Voluntary Welfare Measures
Voluntary Welfare Measures
Voluntary Welfare Measures
Learning objectives:
What are welfare measures What are voluntary welfare measures What are welfare work by employers What are welfare work by employee unions What are welfare work by NGOs
All efforts and activities done to maintain State of living of an individuals or a group, in a desirable relationship with the total environment. Aim of welfare activities is partly humanitarian, economic, and civic. Needed because of well-known fact: Industrial progress depends on its committed labour force.
Mill Majdoor Union: Est. in Indore it organize music, dance and social get-together . It has a Balmandir to provide education and games to children of employees.
Rashtriya Mill Majdoor Sangh{RMMS}:It was founded by G.D.Ambekar and resgt Aug26,1941, under Trade union Act,1926.Primarily for representation of individual grievances, handling industrial disputes.