AP 03 Force Field Analysis

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Action Planning: Force-Field Analysis (FFA)

A tool to identify priority action areas

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala

Driving Forces

Constraining Forces

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala

Force field analysis: process

Set objectives

Force field analysis

identify forces select forces feasible to influence develop potential actions develop and test strategies develop tasks and timing


ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala

Follow the assignments described on p.35 For the Force Field Analysis we limit ourselves to Instructions 1 and 2 on p.35

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala


List restraining and driving forces Use form one (p 36 -37), Write your objective and as many restraining forces (anything which is likely to get in the way of achieving the objective) and driving forces (that help achieving it). Give a short description If you prefer, forces can be grouped, e.g.:
institutions (eg government) skills/ attitudes/ procedures site problems finance
ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala 5

Form for driving forces

Objective: Driving Force
Short description Influence Time Resources Commitment

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala

Form for restraining forces

Objective: Restraining Force
Short description Influence Time Resources Commitment

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala


Test against criteria Once you have written the forces, check to see if they are feasible to influence. Write Yes or No in the boxes on the right.
Possible to influence? Is it realistic that we can influence this force/ do something to change? Can influence in time? Is it possible to have a significant influence within the time you have set in the objectives. Are resources available to influence? Is it realistic that we can get together the resources which are necessary to influence this force? Is there enough commitment? Do you feel strongly enough about influencing this force? Is it likely that the support of others (politics, population) will back you?

Any ideas you get for action can be noted down separately - dont come out with solutions yet!
ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala 8

Force field analysis listing of forces

Draw the Forces in the Force Field diagram (p. 38) Objective: To finish all retaining walls by the end of 2006 in all sectors of Slum Julian Blanco Driving Forces Constraining forces
Community organisation Positive attitude of a section of the community Financial resources Capacity building programmes Quality of projects (plans)
ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala

Government attitude (stigmatisation) Community distrust on government interventions Imposed community organisation Poor quality of physical interventions Corruption

Force field analysis: filtering to key forces

Filter most important key forces What are the strongest forces? What forces can be influenced? Draw the Forces in the Force Field diagram (p. 39) Rule of thumb: filter down to seven forces

2 driving forces 5 constraining forces

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala 10

Force Field Analysis filtering key forces

Driving Forces
Community organisation

Constraining forces
Government attitude (stigmatisation) Community distrust on government interventions Imposed community organisation

Capacity building programmes

Poor quality of physical interventions Corruption

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala


Conclusions and next steps

FFA is a tool to help develop practical and innovative courses of action FFA can help you to streamline your objective within the time frame of the action plan The following steps will be to brainstorm and then test and prioritize the ideas in order to develop an action plan

ffa.ppt. 4/11/2013 Prepared by: Forbes Davidson Modified Saskia Ruijsink and Alonso Ayala 12

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