Depth of Knowledge
Depth of Knowledge
Depth of Knowledge
Open-ended questions are questions that require an extended response. Really important on the new HSAP, the SAT, and the EOCs in the future. We need to start thinking about this now!
How would you explain where you live? does not raise the DOK. You are doing nothing more than recalling and reciting.
Level 1: Recall and Reproduction Level 2: Skills & Concepts Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking
Titan? (Determine) What are some attributes of Titans and Greek Gods using terminology from the Heros Journey? (Identify) What are basic steps for participating in the Heros quest (Identify)
the Greek gods and Titans? Develop What are some solutions to end for the War of the Titans? Propose and evaluate How would you explain to an absent classmate the establishment of the Greek gods, using supporting evidence from a text or source? Explain, generalize or connect