Task Management System

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The document describes a mobile-based Task Management System that helps organizations manage employee tasks and attendance. It provides features like adding/removing employees and tasks, taking attendance, and sending messages to employees.

The Task Management System aims to solve the problems that exist with traditional task management systems by providing an effective solution for task and attendance management in small and large organizations.

The main features of the Task Management System application include adding/removing employees and tasks, taking attendance, viewing attendance, assigning tasks, and sending messages to employees. It is also tablet-based which provides more portability than PC-based systems.

Mahakal Institute of Technology and Science

Major Project Presentation On

Task Management System

Developed At

Presented By
Shweta Gupta Abhijeet Nigoskar

Introduction Usecase Diagram System Flow Diagram Data Flow Diagram Database Description Hardware And Software Platform

Module wise Snap Shot

Features and Limitation Conclusion

Task Management System is a mobile based application which takes care of the employees within an organization.
It takes care of the activities that are scheduled and helps in the management of daily tasks of the employees in the organization

Use Case Diagram


Add/delete employee

Maintain attendance

Add/delete task

send sms

Assign task

System Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

D F D L E V E L -0

A d m in

T a s k M a n a g e m e n t S y s te m

s to r e in d a ta

D F D L E V E L -1
D ata S to r e

A d d / e d it / d e le t e L o g in

A d m in

E m plo yee

V ie w

D F D L E V E L -2

D ata Sto r e

a dd/de le t e / e dit

Ad m in

L o g in

tak e atten d an c e

E m pl o ye e

v ie w E m p lo y e e

Atte ndanc e She e t

View atten d an c e

D F D L E V E L -3

D ata Sto r e

a dd/de le t e / e dit

Ad m in

L o g in

E m pl o ye e

Ta s k

v ie w E m p lo y e e

ta k e a tte n d a n c e ta s k As s ig n

Atte ndanc e She e t

Vie w a tte n d a n c e

DataBase Design

Employee Table

Employee Column
Emp_id First_name Last_name Designation Addreess Contact_no

Varchar(20) char(50) char(50) Varchar(20) Varchar(100) Integer

Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null

Not Null

Attendance Table

Attendance sheet Column Emp_id Name Date Attendance Type Varchar(20) Char(50) date boolean Remarks Foreign key Not Null Not Null Not Null

Task Table

Column Emp_name Mobile No Date Task description Emp_id Type char(50) integer Date Varchar(50) Varchar(20) Remarks Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Foreign key

E-R Diagram
DOB De signation
Father Name

Em ail_id atte nde nce Em p_id Date / tim e

Nam e

Conatct no.

Em p_id Addre ss

Em ploye e


Atte ndance

As s ig ned to


task _id

date / tim e Em p_id

tas k des cription

Platform Used
Hardware Platform

Pentium 4 or above

Hard Disk Monitor Keyboard Mouse

2 GB or above
40GB or above VGA/CGA Multimedia Keyboard PS/2

Software Platform

Operating System Front End

Windows 2000 / Windows XP/Windows 7 Android SDK , JDK 1.5 or above

Back End

Eclipse IDE


Login Form

Employee Index

Add Employee From

Delete Employee From

Attendance Index Form

Take Attendance From

View Attendance Form

Task Index From

Assign Task Form

Task Management System is tablet based application so it is very easy to carry and gives more portability as compared to PC or Lapi. To provides an effective solution in small and as well as big organization. It has one most important feature is sending message to employee.

The Task Management System is tablet application so there is memory limitation may be occur.

There is one more limitation i.e. network failure .

Task Management System is a perfect solution for the problem exists with traditional task management system. Task Management System provides an effective in small and as well as big organization.
It was a great feeling while making the system that fulfills the management requirements & getting their appreciation.

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