Winning Ways To Secure MOSTI Fund Prof Ho

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Date :16April2012(Monday) Time :8.00A.M4.30P.M Venue :UniversitiSainsMalaysia, KubangKerian By : Y. Brs. Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ho Chee Cheong


Outline of Presentation

Definition and Objectives of ScienceFund Scope of Funding Research Priority Areas Evaluation / Selection Criteria Proposal Writing Top Ten Reasons of Rejection Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Definition of ScienceFund
Grant provided by Government to carry out R&D projects that can contribute to the discovery of new ideas and the advancement of knowledge in applied sciences, focusing on high impact and innovative research.

Objectives of ScienceFund
i. tosupportresearchthatcan lead to the innovation of products or processes for further development andcommercialisation;and/or; ii. to generate new scientific knowledge and strengthennationalresearchcapacityandcapability.

Scope of Funding
ScienceFund covers preliminary research leading to laboratory proof of concept or towards the development of new products or processes.Thequantumoffundapproved willbedeterminedbasedonthemeritofeachapplication.

Quantum of Funding

Project Duration
Theprojectdurationisupto30 months.

Research Priority Areas

Life Sciences Computer Sciences and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Agriculture Sciences/Agricultural Engineering Environmental Sciences Advanced Materials Science Chemical Sciences Physical and Mathematical Sciences Engineering Medical and Health Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities

Evaluation/Selection Criteria of the SCIFUND Project

i)Scientific and technical merit: Theprojectmustbescientifically sound,technicallyfeasiblewithachievablemilestones,andhasthe potential for further development and commercialisation. ii)Research competence: Theresearchteammusthavethe knowledgeandcompetency to carry out theresearchsuccessfully tocompletion. iii)Innovativenessoftheresearch. iv)High impact research: Clearandmeasureable expected output, outcomeand impact in line with NationalKeyEconomic Areas/NationalKeyResultAreas(NKEA/NKRA).

Evaluation / Selection Criteria

1. Research
-mustbearesearchproposal,NOTjustdevelopment -mustbeappliedresearch,NOTfundamentalresearch

Evaluation / Selection Criteria 2. Novelty

-theresearchproposalmustbenovel -mayleadtothegenerationofnewIP,suchasfilingofapatent: Newness, inventive step and industrial application -identifythepatentabilityaspectoftheresearchproposal,ifany -priorartsearchmustbedonetoensuretheoriginalityofthe proposal -Patentincentivestellitall!


Evaluation / Selection Criteria

3. Viability of Research Objectives

e.g. the objective of the project is to develop a thin-film solar cell for micro energy harvester. The expected harvested power level is 10 W/cm2



Evaluation / Selection Criteria 4. Output Expected

-Prototype,patents,new/improvedprocess,newmethod/ technique -mustreflecttheoutputofanappliedresearchwithpotential industrialapplications e.g. solar-based energy harvester for microelectronic devices in
aquaculture application


Evaluation / Selection Criteria 5. Collaboration and Industry Linkages

-Collaboratorsmaybecrucialincertainprojects -Rolesofcollaboratorsmustbeclearlyidentified -LetterofIntentorMOAwithcollaboratorsmustbesubmitted


Evaluation / Selection Criteria 6. Appropriateness of Research Methodology

-Elaboratetheresearchmethodologyinstages/phases -givedetailsontheanalyticaltechniques,design,andresearch activities -shouldmakeanattempttocomparethemethodologywith alternativemethods


Evaluation / Selection Criteria 7. Relevancy of Key Milestones

-categoricallyquantifythevarioussignificantaccomplishments oftheprojectsinphases -themilestoneshouldreflectthevariousmajorstagesof progressintheproject. -mustbeatleast2milestonespercalendaryear.


Evaluation / Selection Criteria

8. Commercialisation Potential
-theresearchoutputMUSThavethepotentialforfurther developmentandcommercialisation.


Evaluation / Selection Criteria

9. Cost Effectiveness
-costeffectivenessoftheresearchoutcome/ proposedsolution.


Evaluation / Selection Criteria

10. Project Risk

-identifytheTechnicalRisk,FinancialRiskandTimelineRisk andjustifyaccordingly. -suggestariskmitigationplaniftheriskisdeemedhigh.


Evaluation / Selection Criteria

Possible Outcomes of Evaluation


(2)RecommendedforRejection(WITHREASONS).Re-submit willbeconsiderednewapplication


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection 1. Not a Research Project

-Theso-calledproposedresearchisNOTaresearchanddoes notfallunderResearch&PriorityArea. -Thefocusismoreonapplicationdevelopment/integration E.g.Integratedfleetmanagementsystem,onlinevideogame.


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

2.Lack of Novelty
-varioussimilarworkshavebeenpublished. -Therearealreadysuchdevices/softwareapplicationsinthe marketthathavesamefunctionality -e.g.searchengine


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

3. Research Objective Not Clear

-Theresearchobjectiveistoogeneralwithnodetailsofgoals andspecificobjectives.


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

4. Research Methodology Not Well Explained

-Lackofproperdetailingofresearchmethodologyand approach.


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

5.Technology Soon Becoming Obsolete

-Thetechnologyproposedmaybecomeobsoletebythetime theresearchisdone -e.g.DDRSDRAM -crowdedmarket,redocean


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

6. Plagiarism


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

7. Unclear Expected Output



Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

8. Little Commercialisation Prospect


commercialisation -Commercialisationpotentialnotexplainedintheproposal.


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

9. No Collaborator
-Failedtoidentifyacollaborator (forcertainprojectswherebyit iscriticallyimportanttohavecollaborators)


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

10. Incomplete/ Empty CV



Question : Thoughsimilarresearchhasbeendoneelsewhere,noone hasdonethisinMalaysia.Iwanttodoitheretoshowthat MalaysiaBoleh!!Willmyapplicationbeconsidered? Answer : No.Localisation,costcutting,-noteligibilitycriteria



Question : DoIstandabetterchancetogetthefundifIweretobea DatukorProfessor? Answer : No.Wedontlookatyourstatus.Evaluationisdonepurely basedontheresearchproposal



Question : IsprioritygiventoapplicationsfromIPTAoverthatfromIPTS?

Answer : No.Itisimmaterialwheretheapplicationscomefrom.



Question : IsthereanyquotaonthenumberScienceFundauniversity/RI mayget? Answer : No.



Question : IfIcantfinishmyScienceFundprojectin30months,canI applyforextension?

Answer : ForprojectsintheICTCluster,youarestronglyencouragedto finishyourprojectin18months


Question : HowdoIgoaboutgettingtheallocationofIPincentivesfor patentfiling?

Answer : MustbudgetinduringsubmissionofScienceFundapplication underSpecialServices(V29000):

IP incentives for Patent filing: RM500 for disclosure, RM5000 for filing, and RM10000 for patent granted



Question : IstherealimittothenumberofpatentsthatIcanfileina ScienceFundProject?

Answer : No.



Question : MyprojectisnovelbutIdontwanttofileforapatent.Isitok?

Answer : Yes.


Question : Myresearchproposalisnovel,butlacksinventivestep,and thuscanonlyhaveaUtilityInnovationfiled.AmIstillqualified forScienceFund?

Answer : Itdependsonotherfactorssuchasthecommercialisation potentialoftheresearchoutcome



Question : Ifmyapplicationisrejected,canImakeanappeal?

Answer : Yes,butpleasemakeamendmentsaccordingtothecomments givenbeforeresubmission.


Pre Commercialisation Fund



Outline of Presentation
Definition and Objectives of TechnoFund Scope of Funding Research Priority Areas Approval Criteria Top Ten Reasons for Rejection Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)


Definition of TechnoFund
TechnoFund is a grant scheme which aims to stimulate the growth and successful innovation of Malaysian enterprises by increasing the level of R&D and its commercialisation. The scheme provides funding for technology development, up to pre-commercialisation stage, with the commercial potential to create new businesses and generate economic wealth for the nation


Objectives of TechnoFund
to undertake the development of new or cutting edge technologies or further develop/value add existing technologies/products in specific areas (Section 7) for the creation of new businesses and generation of economic wealth for Malaysia; to undertake market driven R&D towards commercialisation of R&D outputs; to encourage institutions, local companies and inventors to capitalise their intellectual work through intellectual property (IP) registration; and to stimulate the growth and increase capability and capacity of Malaysian technology-based enterprises, Malaysian Government Research Institutes (GRI) and Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) through both local and international collaborations.

Quantum of Funding
RM1.5 RM3.0 million

Project Duration
The project duration is up to 30 months*.
*Additional 6 months is permitted for application involving IP acquisition.


Eligible applicants can be researchers and other individuals from: Small and Medium Enterprises; Institutions of Higher Learning; Research Institutes; and Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Agencies.


Eligibility Criteria
All categories of companies must have a minimum of 51% equity held by Malaysians; Applicant or collaborator under the small and medium company category must have minimum paid up capital in cash of RM10,000.00. However, start-up companies are exempted from this stipulation but must provide justification and supporting documents on the ability to sustain itself; None of the company directors or project team members have been convicted of any fraudulent activities or the company been declared bankrupt, under liquidation or placed under receivership The proposed project must contain elements of technological innovation leading to commercialisation of innovative products, processes and services; The proposed project should be in the pre commercialisation stage with established Proof of Concept (POC); The project leader and team members must be competent to undertake the proposed project. The resume and supporting documents of the project leader and each project team member must also be submitted. The following are not eligible for funding under the Pre Commercialisation Fund (TechnoFund): 1. projects under the scope, responsibility or portfolio of certain Ministry, Department or Agency other than MOSTI; and 46 2. applications from Research Institutes with internal research funding such

Scope of Funding
1. the acquisition of technology (foreign and/ or local). Applicants should provide the acquisition agreement or if such an agreement is not in place, applicants shall provide details of the technology to be acquired; 1. the up-scaling of laboratory-scale prototype or the development of commercial ready prototype; and 2. pre-clinical testing/clinical testing/field trials

The funding can be used for the following:

i. pilot plant/ prototype equipment and supporting infrastructure which is directly related to the pilot plant; ii. IP Preparation and Registration in Malaysia only (excluding maintenance)- existing and new IP; iii. market testing / assessment and/or evaluation; iv. regulatory and standards compliance; v. expenditure for services (consultancy/ testing) not exceeding 20% of project cost; vi. contract expenditure applicable to IHLs and GRIs only (research assistant); vii. raw materials/consumables; and viii. technology / IP acquisition (if applicable).


Research Priority Areas

1. 2. Life Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 3. Agriculture Sciences / Agricultural Engineering, 4. Environmental Sciences, 5. Advanced Materials Science, 6. Chemical Sciences, 7. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 8. Engineering, 9. Medical and Health Sciences, and 10. Social Sciences and Humanities.


Approval Criteria of the TechnoFund Project

Novelty Project proposal must be able to show the uniqueness and the novelty aspect of their technology/product in terms of new product, new technique, new process, modification of existing product/process, additional application, cutting edge technology, and/or patentable. Applicant must conduct a Prior Art Search to verify on the patentability aspect.

Approval Criteria of the Project

2. Technical Feasibility The applicant will be evaluated with respect to the applicants ability to successfully complete the project within the stipulated time. 3. Laboratory Proof of Concept (POC) Evaluation of the Proof of Concept will be made to establish viability, technical issues and overall direction, as well as provide feedback for budgeting.


Approval Criteria of the Project

4. Competency of the Project Team
-Project teams should consist of qualified and competent members with respect to technical and commercialisation aspects. -Roles and responsibilities of collaborators involved in the project should be clearly defined. -Core business of applicant must be related to area of research. -Project leader must be technically fluent & competent in the related project. -Involvement of consultants in the project should be justified and with details submitted. -Each member of the team should provide CV clearly stating their previous research as well as highlighting significant successes.


Approval Criteria of the Project

5. Credibility of Project Proposal The project proposal must be clear, accurate and consistent with the objectives of the Pre Commercialisation Fund (TechnoFund). The proposal must also have milestones and project activities that can be completed within the agreed time frame. 6. Appropriateness of Methodology The applicant should provide sufficient information (clear sequence of stages & phases of the proposed methodology) for the evaluator to determine whether the chosen methodology (new or established methods/techniques) is appropriate to achieve the project objectives.


Approval Criteria of the Project

7. Deliverables
The applicant should be able to indicate clearly the type of output expected, market size and able to demonstrate its potential for commercialisation of new/innovative technologies and/or new IPs derived from the project.


Financial Capability
Applicants should show proof of financial capability to finance any portion of project cost not funded by Pre Commercialisation Fund (TechnoFund).


Approval Criteria of the Project

9. Projection of the Project Costs
Detailed projection of the project costs must be provided. As for purchase of equipment and acquisition of services, all the relevant documents of the Pre Commercialisation Fund (TechnoFund) guideline must be included in the project proposals for evaluation.

10. Risk
The applicant must state the possible risks (technology risk, financial risk and time risk) that may affect the implementation or completion of the project.

Approval Criteria of the Project

11. Others
The applicant and collaborator(s) must fulfill other conditions stipulated under the guidelines and policies of the Pre Commercialisation Fund (TechnoFund).


Top Ten Reasons of Rejection

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No Proof of Concept (POC) and weak of methodology; Business model is not clear; There is no novelty in the technology presented; Weak project team; The project is already successful and in the commercialisation stage; 6. The project proposed is a common technology and has no value added aspect; 7. Project already exist in market; 8. The project is just to assemble commercial components; 9. The main purpose of the project is to buy equipment and provide services. No element of R&D and technology development have been carried out; and 10. Proposal is still in the idea stages only.

1. We are a newly established company. Due to that nature, we are unable to provide certain documents that are required in the proposal forms checklist. How can we proceed? In your application, please specify the document in question and provide specific reasons for its unavailability. However, this rule does not apply to the required fields in the application forms itself.


Can we use the fund to pay for employees salaries? No. Pre Commercialisation Fund is to be used for development purposes only. Salary comes under operational costs and should be borne by the entity. Kindly also refer to the Pre Commercialisation Fund Guideline.


3. Once the project is approved, are we entitled to receive the entire approved amount? Entity is entitled to claim the entire approved amount, however, payment will be made in stages as agreed in the agreement. Initial payment will be made upon the return of signed duty-stamped agreement and subsequent payment will be on reimbursable basis upon completion of each milestones. MOSTI will identify the recommended amount to be reimbursed according to the physical progress and financial performance of the project. Are we required to pay back the money once the project is completed? Pre Commercialisation Fund is a 100% grant given to qualified applicants; hence, no repayment is needed. However, if the entity fails to abide the fund agreement and guidelines, MOSTI could take necessary action according to the agreement, i.e. including requires entity to repay the grant.





Can we apply for extension of project completion date? Yes with reasons and strong justifications. The cluster has the rights to disallow time extensions if the justifications are not strong or raise any doubts.


Pre Commercialisation Fund

Enterprise Innovation Fund Community Innovation Fund


Outline of Presentation

Introduction and Objectives of InnoFund Eligible Applicant Scope of Funding Research Priority Areas Approval Criterias Main Reasons of Rejections FAQ


Introduction of InnoFund
Innovation contributes to productivity, economic growth and societal wellness. It can be the recombination, fusion or integration of technologies that lead to new products, processes or services or the refinement of existing technologies with improved value enhanced efficiency or cost reduction. The final result of innovation is new products, processes or systems by which value can be created for customers, businesses and society. Realising the importance of innovation for wealth creation and social well-being, the Government initiated the Innovation Fund.


Objectives of InnoFund
Enterprise Innovation Fund (EIF) The Enterprise Innovation Fund is to increase the participation of micro-businesses, individuals in innovative activities and encourage technological innovation of new or existing products, process or services for commercialisation. Community Innovation Fund (CIF) The Community Innovation Fund is to assist community groups in translating knowledge and ideas into products, processes or services that improve the socio-economic standing and quality of life of the community.

Eligible Applicant
Eligible Applicant Enterprise Community Innovation Fund Innovation Fund

Individual Sole Proprietor Micro Companies Small Companies Registered Associations/ NGOs Registered Cooperatives Community Group


Scope of Funding
Funding Components Enterpris Communi e ty InnoFund InnoFund

Specialised Equipment; Pre-Clinical/Clinical Trial / Field Trials (if applicable); IP Preparation and Registration in Malaysia only (excluding maintenance); Market Testing; Regulatory and Standard Compliance; Expenditure for Services not exceeding 40% of project cost (consultancy/ testing) Raw materials


The funding DOES NOT COVER the following items:

Purchase or rental of non-critical assets such as building, vehicles and furniture; Construction of new infrastructure. However, infrastructure renovation is permitted if critical to the project and verified by authorised bodies; Utilities; Travelling costs; Salary or allowances of any personnel employed by the applicant ; and Collateral or loan for any purpose.


Quantum of Funding and Project Duration

Type of Fund Duration (maximum ) 12 months Entity Maximum Quantum (RM) 50,000.00

Enterprise InnoFund

Enterprise Innovation Fund

Community InnoFund

Community 18 months Innovation Fund

Individual / Sole proprietor Micro/ Small Companies As listed




Research Priority Areas

Life Sciences Computer Sciences and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Agriculture Sciences/Agricultural Engineering Environmental Sciences Advanced Materials Science Chemical Sciences Physical and Mathematical Sciences Engineering Medical and Health Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities


Innovativeness of the project proposals (only applicable to Enterprise InnoFund) Project proposals must indicate whether it is recombination, fusion, integration, replication or refinement of existing technologies with improved value, enhanced efficiency or cost reduction. Applicant must conduct a Prior Art Search to verify on the patentability aspect. Societal benefits (only applicable to Community InnoFund) The project proposals must clearly describe the socio-economic benefits to the community. The proposals must also describe the community chosen and their involvement in the project. Credibility of project proposal The project proposal must be clear, accurate and consistent with the objectives of the Pre-Commercialisation Fund (InnoFund). It must have achievable milestones and methodologies that can be completed within the agreed time frame.

Approval Criteria

Approval Criteria
Appropriateness of methodology The applicant must provide sufficient information or evidence on the appropriateness of the chosen methodology (new or established methods/techniques). The methodology should outline the sequence of proposed actions and identify these actions as numbered stages, steps and phases. Each phase or step should be explained clearly. Other considerations include the feasibility of the project to be accomplished within the specified time frame and resources available. Appropriateness of milestones The proposed milestones must be appropriate and consistent with the project objectives and activities.


Approval Criteria
Competency of the Project Team Project teams should consist of qualified and technically competent members with respect to technical and commercialisation aspects; Roles and responsibility of collaborators involved in the project should be clearly defined; Involvement of consultants in the project should be justified and with details submitted; and Each member of the team should provide their CV clearly stating their previous research and highlighting significant successes.


Approval (only applicable to Criteria Commercialisation Prospect

Enterprise InnoFund) The applicant should be able to indicate clearly the type of output expected and able to demonstrate potential for commercialisation of new or innovative technologies. Sustainability The project proposal must provide evidence that the project can be sustained beyond the funding duration. Financial Capability Applicants should show proof of financial capability to finance any portion of project cost not funded by InnoFund. Risk The applicant must state the possible risks (technology risk, financial risk and time risk) that may affect the implementation or completion of the project.

Main Reasons of Rejection

1. No innovation and novelty of the proposed project. 2. Project beyond pre-commercialisation stage. 3. Project with no commercialisation or commercialisation stage. potential already of in

4. Idea of the development project supported with substantive data. 5. Prior art search was not conducted.



Main Reasons of Rejection

6. Purpose of project for commercialisation production or expansion of business. 7. Applicant lack of expertise and solely dependent on the consultant for the implementation of project. 8. Project substantially similar to project that was previously approved and completed. 9. Business model was not properly and clearly prepared to support the project and sustainability of the project.

1. We are a newly established company. Due to that nature, we are unable to provide certain documents that are required in the guideline. How can we proceed? In your application, please specify the document in question and provide specific reasons for its unavailability. However, this rule does not apply to the application forms and the particulars required in the proposal itself.


2. Can we use the fund to pay for employees salaries? No. InnoFund is only to be used for development purposes. Salary comes under operational costs and should be borne by the entity.


3. the Are we required to pay back the money once project is complete?

If MOSTI believes that the project is successfully completed, the recipient is not required to reimburse the allocation that was granted to them. However, the failure of the applicant to abide by the particulars of the agreement could lead to compulsory repayment, the amount of which will be determined by MOSTI.



4. Our project is an awareness program in the form of seminar, talks, workshop or road shows. Are we eligible for InnoFund? Program that solely consists of seminar, talks, workshop or road shows is not considered as innovative as it is a widely adopted approach for awareness programs.


5. How and when will payment be made?

The disbursement of allocation is made in stages and could be made via cheque or Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). The initial payment will be made upon the return of a signed duty-stamped agreement. Subsequent payment is made upon the recommendation of the Project Management Team (PMT), depending on the achievement of agreed milestone.


6. How and when will the monitoring be conducted? Fund recipients are required to submit milestone and financial report according to the schedule stated in the agreement. The PMT will then assess and verify the milestone achievement to determine whether subsequent disbursement should be made. This evaluation could be done in the form of presentation or site-visit depending on the scope of the milestone.


7. Can we transfer the allocation that has been approved for a specific expenditure (i.e.: consumables) to be used for other purposes (i.e: equipment)? Yes, but subject to MOSTIs approval. The transfer must still be within the scope of funding and does not contravene established criteria. For example, if a set amount of allocation is to be transferred as expenditure for equipment, the final allocation for that purpose must not exceed 40%, as per the criteria.




What about intellectual property?

End product developed under Innofund is encouraged to be patented and registered. Successful registration is to be informed to the Innofund Secretariat for documentation purposes.


9. I have submitted all the necessary documents required inFAQ the guideline, but I was still asked for additional documents. Why is that? Although you have submitted all the documents requested, the information stated in the proposals might still require some corroboration. In some cases, the evaluation panel might feel that further elaboration is required, especially in the technical aspects of the project.


10.IP/PatentsbelongtothePI/IPTA 11.Rejectedwithreasons.Resubmitand evaluatedasanewproposal/application. 12.MOSTIresearchmustbedonein malaysia(notoverseas).


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