Chart Corection Course
Chart Corection Course
Chart Corection Course
TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: Class start as per schedule time. 1700h 0900h to
Upkeep of nautical Charts & Publications is a SOLAS / VMS / Oil Major requirement.
VIQ Reference
Who supplies information, updates and data for affected charts and publications?
Hydrographic agency, volunteers and other government or non government bodies will not spent times, resources and efforts to collect and gathered any relevant information, if they think that update charts doesnt have an important role to the seafarers for safe navigations and for the protection of environment.
( refer to NTM H102 & H102A)
Why paper charts and publications, instead of electronic equipments and computers?
Even with space age technologies and fast growing development of sophisticated computers and electronics, most likely modern ships constructed and built today, depend on the clients requirements, may be fitted with latest and perhaps futuristic design of electronic charts, such as ENCs and ECDIS, however sophisticated equipments are, (under current legislations) they are supported or back up by paper bound copy of charts and publications
VMS FOP 5.8 Responsible Officer The Second Officer is responsible to the Master for the proper correction and maintenance of all charts and navigational publications. The correction of Light Lists and Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals may be delegated to the Third Officer.
Chart Correction Course How to apply updates on paper charts and publication properly?
Updating Chart is done manually and eventually, booklets and publications are available for guide and reference. e.g. NP 294 (discussed later within the course) Note: Procedures on how to update chart manually will discuss on practical exercises.
What references or publications that will assist to update the chart properly?
PRODUCTS UP-TO- DATE 5th Edition 2010 (new)
1. Pens
You need two pens with different sizes of nib, 0.18mm and 0.25mm. Use a 0.18mm nib to INSERT information and 0.25mm nib to DELETE. To achieve optimum performance, the maintenance of these pens must be followed according to manufacturers instructions.
2. Ink
The colour should be violet so that you can see you corrections clearly under all light conditions. Also they will be clearly seen by Port State, Flag State, Class and Insurance surveyor inspections teams.
2B - softer pencil also used and prefer by mariner for chartworks 7H This is hard pencil with a sharp point for pin-pointing positions when using either a parallel rule and dividers or a Chart Correction Overlay (Tracing ). A Tracing is a useful tool for positioning of correcting quickly 4. Eraser This should be soft and used only for rubbing out pencil marks/tracks on charts. Soft eraser is recommended because it prolongs the life of a chart and will not obliterate important information printed on the chart.
NP 133A Paper Chart Maintenance Record ( formerly called Chart Correction Log)
This publication lists every chart numerically and is used to record corrections (by their NM number ) against any chart affected.
Entries are to be made in ink for permanent corrections. The notice number to be recorded against the Chart affected within NP133A. Once the Chart is corrected in ink cross out the relevant ANM number in pencil within NP133A
Refer to page 16 of NP294 4th edition 2007 & example on page 17
New Slide 16 a
New Slide 16 b
New Slide 18
Publications used
1. NP 133A 2. NP 234 a & b 3. Chart 5011 4. NP 247 5. NP 131
Chart Correction Course Where all these updates affecting the charts and publications can be found ? and who supply?
Weekly Edition of Admiralty Notices to Mariners
The Company forwards the British Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners and Tracing to each vessel at regular intervals.
Ref : V.Ships Management system ( VMS )
Admiralty Charts and Publications Now Published and Available Admiralty Charts and Publications to be Published
Section IA Temporary and Preliminary Notices (Monthly) This section contains a list of T & P notices cancelled during the previous month and a list of those T & P notices previously published and still in force Section IB Current Hydrographic Publications (Quarterly)
Information is provided on Hydrographic Publications at the end of March, June, September and December
Charts Updates The first Notice in Section II refers to Miscellaneous Updates to Charts.
A 2087* ENGLAND B East Coast -the Wash - Lynn Deeps, Bulldog Channel.. C Light List Vol A, 2004/05, 2376.2 D Source : MRCC Yarmouth, Port of Wisbech Authority E Note: former Notice 1966(P/03)
F Chart 1200 (INT 1556) F ( plan, F, Kings Lynn) [previous update 5154/03] ETRS89 DATUM
The NM number in the current year which should be recorded at the bottom left hand corner of the chart after you have corrected the chart. An asterisk indicates that the notice is based on original information The title includes the geographical area or country, a more specific region or port and the nature of the correction.
When the update affects a light and/or radio signal, the relevant Admiralty List of Lights and/or Admiralty List of Radio Signals volume and appropriate number will be shown
The source of the information is shown under the title of the NM
Occasionally an informative Note is included. These notes may be used to indicate such things as a T or P NM being cancelled by the promulgation of that particular chart update, when other chart affected by the source information will be updated in due course. The NM individually lists each chart affected, showing the relevant part or parts of the update which affect that chart. The text of the update comes next. Be careful when noting positions. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals of a minute, but may occassionally quote seconds for convinience when plotting from the graduation of some charts In some cases, positions may be cross-referenced in this manner.
Aus 395
The miscellaneous NM number to be recorded in the bottom left hand corner of each chart updated. The miscellaneous NM is always the first notice each week The chart to be updated and the previous update number The text of the update to be applied
The instruction to insert new larger scale chart limits is shown like this. Draw a box with these limits and insert the chart number (in this case Aus 676) in a corner of the box clear of other detail.
Temporary and Preliminary NMs The explanatory notes at the beginning of Section 1of the weekly edition includes further explanation. Normally placed on the last pages of section II Temporary Notices May be issued to warn of temporary changes in aids to navigation or to warn you of hazards of a temporary nature. e.g. Naval Exercise. Preliminary Notices May contain the latest information about new permanent developments
SECTION IIA - Reprints of New Zealand NMs Refer to page XX of NP 294 latest edition for further explanation
Equally important is the information contained in these volumes and amendments should be carried out in the same manner as those in the Lists of Lights and Fog Signals
All information is mentioned within relevant Chapters with NP 294 latest edition
Position must be exact. Depths and symbols must be clear. Legends and description must be readable. Remember, you may have to read and understand corrections under a dim light in the teeth of a force 10 storm. Your life and others could depend upon it. It is important that the task of chart correcting is taken seriously and that the highest standards are maintained.
Chart Correction Course What kind of attitude you have to maintain to keep those charts up to date and corrected?
Just remember the word PIER Patience P
Have patience Take initiative Extra effort & time
Be resourceful
End of theory