Design For Logistics
Design For Logistics
Design For Logistics
Design for Logistics uses product design to address logistics costs Key Concepts of Design for Logistics 1. Economic packaging and transportation 2. Concurrent/Parallel Processing 3. Postponement
processes on available nodes even when one or more nodes fails. Adaptability--the ability to integrate with platform-specific batch queue and load-balancing systems to maximize concurrent processing performance on a particular platform. Single Point of Control--the ability to administer concurrent managers running on multiple nodes from any node in a cluster, massively parallel, or homogeneous networked environment.
Postponement is a concept in supply chain management where the manufacturer produces a generic product, which can be modified at the later stages before the final transport to the customer.
Using the fact that aggregate demand information is always more accurate than disaggregate data Postponement techniques (delayed product differentiation) -manufacture a generic or family product which can later be differentiated into specific end products Need to redesign products for postponement
A computer & peripheral products manufacturer founded in 1939 with headquarters in Palo Alto Established Vancouver Division in WA in 1979 to manufacture Deskjet printer In 1981, the Division adopted JIT approach to reduce manufacturing cycle time from 12 week to 1 week hours & inventory from 3.5 months to0.9 months
DC performance measures primary- line item fill rate & order fill rate (multiple line items) secondary - inventory level &distribution cost per shipment dollar DC function as warehouse & support distribution process but not manufacturing, no MRP Require 7 weeks worth of inventories (safety stock) to meet 98% service level (LIFR).
HP Case Analysis
HP Europe DC Recall that long delivery lead time of 4-5 weeks, high inventory levels & inventory imbalance localization done in Vancouver Problems significant uncertainty, too many localization options, long lead times
HP Case Analysis
Recommendations Reduce lead time by air freight - too expensive Setup a manufacturing plant in Europe volume does not justify Keep more inventory at Europe DC- just magnify the existing inventory problem Revamp forecasting system - difficult because of the uncertainties