leadership qualities and team-spirit.
The job may involve dealing with customers who have varied tolerance level, preferences, behavioral pattern, level of understanding; or it may involve working with dangerous machines like drilling pipes, cranes, lathe machines, welding and soldering machines, or even with animals where maximum safety precautions have to be observed which needs lot of concentration, alertness, presence of mind, quick with involuntary actions, synchronization of eyes, hands and body, sometimes high level of patience, tactfulness, empathy and compassion and control over emotions.
Some jobs offer opportunities for learning, research, discovery, self-development, enhancement of skills, room for innovation, public recognition, exploration, celebrity-status and loads and loads of fame. Others are monotonous, repetitive, dull, routine, no room for improvement and in every sense boring. Naturally the former ones are interesting and very much rewarding also.
3. Opportunities:
4. People: Almost everyone has to deal with three set of people in the work place.
Those are namely boss, co-workers in the same level and subordinates. Apart from this, some professions need interaction with people like patients, media persons, public, customers, thieves, robbers, physically disabled people, mentally challenged, children, foreign delegates, gangsters, politicians, public figures and celebrities. These situations demand high level of prudence, cool temper, tactfulness, humor, kindness, diplomacy and sensitiveness.
5. Stress Level: All these above mentioned factors are inter-related and interdependant. Stress level need not be directly proportional to the compensation. Stress is of different types - mental stress/physical stress and psychological or emotional stress. A Managing Director of a company will have mental stress, a laborer will have physical stress, a psychiatrist will have emotional stress. Mental stress and Emotional stress cause more damage than physical stress.
6. Challenges:
The job should offer some challenges at least to make it interesting; That enables an employee to upgrade his knowledge and skill and capabilities; whereas the monotony of the job makes a person dull, non-enthusiastic, dissatisfied, frustrating, complacent, initiative - less and uninteresting. Challenge is the fire that keeps the innovation and thrill alive. A well-accomplished challenging job yields greater satisfaction than a monetary perk; it boosts the self-confidence also.
7.Career Prospects:
Every job should offer career development. That is an important factor which decides the quality of work life. Status improvement, more recognition from the Management, appreciations are the motivating factors for anyone to take keen interest in his job. The work atmosphere should be conducive to achieve organizational goal as well as individual development. It is a win-win situation for both the parties; an employee should be rewarded appropriately for his good work, extra efforts, sincerity and at the same time a lethargic and careless employee should be penalized suitably; this will motivate the former to work with more zeal and deter the latter from being so, and strive for better performance.
directly proportional to the quantum of work, man-hours, nature and extent of responsibility, accountability, delegated powers, authority of position in the organizational chart, risk involved, level of expected commitment, deadlines and targets, industry, country, demand and supply of skilled manpower and even political stability and economic policies of a nation. Although risk is involved in every job its nature and degree varies in them; All said and done, reward is a key criteria to lure a prospective worker to accept the offer.
Measuring of QWL
Questionnaires & Interviews are relevant here In General Motors the Management gives a questionnaire of 16 critical dimensions of QWL to its employees each year. The responses are then used to measure the employees perception of their work life
Implementation of QWL
Management & Employees Cooperation A worker - Mgt Committee on work improvement can function effectively to increase cooperation. Action plans developed must be followed to completion. Support of middle managers by top management and bottom level employees to implement the programme The objective of QWL should be a joint one, i.e., for workers it is to improve QWL; for management it is to improve organizational efficiency.
Barriers to QWL
Resistance to change by management & employees There is a general perception that QWL implementation will cost much to the organization. Continuous improvement in QWL may result in less productivity, i.e. after a certain level the productivity will not increase in proportion to the increase in QWL.
Widespread unhappiness due to comparison with Colleagues Division into camps & Cliques hampering fruitful communication Frequent fits of anger of top level officials Regional prejudice Unreasonable personal expectation Limitless expectation to lower order material needs