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Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session you will: Understand the nature of the environment Be able to conduct an audit of the environmental influences Be able to analyse the competitive environment Understand how to identify the organisations competitive position Appreciate the nature of environmental analysis in practice

Steps in Environmental Analysis

Assess the nature of the environment Audit environmental influences Identify key competitive forces Identify competitive position Identify key opportunities & threats

Strategic Position

Approaches to Making Sense of the Environment Environmental Conditions

Simple Static


Historical analysis Forecasting

Decentralisation of organisations

Environmental Conditions
Scenario planning

Experience and learning


Audit of Environmental Influences

PEST analysis

Porters Diamond

PEST Analysis 1. What environmental factors are affecting the

organisation? 2. Which of these are the most important at the present time? In the next few years?

Political/leg al

Economic Sociocultural cal


Monopolies legislation Environmental protection


Political/le gal

Taxation policy Foreign trade regulations Employment law Government stability

Econo mic

Business cycles GNP trends Interest rates Money supply Inflation Unemployment Disposable income Energy availability and

Population demographics Income distribution Social mobility Lifestyle changes Attitudes to work and


Consumerism Levels of education Cultural factors

Govt spending on research Govt and industry focus of technological


Technologi cal

New discoveries/development Speed of technology transfer Rates of obsolescence

Globalisati on refers to the belief that the world is becoming

a single market -

Ease of communications (travel, telecommunications) Some markets global for some time - economies of
scale -civilian aircraft, motor vehicle manufacture

More opportunities due to greater export orientation of developing countries Co's seeking opportunities in developing countries
as they start to industrialise

Shift towards service industries, move to low cost'

countries eg. clothing and textiles

Drivers of globalisation
Global market convergence Similar customer needs Global customers Transferable marketing Trade policies Technical stds Host govt policies Scale economies Sourcing efficiencies Country-specific costs High product development costs

Govt influence

Global strategies

Cost advtgs

Interdependence Competitors global High exports/imports Global competition

Competitive Advantage of Nations - Porter

Why does a nation become the home base for successful international competitors in an industry? Why are firms based in a particular nation able to create and sustain competitive advantage against the world's best competitors in a particular field? Why is one nation often the home for so many of an industry's world leaders?

Competitive Advantage of a Nation's Industries

Determined by the following factors and relationships between them:

Factor conditions (basic Vs.


Demand conditions Related and Supporting Industries Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry

The Diamond of Competitive Advantage

Firm strategy, structure, rivalry

Factor conditions

Demand conditions

Related and supporting industries

The Competitive Environment

Porters Five Forces Analysis

Elements of Industry Structure



Intensity of Rivalry



Five Forces Analysis (1)

The threat of entry ... Dependent on barriers to entry such as: Economies of scale Capital requirements of entry Access to distribution channels Cost advantages independent of size (eg the experience curve) Expected retaliation Legislation or government action Differentiation

Five Forces Analysis (2)

Buyer power is likely to be high when: There is a concentration of buyers There are many small operators in the supplying industry There are alternative sources of supply Components or materials are a high percentage of cost to the buyer leading to shopping around Switching costs are low There is a threat of backward integration

Five Forces Analysis (3)

Supplier power is high when: There is a concentration of suppliers Switching costs are high The supplier brand is powerful Integration forward by the supplier is possible Customers are fragmented and bargaining power low

Five Forces Analysis (4)

Threat of substitutes Substitutes take different forms: Product substitution Substitution of need Generic substitution Doing without

Five Forces Analysis (5)

Competitive Rivalry is high when: Entry is likely Substitutes threaten Buyers or suppliers exercise control Competitors are in balance There is slow market growth Global customers increase competition There are high fixed costs in an industry Markets are undifferentiated There are high exit barriers

The life cycle model

Development Growth Shakeout Maturity Decline

Users/ buyers

Growing Few: trial Growing of early adopters: trial selectivity of purchase adopters of product /service Entry of competitor sAttempt to achieve trial Fight for Undifferen share -tiated products /services

Competitive Few conditions players

Saturation of users Repeat purchase reliance May be many Fight to maintain Likely price share cutting for Difficulties in volume gaining/ Shake-out of taking share Emphasis weakest competitors on efficiency /low cost

Drop-off in usage

Exit of some competitors Selective distribution

Five Forces Analysis: Key Questions and Implications

What are the key forces at work in the competitive environment? Are there underlying forces driving competitive forces? Will competitive forces change? What are the strengths and weaknesses of competitors in relation to the competitive forces? Can competitive strategy influence competitive forces (eg by building barriers to entry or reducing competitive rivalry)?

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