Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications-An Introduction

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Web 2.

0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

Web 2.0 is clearly the second coming of Internet and represents the rapid proliferation of new generation Web or Internet based technologies. Web 2.0 has created the platform for increasing interpersonal content facilitation, sharing, creativity, service delivery, innovation and collaboration

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

Organizations have been taking advantage of Web 2.0 technologies in many ways- by providing a better communication channel for stake holders for sharing their experience and collaborative working and introducing innovative ways of marketing products and services etc.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

What is Web 2.0? The OReilly coined the term Web 2.0 and defines it as the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as an interacting and enabling platform and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform, chief among those rules is : Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

It is a new approach towards the web, which involves a shift from the web acting as an information source to a mass

communication channel between people. It

gives users the ability to generate their own content, sharing content, socializing

with one another as well as developing


Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

The concept of Web 2.0 is quite relative in our daily lives through the type of web application people use for social and business purposes. One of the most common examples is Facebook.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

Facebook is a social network which involves people interacting with one another through chatting or posting messages on other peoples walls. It gives the user to ability to create their own profile, which they can share with their friends, family or colleagues. Users can upload photos, videos and audio files. The News Feed acts as the RSS Feed, which aggregates updates from a users friends profiles. Apart from its social use, it is also used for business purposes, especially recruitment. Corporate companies, when recruiting, tend to look at the candidates Facebook profile, to gain an understanding of what the persons image is in the real world.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

Another Definition of Web 2.0 It is a method of thinking behind developing a website, going from a form of publishing to a form of enabling functionality, to allow users to use the web to form a community and provide content. Social networks such as MySpace, Facebook and twitter are examples of web 2.0. Web 2.0 is related to new ways in which online content providers and users communicate, engage, socialize as well as generate content, structures and share it. It is a shift from the web as an information source, to the web as a media mass communication between people.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

What are Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)? Rich Internet Applications or RIAs are Web applications that work like full fledged desktop applications in many ways. They are delivered to the user through a site specific browser either through a plug-in or a virtual machine.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

What are Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)? Rich Internet Applications or RIAs are Web applications that work like full fledged desktop applications in many ways. They are delivered to the user through a site specific browser either through a plug-in or a virtual machine.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

What is a site specific browser? A site specific browser is a browser minus menus and controls. With increased connectivity among mobile devices RIAs are becoming more increasingly popular on desktops as well mobile devices. RIAs provide robust ways of interacting with users with better efficiency than ever before.

Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications- An Introduction

What RIAs can do? RIAs let you perform in-line editing drag and drop items or otherwise interact directly with the elements.

Adobe describes an RIA as a light weight application with a subset of the functionality and feature set of desktop application while the user interface runs in a web browser or some other application runtime
RIAs combine the strengths of domains while liberating you from their respective constraints.

What is Web 2.0?

Web as a platform Software as services Architecture of participation Social media Harnessing collective intelligence Originated from O'Reilly and MediaLive International in 2004

Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. - Tim OReilly

Traditional Media

Social Media

The Strength of Weak Ties

Web 2.0 Provides the Infrastructure for Innovation

And a personal change

Web 2.0 Concepts

Blogging Forums Wikis Social Networks Bookmarking Folksonomy = Tagging E-commerce Syndication Instant Messaging Mashup RIA Collaborative Software

Individuals broadcast ideas to likeminded people Business to broadcast latest information to stakeholders Citizen journalism Receive comments from readers Photos, videos, podcasts Micro-blogging (twitter)

Online message board around one topic Discussions with posts and replies Threads are collections of posts and replies Moderators to clean up spam Software communities use forums as part of support platform

Collectively share and edit a body of knowledge Ongoing process of creation and collaboration Knowledge Management Wikipedia Enterprise wikis

Social Networking
Online communities Share information Connect people with same interest Personal, Business, Political Facebook, Hyves, Friendster, Orkut, MySpace, LinkedIn, Plaxo Flickr, You-Tube, Slideshare, Iens

Connect seller and buyer Adds value by providing service Ebay, Amazon, Marktplaats Kayak, hotels.com, Funda, Monsterboard Business model to leverage Web 2.0 technology

Users save and share links Add meta-data Access bookmarks on any computer Delicio.us, Digg, Reddit, StumbledUpon Rating Also social networking sites

Folksonomy = Tagging
Cooperative Classification Classification by users not experts Easier to find Blog posts, photos, videos, bookmarks Common problems
Spelling Plurals Specificity

Instant Messaging
MSN, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, Aim, Jabber, Google Talk, Skype Instant updates and feedback Real-time communication Mobile-enabled Extra features: file transfer, contact lists, conferences Business use to for more efficient communication

Make updates come to you RSS (Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication) Standard format used to publish frequently updated works
Blog posts, comments, news, forum feeds, audio, video, stock market

Aggregated for you by a RSS feed reader Bloglines, GoogleReader

Aggregates data from more than one source Often using Open API to build services from data sources e.g. Real estate data on Google map

Rich Internet Application Enhance user experience Thin client to fat client Technologies: Adobe Flex, JavaFX Still in its infancy Will take some changes to see the possibilities

Collaborative Software
Google Docs Vyew Real-time collaboration on documents Change the way we work

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