Important Points For Assessment of NGOs
Important Points For Assessment of NGOs
Important Points For Assessment of NGOs
To help applicant organizations better prepare for the PCNC evaluation visit which is a critical part of the whole certification process, they are advised to conduct a selfassessment using the following guide questions:
5) Do the Board members meet regularly? How often? Is there proper documentation of minutes and resolutions? 6) Is there evident or possible conflict of interest among the Board and staff? How? (For example, the Board officers are family members or the Board members are also implementors.) 7) Are the Board members serving as volunteers or do they receive remuneration? 8) Are there clear processes for Board selection and election?
9) Are actual practices according to their Articles of Incorporation and By-laws? 10) Is there a clear organizational structure and lines of accountability?
13) Does the organization pay its staff (if any) law-mandated wages and benefits? 14) Is there an operating system in place? 15) Is there a clear planning process? 16) Is there a monitoring and evaluation system?
17) Is there proper documentation of financial and project transactions? 18) Are there adequate internal control processes to ensure financial transparency and accountability, such as:
- properly maintained books of accounts registered with the BIR; - a bank account in the name of the organization; - receipts registered with the BIR and properly used; - pre-numbered check vouchers and at least two (2) check signatories; - separate persons for disbursements approval, bookkeeping, and cash custodianship;