Ahp Matrix Csi
Ahp Matrix Csi
Ahp Matrix Csi
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
] ] ]
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Excellent [ Very Good [ Good [ ] Average [ Poor [ ] Excellent [ Very Good [ Good [ ] Average [ Poor [ ]
] ] ]
Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Average [ ] Poor [ ] RELATIONSHIP Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Average [ ] Poor [ ]
] ] ]
SCORES 5 4 3 2 1
Five CTQ's for VOITH Paper Fabrics India Ltd Marketing Department is used. These CTQ'S are: (1) Response:- Of the Supplier or the manufacturer delivering its products. (2) Quality: The Value entitlement of the Product for the customer or the Quality of the product. (3) Delivery Time: The Time taken to deliver the Product to Customer's Premises. (4) Packing: How's the robustness of the Packing of the Product and (5) Relationship: The actual relationship with the customer.
CUSTOMER NO. 1 RESPONSE QUALITY PACKING DELIVERY RELATIONSHIP COL. TOTAL RESPONSE 1 0.142857143 QUALITY PACKING DELIVERY RELATIONSHIP 7 1 7 7 1 0.125 8 8 8 1 8 8 5 9 1 31 0.142857143 0.142857 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
1.535714286 8.392857
AHP Results
This is the Percent ratio Scale of Priority Column. This is also called Customer Preference. Here it can be clearly seen that for This Particular Customer Response from VOITH carries the greatest preference. The customer rates Response from us at the highest priority and is implying that the Marketing Deptt. or the sales backup team is giving maximum response.
How To Proceed?
As the Maximum Score is 5, when your customer rates these important parameters the total score is multiplied by five(5). First add all the scores for Response; Quality; Delivery; Packing and Relationship for a particular customer of the particular sales/marketing executive.Then multiply the total by five(5)/ This will be the customer satisfaction index for that particular customer. Now these scores of the individual CTQ's e.g. Response;Quality; Delivery etc. are to be converted to AHP score and plugged into the AHP Matrix in the AHP Template provided to calculate the % Ratio Scale Of Priority for each of the CTQ's of Marketing. The greatest % score is what your customer's preference is and that's the priority through which he/she judges about the manufacturing organization.
About AHP
AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process Matrix) is a Matrix in which the Rows and Columns have the same parameters. For e.g. here If First Row is Response the First Column is also Response; If the second Row is Quality the Second Column is also Quality likewise. Now once the matrix is arranged a score range of 1 to 9 is selected and allocated where a maximum score implies that the row is more important than the column. The diagonal of the matrix is allocated a score of 1. Now proceeding rowise the value in the corresponding column just below the diagonal is just inverse of the scores in the corresponding row. Likewise calculate all the columns. Add the columns. Now create a table for normalizing the scores. Divide each value of a cell of a column by the column total. Likewise do for all columns. Add the rows of this new table. This will be the Normalized score for each CTQ. Convert into percentage by dividing the normalized score for a CTQ with the column total of the Normalized Score Column and multiplying by 100. This will be the Percent Ratio Scale Of Priority for each CTQ and will also be the priority of your customer.
5 4 3 2 1
We can also make Multi - Vari Charts for a months data executivewise and actually observe the variance in the CTQ's executivewise and can judge the relative performance of the executives in the field and can further back up the marketing team by analyzing and solving the problems faced by the executives in the field.
This is the Percent Ratio Scale of Priority or the customer preferences prioritywise. Higher score mens high priority for that particular parameter
From the AHP Example the Pareto Chart Drawn Indicates that Relationship is to be improved for this customer.