Three Faces of Intellect

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Three Faces of Intellect

Group 1

The Structure of Intellect

Unified theory of Human Intellect
Intellectual Ability Kind of operations performed Cognition Kind of content involved Figural Symbolic Semantic Behavioral

Kind of products

Convergent Thinking Divergent Thinking Evaluation

Relations Systems Transformations Implications

Cubical Model for Structure of Intellect



Classes Relations Systems Transformations Implications

The Cognitive Abilities

All these tests depend on different abilities than what they measure
Figural Units Street Gestalt Completion Test Involves perception of auditory figures, Kinesthetic forms Symbolic Units Disemvoweled Words Scrambled Words Semantic Units Factor of verbal comprehension Vocabulary test

The Cognitive Abilities (contd.)

Classes and Units Relations Systems
Items with different kind of content (semantic, symbolic etc.) Which letter/object does not belong to the group Analogies test cutting across content Test more than the ability to cognize relations Factors have a common core of logical similarity Figural Column: Ordinary space tests (Part V of GZAS) Symbolic elements: Letter Triangle Test

Transformations Implications

Figural: Visualization, surface development tests (Part VI of GZAS) Semantics: Similarity, several ways in which two objects are alike

Individual goes beyond the information given, not draw conclusions

Foresight factors Figural: paper and pencil mazes Semantic: Pertinent Questions

The Memory Abilities

Visual and auditory memory
Only 7 of potential cells have known factors

Symbolic: Series of letters or numbers Semantic: Ideas in paragraph

Three abilities to remember relations: Formation of associations between units such as visual forms, syllables, and meaningful words

Figural: arrangement of objects Semantic: Sequence of Events Difference: person may be able to tell where he saw an object but may not be able to say on which of the several instances

The Divergent Thinking Abilities

Symbolic ability- Fluency Semantic ability: Ideational fluency

Divergent production of class ideas

Spontaneous Flexibility

Ability involving Relations: Associational Fluency Production of Systems: Expressional Fluency Transformations
Figural: Adaptive Flexibility (Match problem) Adaptive Flexibility with Semantics: Originality Symbol Production Test

Elaboration of given problem

The Convergent Production Abilities

12 abilities out of 18 organized Units: Naming Class: Word Grouping, Figure Concept Test Relations: Three known factors involving eduction of corelates Systems Semantic: Ordering tests Transformations Three factors, called redefinition abilities Symbolic: Camouflaged Words, Semantic: Gestalt Transformation Test Implications Drawing fully determined conclusions from given information Figural: Form Reasoning, Semantic: Deduction

Evaluative Abilities
Reaching decisions as to the accuracy, goodness, suitability, or workability of information Unit Figural: Perpetual Speed (Part IV of GZAS) Symbolic: ability to judge symbolic units, Clerical Aptitude Relations: abilities meet the criterion of logical consistency Figural: geometric reasoning or proof for figural relationships Systems: Experiential Evaluation Internal consistency of the systems, what is wrong with this picture? Transformations Semantic: Judgment, which is the most practical solution? Implications: sensitivity to problems Defects/ deficiencies are implications of evaluative kind, What is wrong with the object?

Implications of Structure of Intellect

Psychological Theory
Not only for how individuals differ but also how they are alike Understanding of functioning individuals Useful in future investigations of learning, memory, problem solving, invention, and decision making

Vocational Training
With about 50 intellectual factors, there are 50 ways of becoming intelligent Theoretically 120 different abilities, if each cell contains a factor, multiple factors also possible Link abilities with required occupations and hence develop them

Transformations wrt concept of learning and process of learner Emphasis on learning rather than habits/ skills as of now

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