MKT 310 PPT Completed
MKT 310 PPT Completed
MKT 310 PPT Completed
By: Cara Byrne, Tyler Herula ,Nicolas Martin James Knepper, Andrew Gambino
We wanted to pinpoint the key issues that have been holding Chegg back in todays market.
Designed a questionnaire to specifically address these issues.
2 Segments
Online VS Retail Bookstores We felt it would be easiest to separate this way, as people could easily relate to both these categories. Also, we wanted to pinpoint just how many people are already buying their books online with another company such as Amazon. These consumers are the ones we feel it would be easiest for us to target, as they already probably prefer the online convenience of purchasing books.
Questionnaire Design
PART I Gaging the Participant These questions focused on the actions of the Online purchaser vs. the Retail Bookstore Purchaser PART II Usefulness of Chegg Format: Agree or Disagree Examples: Chegg saves me money Chegg is more convenient PART III Who uses Chegg Format: Most likely or Least Likely Examples: Men Women Middle Class Undergraduate Students PARTS IV-VI Stemmed from the 5 values Format: Yes or NO Examples: Feelings Motives Curiosity PART VII Used an 8 point Scale Format: Strongly Agree / Strongly disagree Examples: I am always satisfied using Chegg I always Purchase from the bookstore PARTVIII Whos Are Our Participants Format: Asked demographic questions
- Word of Mouth
Buyers Needs
Functional: budget, benefits financial situation, convenience, saves time, more options Social: Undergraduates, graduate students, students with children, males Emotional: Confident, satisfied, unsecure, wise, thrifty, like I received a deal Conditional: Work schedule, busy life schedule, change in income, transportation problems, too busy with other things Epistemic: to save money and time, alternative, dissatisfied with other options
The demographic profile of our customer is 18-24, male and female college students living in the city or suburbs. -Spend $201-$400 on textbooks Lifestyle Profile -Tech savvy and busy life schedule of college undergraduates
Market Segmentation
Market Segments
Base: College Undergraduates Segments: College Undergraduates on budget
4 Ps
Product Attributes: Affordable, secure, online, convenience, variety of options, reduced transaction costs, one stop, and centralized platform for college students. Competition: Amazon, Barnes and Noble,,,, University book stores, Retail book stores
Positioning Map
Crosstab Table
Question: How often do you use each of the following two text book outlets? Online A/B Retail A/B 1. Never - 10.4%/6.9% 6.3%/2.1% 2. Occasionally 16%/44.4% 19.4%/15.3% 3. Every Quarter 38.2%/13.2% 9.7%/18.1%
3 solutions
3 Pros and 3 Cons for each solution
1. There would be added costs of purchasing the necessary equipment to set up a book store 2. Would be unsure of how to run a retail location 3. Would have to compete with a large existing company Barnes & Nobles