Exercise Prescription
Exercise Prescription
Exercise Prescription
Goals of Exercise
To improve physical fitness and for health benefits.
Physical Fitness
Physical fitness: A set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity.
Cardiorespiratory fitness- measured in VO2 max (maximal O2 uptake). Muscular strength, endurance and power- measured by 1 RM, number of RM (repetition maximum) performed and speed of repetition. Flexibility, balance, speed, reaction time.
Definition of health goes beyond freedom from clinical disease to include a focus on functional capability or functional health status, including avoidance of functional disability and achievement of higher levels of functional capability.
-Blair, SN et al. 1992
Metabolic markers of health- insulin sensitivity, cholesterol profile, blood pressure, bone density, body compositionetc
-Lieber et al. 1989. Run-trained vs. Swim-trained at 75% VO2 max over 12 wks. Similar increase in VO2 max. -Pollock et al. 1975. Walking, running, bicycling at same exercise intensity over 20 wks. Similar
improvements in VO2 max.
ACSM recommendations of 12-16 (moderate to hard) on RPE scale correlating to 50-85% VO2 R to elicit training effect.
ACSM Duration
20-60 minutes of continuous or intermittent (minimum of 10 minute bouts accumulated throughout the day) aerobic exercise.
ACSM- Frequency
ACSM recommends 3-5 days/ week.
Need at least 2 days/ week to see improvement and maximal improvement in VO2 max seen at 4 days/ week.
Wenger et al. 1986. Review of literature, meta-analysis.
Muscular Endurance: measure of how well muscles can repeatedly generate force, and the amount of time they can maintain activity.
Different loading schemes for developing strength, muscular endurance and power. Effect of exercise training specific to area of body trained and to the ROM utilized.
Stroke Patients
Macko et al. 2001. 19 stroke patients with chronic hemiparetic gait (> 6 months post CVA), treadmill exercise, 40 min sessions at 60% HRR, 3/wk x 6 months.
Economy of gait: determined by VO2 obtained during treadmill-exercise testing at a predetermined submaximal effort (with open-circuit spiromtery). Fractional utilization: the percentage of peak exercise capacity required to perform the constant load submaximal effort treadmill task. (Gait economy/ VO2 peak) x 100.
2. 3.
Might be beneficial to integrate stroke patients into phase II cardiac rehab program.