RM 1 - 1
RM 1 - 1
RM 1 - 1
Module I (Part 1)
External Research Suppliers Business Research Firms Communication Agencies Consultants Trade Associations
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It enables you to contextualize your findings. Thus it helps you to: Bring clarity & focus to your research problem Improve your methodology Broaden your knowledge base in your research area Contextualize your findings.
Source of Knowledge
Literature Review Secondary data
Independent variables are variables or alternatives that are manipulated and whose effects are measured and compared, e.g., price levels. Dependent variables are the variables which measure the effect of the independent variables on the test units, e.g., sales, profits, and market shares. Extraneous variables are all variables other than the independent variables that affect the response of the test units, e.g., store size, store location, and competitive effort.
Research Process/Plan
Step 1: Problem Definition
Discussion with decision makers Interviews with industry experts
Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation
To determine the price elasticity of demand and the impact on sales and profits of various levels of price changes.
Research Problem
Broad Statement
Specific Components
Objectives should be listed under two headings: Main Objective: Overall statement of the thrust of
your study. Also a statement of the main associations & relationships that you seek to discover or establish.
Types of Hypothesis
1) Descriptive Hypothesis 2) Relational Hypothesis i. Correlational Hypothesis ii. Causal Hypothesis
Descriptive Hypothesis
A descriptive hypothesis is a statement about the existence, size, form, or distribution of a variable. Researchers often use a research question rather than a descriptive hypothesis. Examples are provided in the slide. Either format is acceptable, but the descriptive hypothesis has three advantages over the research question.
Hypothesis Formats
Descriptive In Detroit, our potato chip market share stands at 13.7%. American cities are experiencing budget difficulties. Research Question What is the market share for our potato chips in Detroit? Are American cities experiencing budget difficulties?
Relational Hypothesis
A relational hypothesis is a statement about the relationship between two variables with respect to some case. Relational hypotheses may be correlational or explanatory (causal). A correlational hypothesis is a statement indicating that variables occur together in some specified manner without implying that one causes the other.
A causal hypothesis is a statement that describes a relationship between two variables in which one variable leads to a specified effect on the other variable.
Relational Hypotheses
Correlational Young women (under 35) purchase fewer units of our product than women who are older than 35. The number of suits sold varies directly with the level of the business cycle. Causal An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income saved. Loyalty to a grocery store increases the probability of purchasing that stores private brand products.