Slides-The History of The English Language.
Slides-The History of The English Language.
Slides-The History of The English Language.
English is:
a Germanic language originating mainly in England; the first language for most people in Australia, Canada, Caribbean Islands,, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, India and some African countries; described as the first global Lingua franca.
From 700 BC to 100 AD the Celts lived in regions which are known as England, France, Spain, and Germany.
The Celtic remained as the main language in Europe for a long time.
Roman military expedition by emperor Julius Ceasar in 55 BC; Roman invasion by emperor Claudius in 43 AD; Almost 400 years of Roman control; In 410 A.D., the Roman legions leaves Britain.
Saxons; Jutes; Frisians.
The dialects spoken by the Angles and the Saxons mix with the Celts language, which, in its turn, had already been mixed with Latin;
The English language starts to be born.
In 432 AD St. Patrick begins his mission of taking Cristianity to the Celts in Ireland; In 597 the church sends missionaries led by St. Augustine to convert AngleSaxons to Cristianity; Through this process, Latin words related to religion are incorporated to the language of the Angle-saxons.
In the late 8th century the Vikings begin a series of attacks against England. They stay there for 200 years; Words of Old Norse are incorporated to English;
In 1066 a historic event alters the courses of the English language; The Norman wins the Angle-saxons in the Battle of Hastings; During the 300 years of French rule,the French is the language of the court, law and administration .
The English language recovers its prestige in the late 15th century, influenced both by the nationalist movement and the invention of the printing press;
The invention of printing press makes it possible the spread of a standardised linguistic pattern; The first dictionaries and garmmar books strenghten the language by standardising ortography and promoting gramatical unit.
To be or not to be?
Creative use of vocabulary; Creation of new words; Adding of prefixes and suffixes; Using of conotative language; Developing of a literary language.
The English language spoken in America differs a little from that spoken in Europe due to the contact with the reality of a new environment;
the indian native cultures;
In 1770 Captain Cook takes possession of the Australian continent for Britain.
Establishment of British colonies in: Cape (1806), Sierra Leone (1808), Malta, Mauritius, Saint Lucia and Tobago (1914), Bathurst Gambia (1820), Singapore (1819), etc.
English has become a world language by virtue of the political and economic progress made by English speaking nations in the past 200 years, and is likely to remain so, gradually consolidating its position.
David Crystal
English is used in the meetings of the European Union; in the meetings of the United Nations; in summits; in Diplomacy; in interviews given by world leaders.
English is the official language of The International Olympic Committee; FIFA; F1; Several other international athletic organizations.
Learning English is no longer a luxury. It is a necessity. Learning English has an essential role in preparing people to cope with the new perspectives brought about by a rapidly changing society not only abroad, but within their own community
David Crystal
Language is prerequisite for full mutual understanding and cooperation between nations. FLL promotes understanding, tolerance and respect for cultural identity, rights and values of others; Language learning, as well as travel, broadens the mind. David Crystal
Baugh, Albert. A History of the English Language, Oxford: \University Press, 1997
Crack, Glen Ray. Battle of Hastings 1066 <>. Online. June 27, 2001. Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 1999. . McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford, 1992. Myres, J.N.L. The English Settlements (Oxford History of England), Oxford University Press, 1986 Schtz, Ricardo. "Histria da Lngua Inglesa." English Made in Brazil <>. Online. 14 de janeiro de 2007.