Confidential Report

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Confidential Report

Presented By : Rupak Rakesh (118921)

Descriptive report prepared by the employees superior generally at the year ending Assessment done on various traits Highlights strength and weakness of an employee Graphical rating tool is generally used No feedback mechanism Negative comment affect the career growth Its a type of individual Evaluation method

Appraiser makes the assessment Assessment may be on performance or traits

The report is written by the superior who may be favourable to some candidates The report fails to give feedback for improvement. Although some companies later introduced some mechanism to provide negative feedback to appraisee, showing him the areas for improvement The ACR is generally yearly basis so continuous feedback is absent Inefficient performance management system as it lacks feedback and development

ACR in Indian Railway

Confidential Report (CR) is prepared for Railway employees in Group A, B, C at the end of each Financial Year. It is written by immediate superior who must take into account performance of concerned railway staff over the period. Senior subordinates and officers to be given targets in advance and work is to be reviewed periodically. At the end of year Railway employee gives self-assessment along with resume of work done and reasons for shortfalls. Reporting officer must fill up each column and make overall assessment based on assessment in each column based on actual performance and matters on record.

Form covers general qualities, professional abilities, integrity, intelligence, tact, industry, keenness, attitude to SC/ST, to superiors, equals and subordinates, general conduct and character, sociability, aptitudes and shortcomings etc. Whenever an entry is based on actual incident it should be indicated. Resume given by the employee should also be considered. Reporting officer will submit report to Reviewing officer who may make his own assessment and record changes if necessary. Report is finally put up to accepting authority.

ACR is one of the oldest method of appraisal method. Though it has limitations but with changing scenario many changes has been made to the ACR evaluation and improvement.

References, visited on 14-10-2012 at 10:38 P.M. 20Potential%20Appraisal/Performance%20and%20Potential%20Ap praisal/Methods%20of%20Performance%20Appraisal.html, visited on 14-10-2012 at 10:40 P.M., visited on 15-10-2012 at 7:10 P.M., visited on 15-10-2012 at 9:45 P.M., visited on 1510-2012 at 10:45 P.M.



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