Casting Defects
Casting Defects
Casting Defects
WARPAGE:-It is unintentional & undesirable deformation in casting that occurs during or after solidification. -Due to different rates of solidification different section of casting, stresses are set up in adjoining walls & resulting in warpage in those areas. -It can be prevented by producing large areas with wavy, corrugated construction, or add sufficient ribs or to provide equal cooling rates in all areas.
SAND HOLES:-Sand holes are found on external surface or inside the casting. -They are caused by loose sand washing into mould cavity & fusing into interior of casting. -It can be prevented by proper cleaning of mould & careful pouring of molten metal.
SHRINKAGE CAVITY:-Shrinkage cavity is a void or depression in casting caused mainly by uncontrolled & haphazard solidification of metal. -It can be prevented by applying principle of directional solidification in mould design & by judicious use of chills, padding, etc.
PIN HOLES:-Pinholes are numerous small holes, usually visible on surface of casting cleaned by shot blasting. -They are caused by sand with high moisture content, absorption of H2 or CO2 gases. -It can be minimized by using good melting & fluxing practices, by reducing moisture content of moulding sand & by promoting rapid rate of solidification.
SWELL:-Swell is the enlargement of mould cavity by metal pressure. -It is caused by improper or defective ramming of the mould. -It can be prevented by ramming of sand should be properly & evenly.
SCRABS:-Scrabs are sort of projection on casting that occur when portion of face of mould or core lift & metal flow underneath in thin layer.
-Scrabs can be identified as rough, irregular projection on surface containing embedded sand.
-It can be eliminated by mixing additives such as wood flour, sea coal into sand.
HOT TEARS:-It has internal or external cracks having ragged edges occurring immediately after metal has solidifies.
-It may be produced if casting is poorly designed & abrupt sectional changes take place, no proper fillet & corner radii are provided. -It can be eliminated by improving design, proper directional solidification, rate of cooling, correct pouring temperature & control of mould hardness.
-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING:It includes picking up few sample, cutting them pieces where defects are suspected & examined their sectioned surface to find out internal defects.
-VISUAL INSPECTION:-It comprises of inspecting the surface of casting either with naked eye or sometimes with the help of magnifying glass or suitable microscope.
-Almost all castings are subjected to some form of visual test. -The use of this method is confined to those defects only which appear on surface visualize blows, swells, surface cracks, shrinkages, surface porosity etc.
-RADIOGRAPHY TEST:-Radiographic test involve the use of light rays of relatively shorter wave lengths. -The rays used for this purpose are x-ray & -rays. -The portion of the casting where defects are suspected, is exposed to x-rays. A cassette containing an x-ray film is placed behind & in contact with casting perpendicular to the rays. During exposure, the x-ray penetrate the casting & thus affect x-ray film.
-Since most of defects like blow holes, porosities, cracks etc. are less dense than the sound metal of casting, they transmit x-rays better than sound, metal does. So film appears to be more dark where defects are in line of x-ray beam. -A better penetration through metal is obtained by using -rays on account of shorter wave length. --rays are used where x-ray can not be used. --rays are emitted by both Radium & Cobalt 60.
-ULTRASONIC TESTING:-It is more sensitive method & is capable of revealing the internal defects of casting. -It is based on principle of reflection & transmission of high frequency sound waves. -Test consists of producing an ultrasonic sound & passing its wave through casting.
-Wherever continuity of casting will break due to crack or void the sound wave will be reflected from there, otherwise wave will be reflected back only after travelling through the whole of the cutting. In this two cases time taken by the wave in returning will differ. This is recorded on an Oscillograph.
-The various length of time so obtained will reveal the exact location of defect & also the extent to which it is present.