CHEM 180: Christian MANAHAN Anna Esperanza LEGASPI
CHEM 180: Christian MANAHAN Anna Esperanza LEGASPI
CHEM 180: Christian MANAHAN Anna Esperanza LEGASPI
Christian MANAHAN
Anna Esperanza LEGASPI
test liquid)
SALICYLIC ACID-(E5-sample) ACETOSALICYLIC ACID-(E5-sample) BENZOIC ACID-(E5-for calibration)
EXERCISE EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE 3 EXERCISE 4 EXERCISE 5 EXERCISE 6 EXERCISE 7 EXERCISE 8 HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL WASTE GENERATED None, all samples vaporized None None, gas tank contains inert gas Acetone and Propanol, (<10mL) Salicylic acid, acetyl salicylate, benzoic acid (<0.5g), sample is combusted Bromthymol Blue, HCl, NaOH, Borax, Potassium phosphate buffer (~100mL) Propanol, isopropyl alcohol, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethanol (~100mL), KCl, NaCl, Na2SO4, detergent (~100mL) Ethyl acetate, acetone (~15mL), sodium carboxymethylcellulose (~5 g)
Acetone, ethyl acetate Propanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol Salicylic acid, acetyl salicylate , benzoic acid Bromthymol Blue Phosphate Buffer HCl and NaOH Salts; KCl, NaCl, Na2SO4 Borax, sodium carboxymethylcellulose
Can cause irritation in contact, fumes can cause chronic effects to respiration, toxic if ingested, atmospheric and water pollutant Irritant upon skin exposure, toxic if ingested and inhaled at high concentration, atmospheric and water pollutant Laboratory grade is toxic if in contact, excessive inhalation of fumes causes nausea May be toxic if ingested, irritant upon contact, may change pH of water and soil
Generally non toxic, but may affect natural sources upon release and cause eutrophication
Corrosive and may affect aquatic and terrestrial environment if not neutralized, HCl fumes affect atmospheric environment Affect water quality. Sulfate in acidic solution may contribute sulfuric acid formation. KCl is a known irritant Borax is reactive to some terrestrial and aquatic processes. The polymer may cause clogging of water ways if acculmulated
Acetone, ethyl acetate Propanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol Salicylic acid, acetyl salicylate, benzoic acid Bromthymol Blue Phosphate Buffer HCl and NaOH Salts; KCl, NaCl, Na2SO4 Borax, sodium carboxymethylcellulose
Pool and isolate with RotaVap or distillation, use fractional distillation if found with water or alcohol Dispose to sink after diluting using water Contain recoverable un-combusted samples, collect sooty ashes and contain in solid waste container for land disposal Dilute and set to acceptable pH range, can be disposed to sink
Stack buffer component, concentrate by evaporating water and obtain salt, can be used for other uses such as agriculture
Neutralize acid and base waste with each other; can be disposed on sink Dilute and dispose to sink Remove solid and precipitate, contain in solid waste collector and dispose to land