Voluntary Welfare Measures

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Learning objectives:
What are welfare measures What are voluntary welfare measures What are welfare work by employers What are welfare work by employee unions What are welfare work by NGOs

All efforts and activities done to maintain State of living of an individuals or a group, in a desirable relationship with the total environment. Aim of welfare activities is partly humanitarian, economic, and civic. Needed because of well-known fact: Industrial progress depends on its committed labour force.


All voluntary or self initiative efforts and activities of the employers or unions of employees or non-government organizations, to establish within the existing industrial system to improve and maintain satisfying standard of living conditions of working class. EXAMPLES: transport facility, housing, recreation etc.

Welfare work by employers

Education Facilities:{emphasized by Indian Industrial Commission 1918 & by Royal Commission on Lobour1931 } It is statutorily binding on plantation employers. Medical Facilities: important for all employers private or public sectors Transport Facilities: help workers to relieve form strain and anxiety, reduce rate of absenteeism Recreational facilities:{ music, sports, carvings, dance, ceremony, etc } most popular now a-days. It is obligatory on employers in plantations. Recommendation by I.L.O. Housing Facilities Consumer Co-operative Societies

Welfare work by Trade Union

Textile Labour Association{majoor mahajan}: est by Mahatma Gandhi 1916 , all around development. facilities like Hospital, Adult edu, Game centers, Gym. Now grown up as departmental unions having rich budget, staff of 400 full time/ part time

Mill Majdoor Union: Est. in Indore it organize music, dance and social get-together . It has a Balmandir to provide education and games to children of employees.
Rashtriya Mill Majdoor Sangh{RMMS}:It was founded by G.D.Ambekar and resgt Aug26,1941, under Trade union Act,1926.Primarily for representation of individual grievances, handling industrial disputes.

Welfare work by Trade Union

Mill Mazdoor Sabha: est 1947; it runs credit cooperatives, grants scholarships, issues books, has holiday homes, workers education and research on collective bargaining. Transport and dock workers union: est 1932 in Bombay. They provide housing, free medical treatment, financial grants, holiday homes etc.

Welfare measures by Self Help Groups

Micro financing Confidence and security to women: Social security and poverty reduction Awareness of legal rights and entitlements Provide strategic support Recreational activities Social empowerment Political empowerment Education programs Job training programs Employment generation programs

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