HTFS Presentation 2 Heat Exchanger
HTFS Presentation 2 Heat Exchanger
HTFS Presentation 2 Heat Exchanger
TASC 5.00
Design Optimization How to better optimize an exchanger application to the lowest cost solution
Vibration How to interpret and solve potential vibration indications
E-type Is the most common of the shell types. The one shell pass with the entrance and exit nozzles at opposite ends is the ideal arrangement for excellent performance. Used with a single tube pass temperature crosses can be avoided. F-type The F-shell is typically used when a temperature cross exists that would otherwise force the design into multiple shells in series. They are not recommended with removable bundles. A tight seal is required at the long baffle as the unit will not perform as designed should there be fluid leakage across the longitudinal baffle. The amount of heat transferred is greater than for an E-shell, but the shell side pressure drop is also higher and there is some thermal leakage across the long plate. G-type- The shell side fluid splits into two with the two halves flowing in opposite directions around a partial longitudinal baffle. The G-shell is used when the available pressure drop is limited. It is a hybrid 2-pass shell. H-type The arrangement is quite often used for shell side thermosiphon applications or shell side condensers with low allowable pressure drop. J-type It is used when there is limited available pressure drop on the shell side. It can not be used when the tube side temperature crossed the temperature on the shell side. The J type is quite often used for shell side condensers.
K-type Kettles are frequently used under distillation columns to provide vapor reflux and energy back to the column for distillation. X-type Flow is distributed along the entire length of the bundle and flows across the bundle perpendicular to the tubes. The distribution is accomplished by multiple nozzles along the shell or via open areas at the top & bottom of the shell. Support plate type baffle are used to support tubes. With this shell arrangement, the shell side pressure drop is minimized.
There are several possible ways to layout tubes for four or more passes. The primary effect on the thermal design is due to the different number of tubes, which are possible for each type. The Quadrant layout has the advantage of usually (but certainly not always) giving the highest tube count. It is the required layout for all U-tube designs of four or more passes. The tube side nozzles must be offset from the centerline when using quadrant layout. The program will automatically avoid quadrant layout for shells with longitudinal baffles and 6, 10, or 14 passes, in order to avoid having the longitudinal baffle bisect a pass. The Mixed layout has the advantage of keeping the tube side nozzles on the centerline. It often gives a tube count close to quadrant and sometimes exceeds it. The program will automatically avoid mixed layout for shells with longitudinal baffles and 4, 8, 12, or 16 passes. The Ribbon layout nearly always gives a layout with fewer tubes than quadrant or mixed layout. It is the layout the program always uses for an odd number of tube passes. It is also the layout preferred by the program for X-type shells. The primary advantage of ribbon layout is the more gradual change in operating temperature of adjacent tubes from top to bottom of the tubesheet. This can be especially important when there is a large change in temperature on the tube side, which might cause significant thermal stresses in mixed and especially quadrant layouts.
Note: Hetran (B-Jac) program bases the tube side calculations on an average number of tubes per pass, so such deviation are not reflected in the thermal design.
The tie-rods and spacers are necessary to keep the baffles and tube support plates at their appropriate locations. Their number and diameter vary with the shell diameter. The number of tubes in an exchangers will be reduced due to the space occupied by the tie-rods and spacers. Usually each set of a tie-rod and spacer requires the removal of four to six tubes around it. The TEMA standards provide guidance as to the minimum number required. TASC adheres to the TEMA recommendation. Sealing strips are used to reduce bypassing of the shell side flow around the bundle between the shell ID and the outer most tubes. They are installed in pairs on the baffles usually by welding. In fixed tubesheet (L, M, & N rear heads) and U-tube heat exchangers the clearance between shell ID and the outer tube limit is comparatively small. Therefore sealing strips are seldom needed for these types. In inside floating head (S & T rear heads), outside packed floating head (P rear head), and floating tubesheet (W rear head) heat exchangers, the potential for bypassing is much greater. In these cases sealing strips are generally required. The thermal design calculations in HTFS assume that sealing strips are always present in P, S, T, & W type heat exchangers. Generally, one pair of seals strips is used for every 6 rows of tubes in
Baffles are used to direct the shell side flows so that the fluid velocity is increased to a point to maintain a high heat transfer coefficient as well as to minimize fouling. In horizontal exchangers the baffles also aid in supporting the tube bundle to prevent the tubes from sagging or vibrating. HTFS supplies the following baffles: 1. Single segmental provides the best thermal performance but also the highest pressure drop. 2. The multi-segmental types decrease pressure drop significantly with a corresponding reduction in heat transfer coefficient. 3. The Rod and Strip types will provide the lowest pressure drop but with a significant reduction in performance.
Single Segmental
Double Segmental
Triple Segmental
Full Support
No Tubes in Window
Single segmental baffles are the most common. The baffle cuts will vary from 15-45% of the shell diameter. A cut of 20-25% will normally provide the highest film coefficient for a given pressure drop. For single phase exchangers, up and over flow (horizontal baffles) is best practice if the shell side nozzles are at the top or bottom of the shell. This avoids the region under the nozzle with tubes removed providing a large area in which flow could bypass the bundle. Large bypass areas give reduced bundle mass flux, and hence shell side coefficient for single phase flows. For boiling or condensing shell side flows, potential phase separation problems with up and over flows (particularly for condensing) means vertical baffle cuts are preferred. For horizontal heat exchangers it is far more important. For the particular case of horizontal condensers, vertical cut baffles (i.e. side-to-side flow) is often chosen since its use permits reasonable liquid-vapor separation (which means that any noncondensables can be easily vented) and provides a small amount of liquid sub-cooling. For single segmental baffles, TASC allows a cut of 15% to 45%. Greater than 45% is not practical because it does not provide for enough overlap of the baffles. Less than 15% is not practical, because it results in a high pressure drop through the baffle window with relatively little gain in heat transfer (poor pressure drop to heat transfer conversion). Generally, where baffling the flow is necessary, the best baffle cut is around 25%. For F and G shells with up-and-over flow (i.e. horizontal baffle cut) the maximum baffle cut is 25%.
There is also a single segmental baffles where no tubes are placed where the baffle cut creates the baffle window (NTIW). These baffles are normally used to resolve vibration problems. They provide support for the tubes at each baffle segment. Intermediate support plates are often used with no tubes in the window baffles. The support plate is similar to the central piece of a double segmental baffle. It provides additional tube support and very little additional pressure drop. The cut is normally limited to approximately 15%. Otherwise, the sacrifice in the number of tubes/shell would be too costly.
The advantage of a NTIW arrangement is that the tube unsupported span can be minimized to avoid vibration. Additional intermediate support plates can be also added as shown.
Double segmental baffles are an excellent selection for moderately reducing the shell side pressure drop. Double segmental baffles create more of a parallel type flow than a cross flow that exists with single segmental baffles. There should exist at least a two row overlap between adjacent baffle segments. The baffle cut should be in the range of 15 to 25%. Double segmental up-and-over baffles are not allowed in F and G shells. Triple segmental baffles are used infrequently primarily because of their high cost. They are used when a significant reduction in the shell side pressure drop is required. Rod baffles are licensed through Phillips Petroleum Company. Only a limited number of fabricators are licensed to use them. Each tube is supported at four circumferential points at each baffle. The flow is parallel to the bundle. They provide an excellent remedy when vibration or restrictive pressure drop on the shell side is a problem. They are only used with square patterns.
For a single phase fluid in a horizontal shell, the preferable baffle orientation horizontal, although vertical and rotated are also acceptable. The choice will not affect the performance, but it will affect the number of tubes in a multipass heat exchanger. The horizontal cut has the advantage of limiting stratification of multi-component mixtures, which might separate at low velocities. The rotated cut is rarely used. Its only advantage is for a removable bundle with multiple tube passes and rotated square layout. In this case the number of tubes can be increased by using a rotated cut, since the pass partition lane can be smaller and still maintain the cleaning paths all the way across the bundle. (From the tubesheet, the layout appears square instead of rotated square.) For horizontal single phase fouling applications the vertical cut baffles are preferred, in that it prevents dirt settlement. For horizontal shell side condensers, the orientation should always be vertical, so that the condensate can freely flow at the bottom of the heat exchanger. These baffles are frequently notched at the bottom to improve drainage. For shell side pool boiling, the cut (if using a segmental baffle) should be vertical. For shell side forced circulation vaporization, the cut should be horizontal in order to minimize the separation of liquid and vapor. For double and triple segmental baffles, the preferred baffle orientation is vertical. This provides better support for the tube bundle than a horizontal cut which would leave the topmost baffle unsupported by the shell. However this can be overcome by leaving a small strip connecting the topmost segment with the bottommost segment around the baffle window between the O.T.L. and the baffle O.D.
Split backing ring and pull-through floating head exchangers have a special support / blanking baffle adjacent to the floating head to take the weight of the complete floating head assembly. In this case the tube surface area between floating tubesheet and support becomes ineffective. In order to increase the effectiveness of this surface it is usual to cut slots of various shapes in the baffle.
If the shell-and-tube-sides require different materials, the best choice of routing can only be decided after designing both options in many cases. For instance, routing the higher pressure fluid through the shell may produce cheaper unit, particularly if it reduces the exchanger diameter and it is made of carbon steel and fixed tubesheet type. Stream with low available pressure drop should be allocated to tube-side or longitudinal shell-side arrangement (i.e. multi-segmental baffles, rods, strips baffles). In the other hand, extremely low pressure drop can be obtained in X-shells. The stream with low or sensitive pressure drop requirements may have to be tried in both options. High pressure, high temperature and corrosive fluids are best placed on the tube side, which eliminates expensive shells. Fouling fluids are preferably placed on the tube side except for U-tubes. Hazardous fluids for exchangers with expansion bellows, or with P or W type rear heads should be routed to tube side. Viscous fluids are preferably placed on the shell side, where the induced turbulence will result in higher heat transfer. Small flow rate and low heat transfer coefficient fluids can be best placed in shell side with considering proper surface enhancement.
Select a tube size , pitch, and length and determine the number of tubes, shell size, and baffling, if required. (This item will be discussed further in detail)
Typical velocities for fluids of low viscosity lie in the region of 0.5-3 m/s. As the fluid viscosity increases, the tube-side velocity falls and for highly viscous liquids may be as low as 0.1 m/s.
The velocity range for gases is of the order of 2-15 m/s.
Affecting Parameter
Baffle type Shell type Tube pattern Tube diameter Baffle cut Tube Pitch Fluid allocation Arrangement Tube type
Remedial Action
Double or triple segmental J or X type shell Rotated square or Square Increase to 1 or 1.25 Use 30% to 40% Increase to 1.4 to 1.5 x tube OD Switch sides Increase # of exch. In parallel Plain
Remedial Action
Single segmental E or F type shell Triangular Decrease to 0.625 or 0.5 Use 15% to 20%
1. Use of large fouling factors, such that they have a significant effect on design. Following explanatory examples shows the significance of fouling factor effect on operating margin when its order of magnitude is different from the tube inside and outside heat transfer coefficient.
Exchanger Service Clean Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient TEMA Specified Fouling Factor Service Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient Excess Surface Area Required Due to Fouling
Water / Water S/T Exchanger 2840 0.000528 1136 2.5 times of clean exchanger
Steam / Fuel Oil S/T Exchanger 114 0.0097 102.6 1.11 times of clean exchanger
Although a high operating margin may be regarded as a desirable objective in order to achieve a safe design; however, an excessive margin may cause operating problems in the early life of the exchanger when it is clean. Without temperature control the cold fluid may be overheated, leading to local boiling, corrosion, and fouling. With temperature control, which reduces the cold fluid flow may cause fouling due to its low velocity, in addition to the problems already mentioned.
Design Margin: Having calculated Ains and Aser, what design margin (i.e. Ains/Aser) should be allowed, bearing in mind the problems which may be caused by excessive surface area? There are no fixed rules regarding design margin; however it is recommended to keep the design margin to a minimum and not greater than 1.1, when all the following conditions satisfied:
1. When the reliability of the heat transfer data available to the thermal design engineer is confirmed. 2. When the tube side heat transfer coefficient is controlling the design. 3. When the shell side flow regime is turbulent (heat transfer prediction is much certain for turbulent flow) 4. When the fouling factors is small (i.e. fouling factor does not affect much the required heat transfer area) 5. When the thermal design is performed based on HTRI or HTFS programs (more accurate than other published methods)
The condensing heat transfer film coefficient will be controlled by gravity or by the shear velocity of the vapor. A downward vapor velocity will tend to increase the coefficient both by thinning the film and by increasing the likelihood of turbulence. Some software packages (e.g. B-Jac) provide information on the flow regime in their calculation details, which would be helpful for thermal designer for deciding on the exchangers heat transfer surface affecting parameters (e.g. number of tubes, tube size, and tube length). (A sample of BJac detailed calculations is provided for further clarity)
You can review the flow regimes - shear and gravity flow
1. Wet wall de-superheating: Occurs when the bulk temperature of a stream is above the dew point, but the local wall temperature is below the dew point. If the wet wall calculation is selected, the TASC corrects the heat transfer rate in the de-superheating zone to allow for condensation occurring at the wall. 2. Dry wall de-superheating: Occurs when both the bulk temperature of stream and the local wall temperature are above the dew point. In such case the program uses the single phase gas coefficient until the bulk vapor temperature reaches the dew point. Usually dry wall coefficients are lower than wet wall coefficients, and hence more conservative. Sub-cooling: The cooling of the condensate below the bubble point. Sometimes it is desirable to avoid re-flash of the fluid in the piping. It is, however, better to provide a separate heat exchanger for any required sub-cooling. Normally the outlet nozzle of exchanger is sized for free drainage; However, If the amount of subcooling is greater than 14C, it is recommended to design the exiting nozzle/piping to maintain a liquid level in the exchanger. You may specify whether or not you want sub-cooling effect be considered in heat transfer and pressure loss calculation. Allowing for it will lead to higher coefficients of heat transfer as well the frictional pressure losses.
Bubble Pt.
Temperature, T
non-condensables present
Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong methods - For weakly polar components (such as hydrocarbons, nitrogen, CO2, CO) Chao-Seader - For petroleum fractions (at pressures less than 1000 psia and temperatures greater than 0 F)
Interactive Parameter Methods - User must provide interactive parameters from 3rd party source
Van Laar - Supports combination of polar and non-polar compounds with positive deviations form Raoults law. Wilson - For strongly non-ideal mixtures; alcohols & hydrocarbons NRTL - Good for immiscibles Uniquac - Good for small & large molecules; including polymers, parameters are less temperature dependent, and immiscibles
2. 3. 1.
4. 1.
An upflow vapor is rarely used and, if used, should not have any baffles or support plates.
1. Potential for high pressure drop (delta T penalty), potential for differential condensation, potential for inert gas accumulation 2. Sub-cooling difficult to predict Notes
1. The lower edges of baffles shall be notched to permit drainage. 2. The baffle spacing may be made variable if maintaining a high vapor velocity is desired, such as when noncondensables are present. 3. Baffle cuts smaller than 35% of shell diameter are suggested to avoid baffle tip shortcutting of the flow. 4. The low fin tube may be used when the surface tension of the condensate is lower than 40 dyn/cm.
1. 2 inlets & 1 outlet: large manifold to divide flow but low vapor entry velocity and smaller inlet nozzles. 2. 1 inlet & 2 outlets: smaller manifold for outlet flows but high entry velocity and larger inlet nozzle.
1. Low pressure drop 2. Low fin tubes applicable 3. Tubeside easy to clean 4. Supports prevent vibration Disadvantages
1. Additional piping or vapor distributor usually needed (expensive) 2. Low vapor velocity makes it difficult to vent inerts 3. Not good for wide condensing ranges 4. Not good for temperature crosses or meets 5. Sub-cooling is difficult to predict
4. 5. 6.
3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Decrease fluid velocity 2. Increase the tube natural frequency by decreasing the span length 3. Increase the damping by reducing the tube-to-baffle clearance or increasing the baffle thickness 4. Increase the tube pitch 5. Remove the tubes in the window region which have double length spans