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Implementing and Effective Safety Program

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Implementing and Effective Safety Program

CSAM Objectives & Mandate

Provide contractors with Accident Prevention Methods Keep contractors informed on changes to legislation that affects them Provide information, resources and training to help contractors meet their legislated responsibilities Provide a comprehensive safety program AHJ for COR Certification


Workshop hours Emergency Procedures

(Muster Point)

Lunch and break times Restroom locations Smoking Cell phones, pagers etc.

Steps to Achieving COR Certification

1. Membership Verification
1) CSAM Member (400 GrpWCB) 2) Associate Member- $500.00 (WCA/ MHBA Member)

Drop off Safety Program Manual at CSAM office for Program Review: CSAM safety technicians will review and make recommendations on possible revisions/ modifications which can assist you in enhancing your safety program

5. Implement Safety Program

Train workers on safety program fundamentals: Orientations/ job specific training/ hazard assessments Generate completed documents Mgmt to review documentation/ records to ensure good understanding

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2. Contacting CSAM
1) Call CSAM office and/ or; 2) Register online for to attend COR compulsory courses

6. SECOR Certification Audit Process

Year 1: 1. Company Self Audit 2. CSAM Internal Audit 3. Independent Audit * 80% Overall & 50 % per element min.

3. SECOR Required Courses

Simplified Safety Safety Auditor WHMIS/ Train the Trainer

4. Develop Safety Manual

Combine Simplified Safety CD/ company specific information to create safety manual: (Company Specific Policies/ Procedures/ inspections/ etc.)

Maintaining SECOR Certification

Year 2- Self Audit/ CSAM Audit Year 3- Self Audit/ CSAM Audit Year 4- *Company Anniversary Date - Self/ CSAM/ Independent

Simplified Safety Materials

SECOR Manual CD WSH Act & Regulation Informational Folder SECOR Safety and Health Manual
*In-class use

CSAM Information Folder

CSAM Brochure Information Pamphlets Audit Instrument Course Information Course Schedule WCB Green Forms Tag-out Tag Toolbox Talk Form

Overview of COR/SECOR Basic safety philosophy

Overview of safety management


Elements of your safety program

Implementation guidelines

COR Certification
Verification of the implementation of an effective safety program Ultimate distinction for construction companies Nationally recognized

Endorsed by WSH Division

Recognized by WCB Safety Program Accreditation

Involves Education - Implementation -Evaluation

SECOR Certification
Endorsed by WSH Division
Provincially recognized Recognized by WCB Safety Program Accreditation Education - Implementation Evaluation Simplified Safety elements arranged into three sections
*Identify / Communicate / Control

COR / SECOR Training Training Requirement COR

Safety Management Leadership of Safety Excellence Safety Auditor Training Train the Trainer WHMIS Hearing Conservation Lockout / Tag-out

Training Requirement SECOR

Simplified Safety Safety Auditor Training Train the Trainer WHMIS Hearing Conservation Lockout / Tag-out

COR / SECOR Audit Process

National Audit Instrument 3 6 months minimum 3 year cycle

Years 1 & 4
Company Audit CSAM Audit Independent Audit

Years 2 & 3
Company Audit CSAM Audit Registered Auditor verification review

What is Safety????

What is safety to you?

How would you define it What are some of the things you may associate with safety


Is a state of mind by which a person

is constantly aware of the possibility

of an incident or accident occurring

at any time

Risky Business

What are the odds?

Are you willing to take the risk? Normally based on:
Experience Severity Probability Exposure

Marriage ending in divorce Losing your job in the next year Being injured in an elevator ride

1 in 10

1 in 2
1 in 8 1 in 1.5billion 1 in 145 1 in 170,000 1 in 4 1 in 750,000

Struck by lightning in the next year

Infected by the Flesh Eating Disease Dying once infected by FED Winning the Irish Sweepstakes Child dying in the USA Child dying in Asia Someone stealing your car

1 in 33
1 in 100 1 in 1,000,000 1 in 5,245,786

Hit by a celestial body

Injured in a workplace accident in MB

Marriage ending in divorce

Losing your job in the next year

Injured in an elevator ride Struck by lightning Flesh eating disease Dying once infected

Winning Irish Sweepstakes

Child dying in USA

Child dying in Asia

Stealing your car

Hit by a celestial object

Injured in a workplace in MB

Purpose of Safety Management Awareness of potential hazards and understanding to control measures aimed to reduce:

Safety Management A systematic, organized process to reducing the human and financial costs of workplace incidents Moral obligation Financial benefits Legal requirements

Moral Obligation

Quality of life

Protection of those you employ from illness or injury Good conscience

Financial Benefits

Legal Requirements
Workplace Safety and Health Act
1977 All workplaces General duties

Workers Compensation Act

Highway Traffic Act

Building Codes Fire Codes Criminal Code

Legal Duties of Employers

Ensure so far as reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of all workers Comply with the W210 Act and Regulations

Provide and maintain a workplace, all necessary equipment, systems and tools that are safe and without risk to health Provide to all his workers such information, instruction, training, supervision and facilities to ensure their safety, health and welfare

Legal Duties of Employers

Know all safety or health hazards that their workers may encounter and ensure they are familiar with the use of PPE provided for their protection Conduct work to ensure all persons who are not in his service are not exposed to risks to their health and safety
Consult and cooperate with the WSH committee or representatives regarding the duties they are responsible for, respond to recommendations made by the committee Cooperate with any person exercising a duty imposed under the W210 Act

Legal Duties of Employers

Ensure all workers are supervised by a person who is competent and familiar with the Act and Regulations that apply to work being performed Advise the Prime Contractor of the name of the supervisor of the workers on the project
Employers must provide training to workers
Before performing a work activity When performing different work If worker is moved to another area or site

Written safety & health program

Supervisors Comply with the Act and Regulations, cooperate with any person exercising a duty under the Act
Ensure work is performed in accordance with the Act and Regulations


Make workers aware of risks Take all reasonable precautions to protect their S & H Ensure workers use all devices, clothing and PPE

S & H Committee / Rep Required on all construction sites, for every employer Recommendations to employer concerning S & H (respond by 30 days) Participate in:
Inspections Investigations Right to Refuse

Entitled to be given copies of inspections, audits, investigation, monitoring reports

Whats the best bet?

Simplified Safety

Identification of Hazards Communication of Hazards Control of Hazards

Identification of Hazards

Hazard Assessment


Accident Investigation

Hazard Assessment
Necessary to ensure:
Workers legal Right to Know Share required information Due diligence Corrective measures are completed
Reduce risk Reduce injuries/property damage Improve productivity Improve employee morale

Hazard Assessment things to look for Unsafe condition Unsafe act

People Environment Materials Equipment and Tools

Conducting a Hazard Assessment

Prior to: New Area Unfamiliar Way (job/equipment/tools) Ask yourself What If? Use a checklist Rank hazards according to severity and probability

Hazard Ranking Priority Severity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Imminent Danger Serious Minor O.K. Not Applicable Probability A. Probable B. Reasonably Probable C. Remote D. Extremely Remote


Identify and control hazards

Ongoing (informal) inspections Planned (formal) inspections

Inspection policy
Objectives clearly stated Direction and responsibility clearly stated

Inspection Purposes Identify existing and potential hazard and safety violations
Determine causes of hazards Monitor hazard controls Determine corrective action Reinforce safe work practices

Inspections things to look for

Unsafe condition Unsafe act

People Environment Materials Equipment and Tools

Key Things to Look For

Critical equipment parts Structural, functional & ventilation problems PPE Deviations from safe work practices Housekeeping * Signage
* Root cause for many incidents

Incident Investigation

Incident Investigation Terms

Accident: Loss to people, equipment, property and/or production

Near Miss: Event that could have resulted in loss, given different circumstances

Incident: Describes both the above

Incident Reporting

Serious Injuries
Workplace Safety and Health Division.

Medical Aid
Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba

All incidents
Reported to supervisor immediately (within 24 hours)

Why Investigate a Near Miss?

Investigations of serious accidents often reveal earlier incidents of a similar nature that were dismissed as insignificant
1 M a j o r 1 0 L . T . A .
The Near Miss Pyramid

3L 0o P r s o p e re t s y s 6s 0e 0s N e a r M i s

Incident Investigation Steps Tend to injured parties & control hazards Gather physical evidence Conduct interviews Check background information Determine Causes Recommend corrective action Determine Costs Write the Report

Incident Investigation things to look for

Unsafe condition Unsafe act
People Environment Materials Equipment and Tools

Simplified Safety

Identification of Hazards Communication of Hazards Control of Hazards

Communication of Hazards

Communication Policy Training Legislation

Say What??

That may affect the S & H of others

Necessary to identify and control existing and potential hazards Know and identify ALL companies contracted to do work on site
Names supplied to whoever contracted you

Communication Policy
All personnel are responsible
Supervisor / Lead hand on all sites

Worker Safety Rep on all sites

Prime Contractor
Who, what, when, how

Document / post serious items

*Site start-up checklist, hazard assessments, inspections

Ensure all employees are competent for the task assigned The employer MUST have competent supervisors with experience and knowledge EMPLOYEES must participate and apply the training received Due Diligence

Safety Training
Essential to the success of your safety program All training is safety training! Minimum training requirements
New Hire Orientation Job Specific Training Toolbox Talks WHMIS

New Hire Orientation

Mandatory requirement before work begins!

Standardized and based on a written plan or checklist

Review of company policies, procedures and rules Mandatory training requirements

Jobsite Orientation

Mandatory requirement before work begins! Prime Contractor Site rules, policies, procedures Name of supervisor, safety rep Emergency plans First Aid

Sub-Contractor Orientation Criteria for evaluating and selecting employers and self-employed persons
Prior to hiring (WCB in good standing, safety program, etc.)

Procedures for regularly monitoring employers and self-employed persons

Showing due diligence Onsite at the same time Clearly defined expectations

Job Specific Training Required procedures to complete a task safely Formal or informal completed onsite, after general orientation Written or performance test

Involvement of the S & H committee or safety rep, supervisor


Safety Meetings

Toolbox / Tailgate / Tailboard Meetings

Legislated Responsibility
5 or more workers 30 minutes every two weeks

Document topics and those in attendance

Job / Site specific

WHMIS Generic WHMIS Training

Labels, MSDS, Education Required for all employees working with / around controlled products Done as part of general orientation

Job Specific WHMIS Training

Controlled products onsite Part of hazard assessment

Safety Training Methods

Participation in a Discussion

Watching a Video


Watching a Demonstration

70% 90%

Doing the Real Thing



Chapter W210 - Workplace Safety and Health Act

Manitoba Regulation 217 / 2006 Workplace Safety and Health Regulation
Minimum standards Applies to all provincially regulated workplaces All industries

Workers Rights
Right to Refuse Right to Know Right to Participate

Workplace Safety and Health Act

Legal Duties and Responsibilities for:
Employers Supervisors Workers Section 4(1) - 4(6) Section 4.1 Section 5

Self-Employed Persons

Section 6

Workplace Safety and Health Act

Legal Duties and Responsibilities for:
Prime Contractors Contractors Owners Suppliers Section 7(1) - 7(3) Section 7.1 Section 7.2 Section 7.3

Simplified Safety

Identification of Hazards Communication of Hazards Control of Hazards

Control of Hazards


Practices / Procedures


Personal Protective Equipment

Statistics and Records

Emergency Preparedness

Why Control? To try and reduce or control the hazard

Elimination Substitution Engineering Process Administrative Controls Personal Protective Equipment

General Safety Rules

Thou shall and Thou shall not statements that leave no room for discretion KISS principle

Management and supervisors must lead by example

Defined disciplinary action

Personal Protective Equipment

Used only when engineering controls and administrative controls are ineffective or insufficient

Personal Protective Equipment

Basic PPE
Should be worn at all times Hard hats, eye protection, safety footwear, appropriate clothing

Specialized PPE
Worn for specific jobs or for protection from specific hazards Gloves, welders goggles, respirators, fall arresting equipment

Personal Protective Equipment

Selection of PPE
Regulations Injury reports Experience of management and workers

Emergency Preparedness
Plan or contingency to deal with all potential emergency situations every site
At minimum:
Provide first aid to the injured Provide transportation to medical aid Conduct initial attack on fire Promptly contact outside agencies for help

Pre-job planning and/or hazard assessment may identify other potential emergency situations

Safe Work Practices

Means of controlling hazards

Doing jobs with a minimum of risk to people and property

General accepted safe working practices of what you should or should not do that are specific to your company:
ie: Hand Tools Ladder Safety Circular Saws

Safe Work Procedures

Means of controlling hazards

Doing jobs with a minimum of risk to people and property

Specific written description of how to do a job from start to finish

Safe Work Procedures

SWP are required by law

All tasks in which hazards are identified

Conduct JHA or JSA

Select job to be analyzed Break job down into sequence of steps Identify potential hazards Determine control methods

Write safe work procedure


Reduce the risk of injuries, damage or lost production Comply with Legislation Comply with manufacturers specifications


Ensure that tools, equipment and vehicles are properly:

Inspected Maintained In good repair Lock Out/Tag-Out System
Identify Communicate Control

Safety Records & Statistics

Documentation Prevention Measurement

Safety Records & Statistics

Safety orientations and training records Toolbox and safety committee meetings Incident investigation reports First aid treatment reports Inspection reports Annual and monthly statistics Safety rule and PPE violations Maintenance records Hazard assessments

Simplified Safety

Identification of Hazards

Communication of Hazards Control of Hazards

Whats the best bet? Employers should have a safety program in place

Workers and employers must be competent for tasks and suitably trained

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