Radio Sensitivity

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The relative susceptibility of the cell to the radiation effect is referred as radiosensitivity

Factors affecting Cellular Radiosensitivity

Conditional Radiosensitivity Inherent Radiosensitivity

Conditional Factors
Dose Rate LET Presence of Oxygen

Effect of Dose Rate

Effect of Radiation Dose Fractionation

Effect of LET

Effect of Oxygen

Inherent Factors
1. Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau states that radiosensitivity is greatest for those cells that a. Have a high mitotic rate b. Have a long mitotic future c. are undifferentiated

Phases of cells Reproductive cycle

2. Law of Ancel & Vitemberger It states the inherent susceptibility of any cell to damage by radiation is the same, but the time of appearance of radiation-induced damaged differs among different types of cells The appearance of radiation damage depend a. Biologic Stress to the cell b. the condition to which the cell is exposed pre and post irradiation.

3. Sparrow Hypothesis the radio sensitivity is directly proportional to the interface chromosomal volume.

LD (50/30) Effect
The radiation dose required to kill 50% of the cell population within 30 days of irradiation

LD(50/30) effect on skin

LD (50/30) on Eye and Blood forming organs

Refer class notes

LD (50/30) effect on Embryo

Exposure of 1-2 Gy of X ray or Gamma ray can produce pre natal or neo natal death, growth disturbances, organ malformation and impairment of adult physiology The effects of radiation on the fetus depend on two factors: dose and stage of development at the time of exposure.

Between conception & birth the fetus passes thru 3 basic stages of devt 1. Pre-implantation (day 1 to 10) 2. Organogenesis (day 11 to 42) 3. Growth Stage (day 43 to birth)

Pre-implantation period: Excess of 250 mGy radiation exposure induces prenatal death. Organogenesis period: Radiation exposure induces neo-natal death and will result in retardation in growth ( poor devp of brain, eye, skeleton), mainly embryonic malformation Fetal or Growth period: Radiation exposure can induce organ growth retardation, reduced IQ or behavioural alteration in life (later)

Radiation dose below 1 Gy produces reduction in brain size (microcephalous) & hence mental retardation The period of 3 to 15 week of gestation is more radiation sensitive ( eq: radiation effect include small head in children) the diagnostic exposure of women during pregancy might result in Leukemia(blood cancer) and other cancer in their children at younger age (15 years)

LD 50/30 on Endocrinal Glands

Reproductive System - Lower doses can cause sterility afer several - Gonads ( testis in male months of irradiation and Ovaries in female) (temporary effect) - Cells of it are highly - Radiation destroys both radiosensitive ovum & maturing - Dose(6 Gy) permanently follicles- results in sterilizing males. reduction of hormone (sterility occur after a production few month)

Radiation dose & age important factors in radiation effects Thyroid Gland - result in hypothyroidism (decrease in production of thyroxine) which cause a lower metabolic rate. - Symptoms: feeling tired, restless, problem in concentrating, feeling sad/ depressed,Mood changes, Constipation, Feeling cold all the time, puffiness around the eyes. Pancreas - Radiation effect: Diabetic mellitus

Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland - Hypothalamus appear to be more radio sensitive than the pituitary gland and may be damaged by lower radiation doses (< 40 Gy) - Higher doses: damage both hypothalamus & pituitary gland. - Radiation Effects: Hypopituitarism, Central Hypothyroidism, Central Adrenal Insufficiency

Adrenal Gland - Radiation effect: Addisons disease (Adrenal insufficiency) - Deficiency of cortisol. - It is characterised by muscle weakness, reduced blood sugar, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, low B.P. Pineal Gland - Results in change in melatonin level which causes several disorder like cancer, sexual dysfunction & hypertension

Thymus Gland - Radiation effect in thymus Results in disease which are caused by a damaged and a weak immune system

Linear No-Threshold Risk Model

Linear- An increase in dose results in a proportional increase in risk No- Threshold: Any dose, no matter how small, produces some risk

Factors affecting Frequency of Radiation induced Mutation

Radiation Dose and Fractionation - The mutation frequency is linearly dependent on the dose - The mutation frequency (MF) is lower, if the dose is given in fractions ( due to enzymatic DNA repair mechanism) Time interval b/w irradiation & conception - MF decreases as time interval increases

Age & Sex - The MF is higher for young patients i.e. the MF decreases as the age increases - MF is lower for female compared to males

Gene Controlled Hereditary Diseases

The abnormality that is carried on for the future generation Hereditary Disease If the abnormality is due to the DNA alteration (change in gene sequence) : Gene controlled Hereditary Disease. Basic types of Genetic Disorder: 1. Single Gene or Mendelian Disorder 2. Multifactorial or Complex Disorder

3.Mitochondrial Disorder 4. Chromosomal Disorder 5. Epigenetic Disorder : the disorder is in the gene activity rather than the DNA structure Inheritance Pattern 1.Recessive : Both copies of the genes are defective. Eg- Sickle cell Anaemia 2. Dominant : Only one copy of the gene is defective. Eg- Marfan syndrome 3. X-linked disease: the recessive X type chromosome are affected Eg- Haemophilia

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