At the end of this session you will: Understand the nature of the environment Be able to conduct an audit of the environmental influences Be able to analyse the competitive environment Understand how to identify the organisations competitive position Appreciate the nature of environmental analysis in practice
Strategic Position
Simple Static
Decentralisation of organisations
Environmental Conditions
Scenario planning
Porters Diamond
Political/leg al
Political/le gal
Econo mic
Business cycles GNP trends Interest rates Money supply Inflation Unemployment Disposable income Energy availability and
Population demographics Income distribution Social mobility Lifestyle changes Attitudes to work and
Technologi cal
Ease of communications (travel, telecommunications) Some markets global for some time - economies of
scale -civilian aircraft, motor vehicle manufacture
More opportunities due to greater export orientation of developing countries Co's seeking opportunities in developing countries
as they start to industrialise
Drivers of globalisation
Global market convergence Similar customer needs Global customers Transferable marketing Trade policies Technical stds Host govt policies Scale economies Sourcing efficiencies Country-specific costs High product development costs
Govt influence
Global strategies
Cost advtgs
Demand conditions Related and Supporting Industries Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry
Factor conditions
Demand conditions
Intensity of Rivalry
Users/ buyers
Growing Few: trial Growing of early adopters: trial selectivity of purchase adopters of product /service Entry of competitor sAttempt to achieve trial Fight for Undifferen share -tiated products /services
Saturation of users Repeat purchase reliance May be many Fight to maintain Likely price share cutting for Difficulties in volume gaining/ Shake-out of taking share Emphasis weakest competitors on efficiency /low cost
Drop-off in usage