Measure of dispersion of an asset price about its mean level over a fixed time interval. Careful modelling crucial for the valuation of options and of portfolios containing options.
Mean Stock Price: Rs. 50 Standard Deviation: 14.14 Average Option Payoff: Rs. 15
Mean Stock Price: Rs. 50 Standard Deviation: 7.07 Average Option Payoff: Rs. 7.5
Historical Volatility
Assumptions: No intermediate cash flows Independent returns: todays return is high or low reveals nothing about tomorrows return
Calculation Return on an asset (rt) = (Pt-Pt-1)/Pt-1 Average return from period t=1 to period t=T
R = rt / T
Variance = (rt R)2/T-1 Standard Deviation = (Variance)1/2
Deterministic models assume that volatility can be perfectly predicted from its history and other observable information. Stochastic volatility implies that the future level of the volatility cannot be perfectly predicted using information available today.
Stochastic Models
Volatility is driven by a random source that is different from the random source driving the asset returns process, although the two random sources may be correlated with each other.
Deterministic Models
An investor can hedge the risk from the asset price by trading an option and a risk-free asset based on a risk exposure computed using an option pricing formula.
An investor in the options market bears the additional risk of a randomly evolving volatility.
The investor incurs only the risk from a randomly evolving asset price.
The term autoregressive refers to the element of persistence in the modelled volatility and the term conditional heteroscedasticity describes the presumed dependence of current volatility on the level of volatility realized in the past. GARCH places greater weight on more recent squared returns than on more distant squared returns; consequently, ARCH models are able to capture volatility clustering.
Variance is calculated from a long run average variance rate, VL, as well as past variance and returns.
It can be seen that variance calculated from the GARCH model follows a mean reversal property. Over time, the variance tends to get pulled back to the long term average of VL.
Stochastic Volatility
Future level of the volatility cannot be perfectly predicted using information available today. Popularity grew because distributions of the asset returns exhibit fatter tails than those of the normal distribution. Consistent with the fat tails of the distribution implying for eg. that out of the money options would be underpriced by the Black Scholes Model.
where e1,t and e2,t are two standard normal random variables that could be correlated with each another, either positively or negatively, with a correlation coefficient, r.
The particular nature of the process ensures that volatility reflects away from zero: if volatility ever becomes zero, then the nonzero k ensures that volatility will become positive
Implied Volatility
Implied volatility of options is determined by market maker's assessment of public expectations regarding events that might change the value of an option. In one sided markets, market makers are charged with the obligation to sell options to buyers in order maintain liquidity. They then increase the value of the options through increasing their assessment of implied volatility so as to reap profit. And when market is selling off options, market makers charged with the obligation to buy, lower the price of the options by lowering their assessment of implied volatility.
Implied volatility should be analyzed on a relative basis. Look at the peaks to determine when implied volatility is relatively high, and troughs when implied volatility is relatively low. Implied volatility moves in cycles. High volatility periods are followed by low volatility periods, and vice versa.
Volatility Index is a measure of markets expectation of volatility over the near term.
Volatility Index is a good indicator of the investors perception on how volatile markets are expected to be in the near term.
About VIX
VIX is a trademarked ticker symbol for the Chicago Board Options Exchange Market Volatility Index, a popular measure of the implied volatility of S&P 500 index options.
The idea of a volatility index, and financial instruments based on such an index, was first developed and described in 1986, and first published in "New Financial Instruments for Hedging Changes in Volatility," appearing in the July/August 1989 issue of Financial Analysts Journal. In 1992, the CBOE commissioned Prof. Robert Whaley to create a stock market volatility index based on index option prices.
Based on the history of index option prices, Prof. Whaley computed daily VIX levels in a data series commencing January 1986, available on the CBOE website. Prof. Whaley's research for the CBOE appeared in the Journal of Derivatives.
The VIX is quoted in percentage points and translates, roughly, to the expected movement in the S&P 500 index over the upcoming 30-day period, which is then annualized.
About VIX
Although the VIX is often called the "fear index", a high VIX is not necessarily bearish for stocks. Instead, the VIX is a measure of market perceived volatility in either direction, including to the upside. In practical terms, when investors anticipate large upside volatility, they are unwilling to sell upside call stock options unless they receive a large premium. Option buyers will be willing to pay such high premiums only if similarly anticipating a large upside move. The resulting aggregate of increases in upside stock option call prices raises the VIX just as does the aggregate growth in downside stock put option premiums that occurs when option buyers and sellers anticipate a likely sharp move to the downside.
When the market is believed as likely to soar as to plummet, writing any option that will cost the writer in the event of a sudden large move in either direction may look equally risky.
Uses of VIX
Tracking the prices of financial options on VIX, gives a numeric measure of how pessimistic or optimistic market actors at large are. A low number in this index indicates a prevailing optimistic or confident investor outlook for the future, while a high number indicates a pessimistic outlook. By comparing the VIX to the major stock-indexes over longer periods of time, it is evident that peaks in this index generally present good buying opportunities. Uses Hedging Help in taking trading positions Spot mispriced options Sector specific hedging
Higher the implied volatility higher the India VIX value and vice versa.
India VIX uses the computation methodology of CBOE, with suitable amendments to adapt to the NIFTY options order book using cubic splines, etc "VIX" is a registered trademark of the CBOE and Standard & Poors has granted a license to NSE, with permission from CBOE, to use such mark in the name of the India VIX and for purposes relating to the India VIX.
Time to expiry:
Computed in minutes instead of days.
Interest Rate:
The relevant tenure NSE MIBOR rate (i.e 30 days or 90 days) as risk-free interest rate.
Bid-Ask Quotes
Best bid and ask quotes of OTM option contracts are used for computation of India VIX. In respect of strikes for which appropriate quotes are not available, values are arrived through interpolation using a statistical method namely Natural Cubic Spline After identification of the quotes, the variance (volatility squared) is computed separately for near and mid month expiry.
Volatility Smiles
Volatility Smile
It is the relationship between implied volatility and strike price for options with a certain maturity The volatility smile for European call options should be exactly the same as that for European put options The same is at least approximately true for American options
Why the Volatility Smile is the Same for European Calls and Put
Put-call parity p + S0eqT = c +K erT holds for market prices (pmkt and cmkt) and for Black-Scholes-Merton prices (pbs and cbs) As a result, pmkt pbs=cmkt cbs When pbs = pmkt, it must be true that cbs = cmkt It follows that the implied volatility calculated from a European call option should be the same as that calculated from a European put option when both have the same strike price and maturity
Strike Price
At-the-money options tend to have lower volatilities that inor out-of-the-money options
Lognormal Implied
Both tails are heavier than the lognormal distribution It is also more peaked than the lognormal distribution
>1 SD
>2SD >3SD >4SD
5.27 1.34 0.29
4.55 0.27 0.01
The Volatility Smile for Equity Options (Figure 19.3, page 414)
Implied Volatility
Strike Price
Lognormal Implied
The left tail is heavier than the lognormal distribution The right tail is less heavy than the lognormal distribution
Volatility Surface
The implied volatility as a function of the strike price and time to maturity is known as a volatility surface
Greek Letters
If the Black-Scholes price, cBS is expressed as a function of the stock price, S, and the implied volatility, simp, the delta of a call is
At the money implied volatilities are higher that in-the-money or out-of-the-money options (so that the smile is a frown!)
There appears to be a correlation between the volatility smile, the bond rating for the company, and the % short value, which gives a percentage that the companys stock price will drop. Good companies with shallow smiles have good bond ratings and low percent shorts and vise versa.
MDE scaled to an S of 100 by taking: Scaled MDE = (MDE*100)/concurrent underlying Negative sign added to scaled MDE if in the option pair, the higher K option has lower implied volatility than the lower K option