To America,: With Love

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To America,

With Love
A Collection of Thoughts And Reflections By Deanna H. Reed

The Towers
Two buildings Standing g against the sunset Standing tall and proud Watching over us all like a mother and a father No one ever thought You could fall. But in a moment There you were On the ground For all to see All it took was two planes and Hate for the American dream. But the red, the white, and blue, Shall overcome them all. We'll show those Who did this to us It did not break us But made us stronger This family, this country This land they call America.

This senseless act of Violence That took so many Of our sons, and daughters, Brothers, sisters, husbands and wives, Aunts uncles, mothers, fathers, Friends, grandparents and yes Even innocent children. They had to die in New York, in Washington and A field in Pennsylvania

this is what the Real American Spirit Is all about they will be in Our hearts, our prayers and Our memories forever. The firefighters, policemen, EMT's, and rescue workers Always digging Always hoping Hoping to find Just one

Alive But so far only five Have been found Rescue workers themselves Lost Trying to save another life They are the Real American Hero's They are the pride of America.

The buildings themselves Still burn The hope inside our hearts Still burns The passion to find Someone alive Will never Burn away

No, not like The fuel That melted the steel Of the towers No fuel can ever Melt the steel of The American heart Two building Will be built again But so many lives Will never be Lived again.

13, 2001


The Enemy of America

Who is the enemy of America? Where is the enemy of America? Does he come from another country? Or another land? No! He is within our own borders. He is within our own hearts. He is hatred. Hatred for anyone or anything That is not white or black. If he is not Christian He is not one of us. Hatred is the truest Enemy of America. We have cultivated it To the fullest of it's Potential. Can we ever hope To rid ourselves of This hatred Only by living By the golden rule. "Love thy neighbor, As thyself."

The Ghosts of New York

The ghosts of New York Lay silent tonight. Grieving for the souls Of the lost. For the ones That will never be found. For the son Whose baseball games Will forever Be missed By the father Who should be there Cheering him on.

For the child That lays in Her bed crying For the mother Who will never Come home.

The ghosts of New York Lay silent tonight But tomorrow Their weeping, Their moaning Will begin again. Those ghosts of New York.
14, 2001 Sept.

Stood Proud
Your presence is Still felt here. It hangs over the city Like smoke from A long dead cigar. Your dead still Cry out for. Your children still Weep for you The skeleton of steel That once stood proud, So straight and tall Is now twisted And small on the ground Will it ever be the same? Will we ever discover the Secrets you hide Beneath the layers Of concrete and metal And glass? This that was once Your body, you heart, Your lungs, your skin. ! Someday we might, Someday we hope. But then again, You may have Other plans To keep Your secrets to yourself. I can hear your terror. I can hear your screams, Your fears. As you came crashing down Why? Who would do such a Thing to you? You will live again. This I promise you. You will be bigger and Better than before This I promise you This America promises you

America Rebuilds?
America rebuilds? America rebuilds? America rebuilds? What does America Need to rebuild? Its sense of hope? Its sense of pride? Its sense of family? Its sense of love? Its sense of sharing? Its sense of kindness? Its sense of strength? Its sense of caring? Its sense of goodness? Its sense forgiveness? I always thought America Had all these things. So again, I ask America rebuilds? Has America lost its Innocence? Has America lost its Spirituality? Has America lost its Vulnerability? Has America lost its Ability to survive

I have asked myself These questions A dozen times Yet , there is Still one more question To be asked Has America lost its Heros No!!!! (To all questions)

Wake Up
Wake up! America Live again Are you going to Let them win? Are you going to let Them think Theyve won? But as we set at home Watching tv Waiting To see if anything New is Happening

Theyre over there Wherever there is Dancing in the The motels are empty. Streets The clubs are empty. Laughing at us! The beaches are empty. Laughing! The malls are empty.

Saying Those stupid Americans To stupid, to scared To go out of their Homes, to horrified To walk the dog, To afraid to go To the store We accomplished What we set out to do! But I say Wake Up America

Dont let them Think they have Us now. Do what you Normally do. Plan a wedding Go on vacation, Go to work, Buy a car, be happy! Do whatever it is That makes you happy But WAKE UP!

Sea of Tears
Ive come to the Sea. But instead of the Endless blue and the waves Crashing on a sandy beach All I can see is a Sea of pictures. Tears from a Mother who will never Hold her child again Tears from a Father wishing he could Hear a laugh jjust one more time. Tears from a Son wanting to know That he was loved. Tears from a Daughter wondering who will Walk her down the aisle now.

For I have come to the Wall of prayers But to me all I can see is A sea of tears.

Tears from a Child never knowing Who his parents really were. Tears from the World wishing that Innocent people didnt have to die. Today, Ive Added A few more tears to the sea.

I had seen the Reflections of This great city. I have seen the Reflections of More people than you can imagine. I had seen the Reflections of Sunsets and daybreaks But the last Reflection I ever remember seeing Was the reflection Of hate.

A Letter to My Children
To: My children of Israel and Palestine: Why do you fight my children? What do you fight over? A piece of land? For this you kill in m y name? When have I ever asked you to kill for me? When have I ever said kill in the name of God? Israel, you are my chosen people, yet each time I see one of you kill another, I weep for you, This is not what IK have asked of you. Can there not be peace in the middle east? Can you not share one small strip of land? Compared with everything else I have given you. Please my children.

Palestine, the child of the prophet Mohammad, the worshipper of Allah, the lover of peace. Yet, you have the capacity to kill. Who do you kill? Why do you kill? Over a strip of land where the prophet walked? Can you not share this land with the other worshippers? They would sanctify the land just as you. Do you not understand? Do neither of you understand? To both people the land is holy. To both people the land is sanctified. It means just as much to you oh Israel, as a child of God. As it does to you, oh Palestine, the child of Mohammad, the prophet of Allah. So again I ask, why do you fight over a piece of land? When both God and

I do not ask for a 7-year treaty. I do not ask for an end of time. I only ask for an understanding between two countries that are so much alike they cannot see it. They cannot see through the hatred, through the years of fighting, of death and destruction of life and limb. Please , oh child of Palestine, oh child of Israel Look in a mirror! Does not your skin have the same tone? Does

If you are cut, do you not bleed? If you are shot, do you not die? So again, I ask, why do you fight? For what purpose do you fight? In the end, when you have grown old and weary of fighting, when you have put down your guns and your knives and have laid down on your death bed to die. When you are asked if the fight was worth. What will you say? Will you say in the end, is it really worth it? October 7, 2001

The Words
United We Stand Have we ever really Thought of what those Three little words Mean Have we ever really Wondered what those Thirteen letters mean Before September 11, 2001 The United States Never gave a thought To what those Three words and Thirteen letters meant But now it seems That everywhere you Go, and everyone you Talk to, finally knows What those words mean

The Flag
Most people Know what The thirteen stripes Stand for The thirteen colonies Most people Know that The red is for The blood That has been Spilled In the fighting for Freedom Most people know that The white is for The purity of The American heart Most people Know that The fifty stars Are for Each state born into The Union of The United States

But what of the blue? The blue is For the brave.

The brave spirit Of those who have died For this country. For the boys in blue Who died one September morn

For those who gave their all When none was asked For those whose names Well never know and The names well never forget For those who fight For freedom For freedoms sake To the ones who came Before To the ones who are there Now And the ones who are To be

The flag of The United States Will always be a Symbol of Who America is America is YOU!

In the 1920s It was the Bolsheviks Killing the Russian nobility Over the power In Russia In the 1930s It was Hitler Killing 6 million Jews Just because he Hated the Jewish culture On December 7, 1944 It was the Japanese Bombing Pearl Harbor Killing 2,400 Navy men In the 1950s It was the Possibility of a Nuclear war With Russia In the 1960s It was the death of a dreamer And the deaths of Two Kennedy's Then we went to Vietnam and Korea In the 1970s Our boys came Home from Vietnam But not to parades and A heros welcfome Agent Orange Was their only friend

In the 1980s Reagan tried To build up What had been Taken apart But no one paid Much heed

Then in 93 Eighteen boys were Dead In Somalia All because someone Said they did not need More equipment

Then came Bush With him Our boys went to the Persian Gulf where A tyrant wanted Kuwait for his own We pushed him out But did not Kill The tyrant

Later that same year The World Trade Center Was bombed From the basement We caught those Who tried to Down the towers Seems to me Osama Bin Laden Financed it

The in 1995 The Federal Building In Oklahoma city It was bombed First the people Blamed Osama Bin Laden But the culprit Turned out to be American born and bred What about 1998 The US Embassy bombing In Africa? Killing almost 300 Could it be Al-Queda was there?

Then last year The USS Cole Came home With a hole Blown in her side They took 17 soldiers To Heaven that day. How were we To know that Just 11 months later Osama Bin Laden and The Taliban Would strike again? The World Trade Center Came down this time Then the Pentagon Then the heros Ina a field In Pennsyvania

All in all That day Almost 7,000 people died Almost 10,000 people were injured More than ever before Will it ever happen again? Please, dear God No

This one was written in the first two or three days after the attack. That was what the numbers were at that time. Now we know that the number was under 4,000. Still that 4,000 to many Deanna Nov 7,2007

To the Boys in Blue;

How many times Have I heard You say Anyone would have Done the same But you were The one that Was there You were The one that Reached out Your hand that Saved a life. Taking a chance With you life Its what you do Its what you live And die for To you It may be Just a job But it still Takes a hell of a person To put their Life one the line Each and everyday

For people they Dont even know And wont ever see again So, fro9m all of us Whove been Saved by you We just Wanted to say Thank you Boys in Blue

We could never have A truer friend Than you We could never ask For a truer brother Than you Whenever we have Called And sometimes Before we have Called You have always Been there You have never said Nay or maybe Tomorrow But when and where Are we needed Sometimes I wonder why Dear Britannia Why do you Come to our aid Why do you Come to the aid of A fledgling country Who tried so Hard to be Rid of you Some 250 years ago Could it be That you see

Thanks Britannia
Yourself in us That maybe You forgave us Could it be that You see yourself In our democracy Dear, sweet Britannia May you Never go away May your lives Be as sweet and wonderful As the friendship and Brotherhood You have always given to America. I grew up with a Dad who absolutely adored anything and everything to do with Great Britain. So hence , I am a fan of the country myself. This was partly written for my dad who neve4r got to say thank you to the British people. And partly from me,.

One World
People Around the world Watched in horror One clear, bright September morn As four planes Became weapons of Mass destruction Almost 7,000 people Died that day Some say Others say theyll never Really know, theyll never Find all the ones from the upper floors But yet some thing Miraculous happened That day

Something the hijackers Never expected The world stopped Being the many And became One world for All

The Night that Santa Cried

Just the other day, a child came and sat on Santas lap. It was just last Thursday, I do believe. Such a beautiful little girl. But she looked so sad. As I looked at her mom, I saw some tears in her eyes. As she said, Tell Santa what you want for Christmas. Whats your name little girl? Dani Why are you so sad? This is the best time of the year! Santa, if I tell you what I want for Christmas , will you try t9o bring it? Of course, doesnt Santa always try and get good little girls and boys what they want for Christmas? You have been good, Dani, havent you?

Yes, she said in a small, thin voice. Bit Santa, I dont know if you can get this one. What is it child, I noticed the mothers tears were really flowing now as if expecting what Dani wanted for Christmas. Santa, 3 months ago, my daddy died when two buildings came down. My mommys been really, really sad ever since that day, she hasnt stopped crying yet. And my older brother just gets mad and leaves the house whenever we try and talk about daddy. My mamma and papaw just hug me all the time and pat me on the head, and say that it gets easier and easier. What gets easier? Living without daddy? Santa, what I want for Christmas is for us to be a family again. Oh, I know that daddys in Heaven. I know that hes not coming back. I just want

Mommy to stop crying g all the time and my brother to stop being so mad. I want us to be a family at Christmas like we ued to be. Santa, if you could give me that , it would be the best present of them all. I sat there stunned, struggling to say not quite knowing what to say. Struggling to keep back the tears. For this child had asked for the peace that the world was struggling for. She had the courage to say what so many of us had thought. I looked to Heaven and said a little prayer, then took a breath and began to speak. Dani, you know that your daddy is in Heaven and he looks down on you and hes become, well hes become your guardian angel . Hell be there whenever you need him. And

Someday mommy will stop crying and your brother will stop being so mad. But Dani, youll never stop being a family. Whenever you think you have stopped being a family, draw everybody close together and remind them that you love them and that daddy still loves them to. I sat back and held my breath, wondering what she would say. I noticed the mother was drying her tears as a teenaged boy came walking up and put his arm around her. They smiled at each other. Dani noticed this also and exclaimed, Oh Santa thank you for the most wonderful present ever! She kneeled on my lap and put her little arms around my neck and gave an old wrinkled face a very light and gentle kiss.

As she was about to jump down, I reminded her, Dont you want a picture with Santa? Okay, answered Dani. So one of my elves took the picture. She started to jump down again, then I beckoned towards her mother and brother and said, How about one with the whole family, Santas treat? As they gathered around me, I motioned to the elf to take two pictures. One for them, and one for me. As they were waiting for the pictures, I asked Danis mother, What was your husbands name? Didnt Dani tell you, its the same as hers. Danny spelled with a y After I got home that night, I sat down and

Out the picture of Dani and her mom and her brother. As I thought about what she had said, that was the night that Santa cried. December 15, 2001

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