Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Analysis Techniques: Poultry Farm Group

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Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Analysis Techniques

Poultry Farm Group

Cost Benefit Analysis

CBA has been established primarily as a tool for use by governments in making their social and economic decisions. CBA measures costs and benefits to the community of adopting a particular course of action e.g. Constructing a dam, by-pass etc. CBA is a decision making device for evaluating activities that are not priced by the market. CBA attempts to simulate a market result in areas where the market does not operate to establish prices OR attempts to quantify and include in estimates of cost and benefits to client but also to rest of community.
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Cost Benefit Analysis

Other issues Is the project worthwhile financially? Is it the best option? Should it be undertaken at all?


Cost Benefit Analysis

Costs of a project can be divided into three areas Social cost:
being the sum total of costs involved as the result of an economic action

Private costs:
Those that affect the decisions of the performers (ie production costs including, labour, materials, lands and capital)

External Costs:
Resulting from damage to buildings or decline of property values through smoke emanating from a factory, etc.
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Establishing a steel production plant in a port community Costs (-) construction. pollution. devaluing house prices etc. Benefits (+) employment increase port trade steel for local industry

Three types of project risks associated with capital budgeting:

Stand-alone risk Corporate risk Market risk

1. Stand-Alone Risk This risk assumes the project a company intends to pursue is a single asset that is separate from the company's other assets. It is measured by the variability of the single project alone. Stand-alone risk does not take into account how the risk of a single asset will affect the overall corporate risk.

2.Corporate Risk This risk assumes the project a company intends to pursue is not a single asset but incorporated with a company's other assets. As such, the risk of a project could be diversified away by the company's other assets. It is measured by the potential impact a project may have on the company's earnings.

3.Market Risk This looks at the risk of a project through the eyes of the stockholder. It looks at the project not only from a company's perspective, but from the stockholder's overall portfolio. It is measured by the effect the project may have on the company's beta.

Risk Analysis Techniques

Sensitivity analysis (Change one input (holding all others constant) and observe its impact on NPV) Analysis under different Assumptions
Best , Worst, Most Likely

Reduced Payback Periods Increased Hurdle Rates( Increase in Expected Rate of Return) Probability Analysis( In Different cases of Probability) Beta Analysis ( Analysis of Risk of Projects in comparison to Market)

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