This document summarizes the Electronics and Communications Engineering Act of the Philippines which establishes the regulation of electronics and communications engineering practice and licensure in the country. It creates a Board of Examiners for Electronics and Communications Engineers to administer examinations, issue certifications, and enforce the law. Key provisions include restricting the title of "electronics and communications engineer" to licensed individuals, requiring specific educational and experience qualifications, and penalizing unlicensed practice. The act also appropriates initial funding and defines important terms related to the field and licensure.
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This document summarizes the Electronics and Communications Engineering Act of the Philippines which establishes the regulation of electronics and communications engineering practice and licensure in the country. It creates a Board of Examiners for Electronics and Communications Engineers to administer examinations, issue certifications, and enforce the law. Key provisions include restricting the title of "electronics and communications engineer" to licensed individuals, requiring specific educational and experience qualifications, and penalizing unlicensed practice. The act also appropriates initial funding and defines important terms related to the field and licensure.
This document summarizes the Electronics and Communications Engineering Act of the Philippines which establishes the regulation of electronics and communications engineering practice and licensure in the country. It creates a Board of Examiners for Electronics and Communications Engineers to administer examinations, issue certifications, and enforce the law. Key provisions include restricting the title of "electronics and communications engineer" to licensed individuals, requiring specific educational and experience qualifications, and penalizing unlicensed practice. The act also appropriates initial funding and defines important terms related to the field and licensure.
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This document summarizes the Electronics and Communications Engineering Act of the Philippines which establishes the regulation of electronics and communications engineering practice and licensure in the country. It creates a Board of Examiners for Electronics and Communications Engineers to administer examinations, issue certifications, and enforce the law. Key provisions include restricting the title of "electronics and communications engineer" to licensed individuals, requiring specific educational and experience qualifications, and penalizing unlicensed practice. The act also appropriates initial funding and defines important terms related to the field and licensure.
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Section 1: Title of Act
This Act shall be known and cited as
the Electronics and Communications Engineering Law of the Philippines.
SECTION 2. Practice of Electronics and Communications Engineering
a.) No person shall offer himself in the Philippines as, or use the title Electronics and/or Communications Engineer without holding a valid certificate of registration as electronics and communications engineer issued by the Board in accordance with this Act, except as provided under Section eleven hereof. b.) It shall be unlawful for any firm, company, or corporation, to offer itself to the public as electronics and communications engineer without the certification, supervision and/or guidance of a duly registered electronics and communications engineer.
SECTION 3. Registration Certification of Registration
SECTION 4. Board Examination
Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all applicants for registration as electronics and communications engineer shall undergo the required technical examination in accordance with this Act.
SECTION 5. Pre-qualification for Examination
a) He is at least twenty-one years of age; b) He is a citizen of the Philippines or of a foreign country qualified to take the examination under Section twenty-three of this Act; c) He is of good moral character; d) He is a holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering
SECTION 6. Schedule of Examination
Examinations for candidates desiring to practice electronics and communications engineering in the Philippines shall be given by the Board twice a year in the City of Manila or in such other places as may be deemed necessary and expedient by the Board.
SECTION 7. Scope of Examination
The examination for the practice of electronics and communications engineering in the Philippines shall consist of written tests which shall cover such subjects as the Board may prescribe.
SECTION 8. Ratings in the Examination
To pass the examination, a candidate must obtain an average of seventy per cent, with no rating below fifty per cent in any subject
SECTION 9. Report of Results of Examination SECTION 10. Fees for Examination and Registration
SECTION 11. Roster of Electronics and Communications Engineers
A roster showing the names, the addresses and places of business of all registered electronics and communications engineers shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Board during the month of July every year, commencing one year after the date the first Board has been constituted.
SECTION 12. Creation and Composition of the Board
SECTION 13. Powers and Duties of the Board
Refusal to Issue a Certificate in Certain Cases Revocation and Suspension of Certificates Appeal from Judgement Reinstatement and Replacement of Certificates
SECTION 14. Qualifications of Board Members
a) A citizen and resident of the Philippines; b) At least thirty-one years of age, and of good moral character; c) A registered electronics and communications engineer under this Act; d) Actually in active practice of the electronics and communications engineering occupation for at least ten years, in the government service or in private; e) Not a member of the faculty of any school, institute, college, or university where a regular course in electronics, communications or radio is taught, or if he has been such a faculty member, he has stopped teaching therein for at least three consecutive years immediately preceding his appointment; and f) Not financially interested directly or indirectly, in any school, institute, college, or university where a regular course in electronics and/or communications engineering is taught.
SECTION 15. Term of Office
SECTION 16. The Executive Officer and Secretary of the Board
SECTION 17. Compensation of the Board
SECTION 18. Removal of Board Members
SECTION 19. Publication in Official Gazette
All rules, regulations, and code of ethics promulgated by the Board under the provisions of this Act shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall be effective fifteen days after publication therein.
SECTION 20. Annual Report
The Board shall submit an annual report to the President of the Philippines at the close of each year embodying such recommendation as it may deem proper.
SECTION 21. Definitions
a) Board The Board of Examiners for Electronics and Communications Engineers. b) Communications The process of sending and/or receiving messages between two or more points by radio, electronics, or other electrical devices. c) Electronics The science dealing with the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons in a vacuum, in gaseous media, plasma, and in semiconductors. d) Electronics and Communications Engineer A person who is qualified to hold himself out as an electronics and communications engineer under this Act and to affix to his name the letters E.C.E.
SECTION 22. Enforcement of the Act by Officers of the Law
It shall be the duty of all duly officers of the law of the National Government, or of any provincial, city or municipal government, to enforce the provisions of this Act and to prosecute any person violating the same. The Secretary of Justice shall render such legal assistance as may be necessary in carrying out the provisions of this Act.
The sum of ten thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be disbursed by the Board in accordance with the provisions of this Act
SECTION 26. Repealing Clause
All laws, executive orders, rules, regulations, or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
SECTION 27. Separability of Provisions
If any provision of this Act or any portion thereof is declared unconstitutional by any competent court, the other provisions thereof shall not be affected thereby.
SECTION 28. Effectivity
This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 21, 1969.