1932: Founder Tomas Bata dies in an airplane accident. 1939: The company relocates to Canada after the movement of German military forces into Eastern Europe. 1945: Czechoslovakia business operations are nationalized by the new communist government following World War II. 1991: Bata returns to the Czech Republic following fall of the communist regime. 1994: Thomas J. Bata, the son of the company's founder, retires. 2001: Thomas J. Bata, Jr., becomes chairman and CEO Currently the business is being run out of Switzerland
Bata Ltd. is a privately owned global shoe manufacturer and retailer headquartered in Ontario, Canada. The company is led by a third generation of the Bata family. With operations in 68 countries,
Bata is organized into four business units. Bata Canada, based in Toronto, serves the Canadian market with 250 stores. Based in Paris, Bata Europe serves the European market with 500 stores. With supervision located in Singapore, Bata International boasts 3,000 stores to serve markets in Africa, the Pacific, and Asia Finally, Bata Latin America, operating out of Mexico City, sells footwear throughout Latin America.
All told, Bata owns more than 4,700 retail stores and 46 production facilities. Total employment for the company exceeds 50,000.
Why is that BATA didnt ever diversify its business from the shoe making business? What was the need to shift the management control from family to non family Is the shift required in operations of Bata from manufacturing driven to market driven (reebok)? What international marketing strategy that Bata should adopt to sustain in the business? What should be Batas strategy to re-enter in communist countries? Should Bata relook its strategy of supply chain? What is the best marketing strategy for Bata for the 21st century? Should it still rely on the economics of scale strategy serving local market? Should it change from CAPEX to REVEX company?