Automatic Water Flow Control
Automatic Water Flow Control
Automatic Water Flow Control
System Curve
When a pump is connected with a pipe system, it forms a pump-piping system. A water system may consist of one pump-pumping system or a combination of several pump-piping system.
The speed of variables-speed pump in a variable-flow water system is often controlled by a pressure-differential transmitter installed at the end of the supply main, with a set point normally between 15 and 20 ft. WC ( 4.5 and 6 m WC ) 6.5 PSI AND 8.6 PSI. This represent the head loss resulting from the control valve, pipe fittings, and pipe friction between the supply and return mains at the farthest branch circuit from the variable-speed pump. Therefore, the head losses of a pump piping system can be divided into two parts:
Constant, or fixed, head loss H fix, remains constant as the water flow varies. Its magnitude is equal to the set point of the pressure-differential transmitterH set, or the difference between the suction and the discharge levels of the pump in open systems H sd [ft. WC (m WC )]. Variable head loss H var, which varies as the water flow changes. Its magnitude is the sum of the head losses caused by pipe friction H pipe, pipe fittings H fit, equipment H eq,, and components H cp, all in ft WC (m WC), that is, H var = H pipe + H fit + H eq + H cp
Head losses H fix and H var. The relationship between the pressure loss p [ft WC (kpa)]; flow head H var [ft WC ( m WC)]; flow resistance of the water system R var [ft WC/(gpm)2 (m WC.s2/m6)]; and water volume flow rate Vw [gpm (m3/s], can be exprssed as
Where pw ( RHO) = density of water, lb/ft3 (kg/m3) g = gravitational acceleration, ft/s2 (m/s2) gc = dimensional constant, 32.2lbm ft/lbf s2
The curve that indicates between the flow head, flow resistance, and water volume flow rate is called the system curve of a pumping system, or a water system.
The intersection of the pump performance curve and water system curve is the operating point of this variable-flow water system as shown by point P. Its volume flow rate is represented by Vr [gpm ( m3/s)],and its total head is Hp = Hfix + Hvar [ ft WC (m WC)].
Usually, the calculated head loss is over estimated, and the selected pump is oversized with higher pump head, so that the actual system operation point is point P.
Therefore, for a variable-flow water system installed with a constant-speed pump, the design system operating point is preferably located to the left of the region of pump maximum efficiency, because the system operating point of an oversized pump moves into or nearer to the region of pump maximum efficiency.
When two pump-piping system 1 and 2 are connected in series, the volume flow rate that combined pump-piping system, Vcom [ gpm (m3/s)] is
Vcom = V1 = V2
Operating point
H2 H1
P2 P1
Where V1 and V2 are the flow rate of pump-piping systems 1 and 2, gpm (m3/s). The total head lift of the combined system Hcom [ ft WC (m WC)] is
Hcom = H1 + H2
It is simpler to use one system curve to represent the whole system, to use a combined system curve. The system operating point of the combined pump-piping system is illustrated by pont P with a volume flow of Vp and head of Hp. The purpose of pump-piping system in series is to increase the system head.
When a pump-piping system has a parallel-connected water pimps, its volume flow rate V [gpm (m3/s)] is the sum of the volume flow rates of the consumed pumps V1, V2,etc.. The head of each constituent pump and head of the combined pump-piping system are equal. It is more convenient to draw a combined pump curve and one system curve to determine their intersection, the system operating point P. The purpose of equipping a water system with parallel-connected pumps is to increase its volume flow rate.
Q1 + Q2 + Q3
Q1 + Q2
Q2 Q1
Throttle the volume flow by using a valve. As the valve closes is opening, the flow resistance of the pump-piping system increases. A new system curve is form, which results in having new system operating point that moves along the pump curves to the left-hand side of the original curve, with a lower volume rate and higher total head. Such behavior is known as riding on the curve. Using the valve to modulate the volume flow rate of a pump-piping system always wastes energy because of the head loss across the valve Hval.
Turn the water pumps on or off in sequence for pump-piping systems that have multiple pumps in a parallel connection. Modulation of the volume flow rate by means of turning water pumps on and off often result in a sudden drop or increase in the volume flow rate and head, as shown by system operating points P, Q and T. Vary the pump speed to modulate the volume flow and head of the pump-piping system. When the speed of the pump is varied from n1 to n2 and then to n3 , new pump curves P2 and P3 are formed. the system operating point will move from point P to Q and then to T along the system curve, with a lower volume flow rate, head, and input pump power. The system curve become modulating curve and approaches Hfix = Hset is the set point of pressure-differential transmitter,
Ft WC ( m WC). Varying the pump speed requires the lower pump power input in comparison with other modulatiopn methods.
n2 n1
The performance of geometrically and dynamically similar pump-piping systems 1 and 2 can be expressed as follows:
Where V
H1 P D n
V2 / V2 = D32n2 / D31n1 2 2 H2 / H1 = n 2 /n 1 3 3 P2 / P1 = n 2 /n 1 = volume flow rate of pump-piping system, gpm (m3/s) = total head lift, ft WC (m WC) = pump over input at shaft, hp (kW) = outside diameter of pump impeller, ft (m) = speed of pump impeller, rpm
A pump may be directly driven by a motor, or it may be driven by a motor and belts. When the energy cost of water system is evaluated, the pump total efficiency p, the motor efficiency mot, and the efficiency of the variable-speed drives dr should all be considered. The wire-to-water efficiency of a water system ww, expressed either in dimensionless in form as a percentage, is defined as the ratio of energy output from water to energy input to the electric wire connected to the motor. It can calculated as ww = p dr mot
The total efficiency of the centrifugal pump p can be obtain from the manufacturer or calculated. The pump efficiency p depends on the type and size of pump as well as the percentage of the design volume flow rate during operation. Pump efficiency usually varies from 0.7 to 0.85 at the design volume flow rate. Drive efficiency dr indicates the efficiency of to direct drive, belt drive, and various type of speed drives. For direct drive, dr = 1. among variable-speed drives, an adjustable-frequency alternating-current (AC) has the highest drive efficiency. For a 25hp (18.7-kw) motor, dr often varies from 0.80 at 20 percent design flow. Motor efficiency mot depends on the type and size of motor. It normally varies from 0.91 for a 10-hp ( 7.5-kw ) high efficiency motor to 0.96 for a 250-hp ( 187-kw ) motor.
150psi max
Vp1 = Vp2 = Vp3 H1 + H2 + H3 = Htotal LOW ZONE P1-RUN MED ZONE P1& P2 - RUN