Market Feasibility
Market Feasibility
Market Feasibility
Market study is focused on gross market demand both present and future. It highlights the gap between expected market demand and supply in respect of a given product. The advantages of the study are:1. It can evaluate the product by arriving at a year to year estimate of sales. 2. Estimation of scale and utilization of installed capacity. 3. Preliminary input for marketing strategy.
C. Competition
1. Severe or low 2. Rests on price,quality,delivery,aftersales service or combination of such features. 3. Major competitors-Product range, product features, output,marketshare, pricing, installed capacity.
E. Government Policy
1. 2. 3. 4. Entry/exit regulation Price control if any Product related taxation Fiscal concessions by government.
There are three methods 1. Exploratory cum desk study: Secondary Research: It is done through semi structured interviews of concerned individuals and reading of published or unpublished materials. Sources: Business Directories Census Data Survey of Indian Industry The Hindu Manufacturers Association Annual Reports of companies World Wide Web
2. Primary Research: It is done to collect the first hand data which may not be available or insufficiently available from secondary research. Techniques: Survey Focus Groups
Information can be collected from a) Present customers b) Potential customers (new product) c) Intermediaries d) Suppliers of Materials, Equipment, Packaging etc e) Product related Tax Authorities f) Regulatory Authorities Steps in primary research: a) Determination of objectives b) Determination of information needs c) Sampling unit and size d) Developing a questionnaire e) Administer of questionnaire f) Analysis
3. Test marketing
For new products, customers often find it difficult to react unless they have an opportunity to watch it perform or to use it.
1. Imperfect information: Many a times the information may be inaccurate or exaggerated (Ex.: Power looms ,Machine suppliers). The solution is to cross check the authenticity of information.
4. Imponderables-A fact of life: a) Law and order problem can completely destroy tourism industry b) Industrial unrest c) Power problem d) Recession in the economy e) Infrastructure problem