Presentasi Tentang Rokok
Presentasi Tentang Rokok
Presentasi Tentang Rokok
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction Smoking is one of the leading problem health in Indonesia and innocent people shouldn't die because of it. For years people have been smoking in public thinking it's my body, I can do whatever I want to it, but now that it has been proven that smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those around him or her. They should not be allowed to smoke around the people in public. Smoking in public places causes a considerable amount of harm to people and the government should be do more action to protect their citizens.
1.2 Problem Many people still smoking in public places 1.3 In our opinion smoking in public places should be banned. Because,it can be poison people who dont smoke. Let us thinking, if you want the loved ones around you affected? If you want to smoke, dont be in public places. Honor those who dont smoke and consider them part of the person you love.. therefore let keep other people's health and our.
Chapter 2
2.1 State the reason Research has shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. Children who grow up in homes where one or both their parents smoke have twice the risk of getting asthma and bronchitis asthma. They also have a higher risk of developing allergies. Infants under two years are more susceptible to severe respiratory infection and death bed. For adults, passive smoking seems to increase the risk of lung cancer.
2.2 The evidence Cigarettes are full of many harmful substances and if many people knew what they were inhaling they would probably quit immediately. Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. When you inhale, a cigarette burns at 700 C at the tip and about 60 C in the core. The heat breaks the tobacco to produce various toxins. As a cigarette burns, the residues are concentrated towards the butt. Items most damaging are: Tar, carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) Nicotine is addictive and increases cholesterol levels in your body Carbon monoxide reduces oxygen in the body Components of gas and particulate phases cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).
Chapter 3
3.2 Prediction Very difficult, because awareness have been in everyone if smoking banned in public place and many people will affect disease.
3.3 Recomendation Build many smoking area Make a pamflet dont smoking in public area Education bad effect smoking for other people Education positive effect from smoking
smoke have been banned,because : - can be poison to another people - the passive smoking very dangerous - make the places not comfortable
the country have been banned for smoking in public places : - Singapore - U.K - USA, etc