Understanding Paintings: Krishnan, GTC Talk

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Understanding paintings

Krishnan, GTC Talk

Seeing vs Looking
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Seeing involves opening your eyes Looking involves opening your mind and taxing your intellect Look, dont just see !

Six guidelines for looking at paintings

Subject Sometimes historical or mythological figures Techniques Use of oil paints, frescos Symbolism Many paintings use language of symbolism and allegory that was understood by the artists and audiences of the time Space and light Artists mastery in creating space and light Historical Style Each historical period had a style Renaissance to Modern times Personal Interpretation What you see with your knowledge of history, symbolism and techniques

Bacchus and Ariadne

Each painting has specific subject with meaningful message Subjects could be mythological figures

The Arnolfini marriage

By Jan Van Eyck Known for mastery in oil paint

The supper at Emmaus

Recognizable objects stand for abstract ideas and concepts

Las Meninas
All artists have to create an illusion of space and light in different ways

What creates a masterpiece

Virtuosity Skills + knowledge and imagination Innovation Rewriting the existing rules Giotto and Picasso Patronage Catholic church and Royal coursts Artistic vision Michelangelos ceiling

Fresco is a technique of mural painting Executed upon freshly laid lime plaster Water is used as vehicle for the pigment With setting of the plaster, painting becomes part of the wall

The annunciation
By Guido de Pietro at the Fra Angelico Altarpiece Things to look for
A closed garden symbolizing Marys purity Classical architecture slender corinthian columns Archangel Gabriel Youthful, energetic Halo around Mary Handmaiden of God verses upside down (so God could read them) Gothic style of Marys chair Holy spirit dove as the symbol

Giotto: The adoration of the magi

The adoration of the Magi

Painted at the Arena chapel c. 1304-1306 by Giotto de Bondone (1267-1337) Things to look for
Peoples position and character The country lad in ill-fitting clothes Kneeling king Caspar sign of humility Mountainous scenery Shooting star Giotto had seen a comet

Adoration - Hieronymous Bosch

The Deposition
By Roger van der Weyden Look for
The similarities in posture of Mary (with blue robe) and Christ The plain clothes on the left and royal clothes on the right offset one less person on the right Bracketing by people on the side focuses attention on Christ and Mary The skull symbolises Adam (Christ was crucified at spot where Adam was buried, one signifying fall and the other the rise)

A dance to the music of time

Painting by Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) Four allegorical figures: Pleasure, wealth, industry and poverty Look for
Circular motion of dance in a triangle Permanence and transcience Statue of two faced Janus with flowers Poverty and wealth holding hands

The oath of the Horatii

By Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) War between Roman Horatii and Alba Coratii Theme of heroism and civic virtue, painted before the French revolution Look for
Strong profiles of soldiers, gentle curves of the sisters Child pushing grandmothers hand to look at the swords Austere columns signifying masculinity and military

The experiment with the air pump

By Joseph Wright Things to look for
The experiment: Will the bird survive if oxygen is pumped out in a home setting typical of 18th century The lovers: not attentive to the experiment The scientist: looks of a magician The person with the clock: Timing the experiment The girls reassured by their father The boy not sure if the cage should be lowered/needed The philosopher pondering the consequences The moon: Sign of enlightenment

The Hay Wain

By John Constable Quintessential English painting, painted in Suffolk, green countryside Things to look for
Washerwoman in front of cottage Dog drawing attention Cooling the horses Clouds and the pattern of light

The awakening conscience

By William Holman Hunt Look for
Depiction of luxurious items in the girls house Nostalgic song Oft in the silly night about a woman reflecting on her childhood innocence Cat and bird Reflecting that salvation is possible for the woman Discarded glove The womans fate if she does not mend her ways

The vanities of life

By Harmen SteenWyck Shell represents wealth Chronometer represents finite time, the sword (a symbol of power) reminds power is powerless before death Reminded of vanities of love (shawm) and knowledge (book) Extinguished lamp depicts life may end anytime

Impressionist paintings
No story to tell or moral to communicate
Common ordinary subject matter

Had pre-mixed colors in metal tubes, earlier artist had to mix the colors himself Renoir Girl with a hoop

Autumn effect at Argentuil

By Claude Monet Look for
Rainbow palette Bold brushstrokes at the bottom, finer with distance Reflected images Rippling of the wind on the right

The bedroom at Arles

By Vincent Van Gogh, 1888 Color is everything, can suggest emotion regardless of the subject Unsophisticated and authentic Look for
Thick brushstrokes Violet walls in harmony with green windows and contrast with yellow beds/chairs Portraits of Van Gogh and his sister on the wall

Le Grande Jatte
By Georges Seurat Technique of divisionism instead of mixing colors, put them separately and let the eye mix it Look for
Boating on the Seine and Woman fishing Mixing of the classes Perspective scheme Woman with umbrella larger supposed to be seen at 45 degrees

A bar at the Folies-Bergere

By Eduardo Manet Set in a Paris night club Look for
Mirror Inaccurate reflections depicting difference in time between subject and reflection Difference in drinks (champagne and beer) depicting different classes of society

Guernica - Picasso

Painted during Spanish civil war Look out for
Bull depicting brutality Woman with dead child Severed head Horse Woman with hands up raised to protect from bombs

WikiPaintings site

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