Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
medicinal, pharmaceutical applications --- biosensing, MRI, optical detection, drug delivery systems, etc., nano market will grow exponentially( $2.6 trillion in 2014) 3 -4 nanotechnology computer projects are introduced into the market.
Risk assessment
nanoparticles can travels anywhere inside our body, can interact with organs, tissues, cellular- sub cellular structures. recently, nanoparticles in direct contact with cells surfaces - 1) results of inflammation, oxidation stress .. leading to diseases. 2) free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in membranes. 3) up + down of genes encoding for specific proteins. cytotoxic
Commonly accepted and followed risk assessment procedures for ordinary chemicals include
Exposure assessment - exposure assessment defines the sources, pathways, routes, and
the uncertainties in the assessment. bad luck -- we do not have this date on nanomaterial
Hazard assessment -
requires a combination of hazard characterization and hazard identification information for the studied agents. There are few g rou ps of experimental parameters: (1) Nanomaterial Information (2 ) Physical Chemical properties an d Material Characterization ( 3 ) Envir onment al Fate (4) Environmental/Mammalian Toxicology ( 5 ) Material safety Eg: EU Commission Nano Safety C luster
Major problem with hazard characterization is due to lack of sufficient knowledge about human dose response relationship ?becuase they use short drug response time. and they do on animals. [the data on clinical toxicity in humans associated with long-term exposure to nanoparticles, including different routes of administrationare essential. (which actually they do not provide this information)]
Hazard identification of nanoparticles represents a complex issue. Toxicity of nanoparticle after entering the cell can occur via one, two, three, four, or a combination of all possible four mechanisms described in NATO Advanced Research WorkshopThefirst mechanism is based on the release of chemical constituents from the nanomateria Second possibility is related to the size and shape of the particle, The third mechanism of toxicity is based on the surface properties of the material, The fourth one involves the capacity of nanomaterials to act as vectors for the transport of other toxic chemicals to sensitive tissues.
Binding of C60 to the extracellular domains of KcsA (top) and Kv1.2 (middle). The dots represent the position of C60 along theMDtrajectory sampled every 0.1 ns starting at position VSD Voltage sensor domains
chemical modifications on carbon nanotubes. Structures 1 and 2 correspond to mono-functionalized CNTs; structures 36 correspond to bi-functionalized CNTs; and structure 7 corresponds to trifunctionalized CNTs.
How simulations were utilized to study the interactions of monolayer and up to few-layer graphene (up to 8 layers) with lipid bilayers
Self-insertion of lipid coated monolayer graphene inside the phospholipid membrane The results of MD simulations by Titov et al. revealed that phospholipid molecules could isolate an embedded graphene layer. At room temperature, graphene could self-insert into a lipid bilayer and remained stable in the interior of the membrane when a micelle is formed around it
What kind of descriptors can be developed for nanostructures? new type of descriptor
a QM point of view, nanoparticles (1100 nm, i.e. 101000 ) are very largesystems. Thus, a cube of gold nanoparticle (100 nm dimension) would have millions of atoms, being too large for standard classical MD and remarkably too large for QM calculations. This complicates or even makes it impossible to perform calculations at the proper level of theory. Because of these limitations some additional approximations and approaches are necessary to determine the proper structural and physical descriptors for nano-QSAR
How nanotech can help me ?( specific to get information for QSAR parameters.)
the experimental descriptors of size distribution, agglomeration state, shape, porosity, and surface area can be developed based on images taken from TEM, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy. A series of images taken by these methods for different particles (various size, shape and porosity) of a given nanostructure can be a source of new important structural information.
The problem with Application of QSAR in the field of Nanotechnology is, protocols were not generalised, they vary with experiement to experiment. We get lot of variables. There were few research groups who tired to evaluate the the descriptors, they introduced lot of variables. They could predict lot of models, stating that they found a relation to describe the toxicity. Guidelines has to be clear, interaction between theoritical and experiemental scientists is must , to find a solution to reduce toxicity from materials.
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