What is Huna?
Huna is a Hawaiian word meaning "the secret. I define it as a simple and Powerful magickal system of managing ones life.
The Hawaiin name for eternal, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent power. "source of life, also mean "the great Mystery. "union," signifying that union with that mystery is both possible and desirable. And it is no accident that both syllables of Huna, "the secret," also carry meanings of union.
IKE (Awareness)
1. The World Is What I Think It Is. This is the basic principle of Huna, and it means that I create my own personal experience of reality through my beliefs, expectations, attitudes, desires, fears, judgments, feelings, and consistent or habitual thoughts and actions. This principle also contains the idea that by changing my thinking I can change my world.
MAKIA (concentration )
3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes. The thoughts and feelings that you dwell on, in full awareness or not, form the blueprint for bringing into your life the nearest available equivalent experience to those same thoughts and feelings. Directed attention is the channel for the flow of biological as well as cosmic energy. Attention Goes Where Energy Flows.
MANA (energy.)
6. All Power Comes From Within. As mentioned above, there is no power outside of I because the power of God, or the Universe, works through me in my life. I am the active channel for that power; my choices and decisions direct it. No other person can have power over me or my destiny unless you decide to let him or her have it.
PONO (Effectiveness)
7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth. Absolute concepts do not exist. In an infinite universe, which Huna postulates, there cannot be an absolute truth. Instead, there must be an effective and workable truth at an individual level of consciousness. This principle is very practical one which assists me to organize and act upon information in the most effective way for my outcome, so that "facts" do not disturb the way of effectiveness. Any organization or system of knowledge is seen as convenient, not factual ,because a different organization of the same knowledge could be just as valid for other purposes. Another way of saying this is that all Systems are arbitrary, so I feel free to use what works. What ever works is Huna!
1. The Subconscious. ku, or unihipili. 2. The Conscious Mind. lono or uhane. 3. The Superconscious. aumakua orkumupa'a or ao'ao. 4. The Soul. iho. 5. The energy body of the individual. Aka. 6. The energy of the individuaL. Mana. 7. The physical body, or kino.
1. I have the power (ability) to . . . 2. I have the right (I deserve) to . . . 3. I have the desire to . . . 4. I have the will (determination) to , . .
Expansion of Awareness
Armor of Mana
Rapport by Mana
Peace (maluhia). Think of scenes of quiet beauty, like deep forests, open meadows, sunrises and sunsets; or scenes of people ceasing to fight and reaching out to hug; or whatever idea the word evokes in you.
Love {aloh}. Think of children playing happily together; of being held and cuddled by someone who really loves you; of people doing great and daring things for each other with no thought of return; of scenes of acceptance, caring, forgiving; of anything else the word evokes in you.
Love {aloh}. Think of children playing happily together; of being held and cuddled by someone who really loves you; of people doing great and daring things for each other with no thought of return; of scenes of acceptance, caring, forgiving; of anything else the word evokes in you.
Success (pono). Think of scenes that represent your highest ideals of achievement; of the attainment of important goals; of joyful accomplishment of any kind (These may be "spiritual" or "material." In Huna there is no distinction when it is done with a loving attitude).
E lawe i ke ao a malama, a e 'oi mau ka na'auao. (He who takes his teachings and applies them increases his knowledge.) A Hawaiian proverb