11-Threads Introduction

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Threads Introduction

Thread: Introduction

1. 2.

Each process has

Own Address Space Single thread of control

1. 2.

A process model has two concepts:

Resource grouping Execution

Sometimes it is useful to separate them

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

Unit of Resource Ownership

A process has an

Address space Open files Child processes Accounting information Signal handlers

If these are put together in a form of a process, can be managed more easily

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

Unit of Dispatching

Path of execution

Program counter: which instruction is running Registers:

holds current working variables


Contains the execution history, with one entry for each procedure called but not yet returned


Processes are used to group resources together Threads are the entities scheduled for execution on the CPU Threads are also called lightweight process

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

Heavy weight process

Its better to distinguish between the two Address concepts space/Global

Variables Open files Child processes Accounting info Signal handlers Program counter Registers Stack State

Unit of Resource
Address space/Global Variables Open files Child processes Accounting Info Signal Handlers


In case of multiple threads per process Unit of Dispatch

Feb 19, 2009

Program Counter Registers Program Counter Stack Registers State Stack Program Counter State Registers Stack State

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam


Allow multiple execution paths in the same process environment Threads share address space, open files etc But have own set of Program counter, Stack etc The first thread starts execution with

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

The threads appear to the Scheduling part of an OS just like any other process

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

Process Vs. Threads

(a) Three threads, each running in a separate address space

(b) Three threads, sharing the same address space

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

The Thread Model

Each thread has its own stack

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

Thread Usage

Less time to create a new thread than a process

the newly created thread uses the current process address space no resources attached to them

Less time to terminate a thread than a process. Less time to switch between two threads within the same process, because the newly created thread uses the current process address space. Less communication overheads

threads share everything: address space, in particular. So, data produced by one thread is immediately available to all the other threads Substantial Computing and Substantial Input/Output

Performance gain

Useful on systems with multiple processors

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

1. Single threaded database server

Handles multiple clients

Either handle the requests sequentially Or multiplex explicitly by creating multiple processes

Unfair for quick requests, occurring behind lengthy request Complex and error prone Heavy IPC required
Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

1. Multithreaded database server

Assign a separate thread to each request

As fair as in the multiplexed approach. The code is as simple as in the sequential approach, since the address space is shared - all variables are available Some synchronization of access to the database is required, this is not terribly complicated.
Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

e.g. A multithreaded web server

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

2. Background Processing
Consider writing a GUI-based application that uses:
Mouse Keyboard input Handles various clock-based events

In a single threaded application, if the application is busy with one activity, it cannot respond (quickly enough) to other events, such as mouse or keyboard input. Handling such concurrency is difficult and complex But simple in a multithreaded process

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

e.g. A word processor with 3 threads

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

3. Parallel Algorithms e.g. Merge Sort

Sort some data items on a shared-memory parallel computer. Our task is merely to implement a multithreaded sorting algorithm.

Divide the data into four pieces Have each processor sort a different piece. Two processors each merge two pieces One processor merges the final two combined pieces.

Feb 19, 2009

Operating Systems - Mehreen Alam

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