Akshipriya Negi Gaurav Gupta Partha Sanjana Bhatt Sheetal Verma Shoib Khan
Akshipriya Negi Gaurav Gupta Partha Sanjana Bhatt Sheetal Verma Shoib Khan
Akshipriya Negi Gaurav Gupta Partha Sanjana Bhatt Sheetal Verma Shoib Khan
Akshipriya Negi Gaurav Gupta Partha Sanjana Bhatt Sheetal Verma Shoib Khan
not fully enjoyed in one accounting period but spread over several
accounting periods. It includes assets acquired for the purpose of earning income or increasing the earning capacity of business or effecting economy in the operation of an asset. Expenditure incurred for improving assets and extending an existing asset is also called capital expenditure.
Interest on capital paid during the period of construction of the company. Expenditure incurred in the installation of an asset. Expenditure incurred for putting the old asset purchased, into working condition. Financing charges paid, brokerage and commission paid. Additions and extensions made to the existing assets. Betterment of fixed assets to produce more so as to improve its earning capacity.
Revenue expenditure is the expenditure incurred in one period of accounting, the full benefit of which is enjoyed in that period only. It does not increase the earning capacity of business but it is incurred in order to maintain the existing earning capacity of the
It includes all the expenses which arise in normal course of business.
The money spent to gain long term benefit i.e., more than 1 year is
capital expenditure. The money is basically spent to buy things which will produce current assets. Whereas the money spent to gain short term benefit i.e., less than 1 year is revenue expenditure. The money is basically spent on things which will be sold after being produced.
Capital Expenditures Its effect is long term i.e., it is not exhausted within the current account year. Its benefit is enjoyed in future year or years also. In a word, its effect is reduces gradually.
Revenue Expenditures Its effect is temporary, i.e., it is exhausted within the current accounting year.
It does not occur again and again - It occurs repeatedly - It is recurring it is non-recurring and irregular. and regular.
Capital Expenditures
This expenditure improves the position of the concern
A portion of this expenditure is shown in the trading and profit and loss account or income and expenditure account as depreciation.
Revenue Expenditures
This expenditure helps to maintain the concern
The whole amount of this expenditure is shown in trading and profit and loss account or income and expense account. But deferred revenue expenditures and prepaid expenses are not shown
It does not appear in balance sheet. Deferred revenue expenditure, outstanding expenditure, outstanding expenses and prepaid expenses, however, temporarily shown in the balance sheet
It does not reduce the revenue of the concern. Purchase of fixed assets does not effect revenue.
Revenue Expenditure is the cost of day to day expenses for running of business. It is charged against profit in the income statement in the year it is expensed.