Interdisciplinary Planning

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Interdisciplinary Planning

Objective of todays workshop:

Participants will explore the planning process for interdisciplinary projects. They will plan a 2-4 week interdisciplinary project.

Why? Does integrated curriculum work? Do interdisciplinary projects work?

What will students need to be successful in their world?

A high capacity for abstract, conceptual thinking The ability to apply this thinking to real world problems The ability to function in an environment where communication skills are vital The ability to work easily and well with others to resolve conflict and to work well without close supervision. (Marshall and Tucker, 1992)

Student-centered learning with realworld connections

More is learned if the student perceives the content as relevant. More learning is retained if the learning is acquired through discovery or doing. Attention is selective. Information that is not selected for attention is forever lost and never learned.

Student-centered learning with realworld connections

Prior knowledge is the basis for new learning. Hooking new information into prior knowledge forms meaningful connections. Retrieval is cue dependent. Retrieval clues are crucial during diagnosing and testing. Thus, it becomes important to build multiple pathways to the information instead of just memorizing it.

Integrated Curriculum research

Students taught with integrated curriculum reported that they specifically liked working in teams and indicated improvements in both attitude and work habits.
Source: MacIver(1990)

Integrated Curriculum research

Students taught with integrated curriculum had better self-direction, higher attendance, and improved levels of homework completion.
Source: Jacobs (1989)

Integrated Curriculum research

Teacher attitudes improve. Teachers who integrate curriculum find that they can teach more in greater depth with students more actively involved in the learning process.
Source: (Edgerton,1990), (MacIver, 1990), and (Greene, 1991).

Successful integration requires that teachers:

Accommodate academic performance standards. Incorporate industry-specific skill standards Establish ground rules and identify responsibilities
Source: Career Academy Toolkit, Mittlesteadt, Reeves

What the greatest challenge you can foresee to interdisciplinary planning?

Examples for making time:

Schedule planning time and lunch together extending the time teachers have together to plan. Reschedule day-long staff development meetings to shorter teacher team planning meetings. Ex: refigure 5 staff development days into 13 two hour planning sessions. Banking time lengthening the school day and releasing the students on certain to use the banked time for planning.

Think Pair - Share

Give two suggestions when your team can plan beyond common planning time.

One example: Tour of the world

Things Fall Apart Proverbs

Social Studies
History Geography Culture

Measurement Distance/Time

Well try it!

Theme: Civil War

Interdisciplinary project planning process

TASK: Divide into 4 groups. Your team will develop an outline for an interdisciplinary project which will last 2-4 weeks and can be implemented this year.

Your team will report their results to the group at the conclusion of this planning time.

Interdisciplinary project planning process

1) What are you planning to teach this semester? Refer to your completed 16 week planner to give a brief overview of what you plan to cover by unit.

2) Identify a common theme, idea, or concept that reflects your career academy or curriculum and will be the basis for the project.

16 Week Plan
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Name _______________ Academy ______________ Course_______________ Grade(s)/Level(s)_________ Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16

Interdisciplinary project planning process

3) Identify the California Content Standards and Benchmarks that will be addressed. Decide what the final project will be. Develop timeline for the project. (start & end date)

4) 5)

Interdisciplinary project planning process

6) How will each teacher prepare students for the project? Identify tasks for each team member and establish responsibilities. How can your business partner support this project?


Interdisciplinary project planning process

8) Brainstorm a motivational activity for the beginning and the conclusion of your unit. Whats your hook and culminating event? Choose a reporter to share your results with the group.


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