We are almost constantly engaged in observation of things, objects, processes and even thought-ways of people It is our basic method of obtaining information about the world around us Observation becomes a scientific tool for the researcher to the extent that it serves a formulated research purpose, is planned systematically, is related to more general theoretical proposition, is recorded systematically and is subjected to check and controls on validity and reliability Many types of data sought by the researcher can be obtained thro direct observation though direct observation is not the only method
Advantages of Observation
One great asset of the observational technique is that it is possible to record behavior as it occurs Most items of our behavior are so much a part of our habit that they escape an aware detection and resist translation into words Studies may deal with subjects who are not capable of giving verbal reports of their behavior or feelings for the plain reason that they cannot speak, e.g., infants. Such studies necessarily depend on observation Observation is independent of peoples willingness to report
Types of Observation
Controlled/Uncontrolled observation Structured/Unstructured/Partially structured observation Participant/Non-participant/Disguised observation
Interview Method
Why interview method in research?
To understand the experience and perceptions of the world from the subjects point of view To provide the opportunity for professional conversations with a directed structure and purpose To focus on collecting the kind of in-depth information that can only be acquired through a personal exchange
Steps in Interviewing
Opening the interview Negotiating the purpose Searching for the answer Communicating information to the respondent Closing the interview
Interviewing - Advantages
Together with questionnaire, interviews make up the survey method, which is one of the most popular design approaches in social/management research. Flexibility interviews can be adjusted to meet many diverse situations High response rate ensures a relatively high response rate Easiness in administration Opportunity to observe non-verbal behavior Opportunity for clarification and probing Opportunity to record spontaneous response Control over identity of the respondent Completion of tool can ensure that all items in the tool are adequately covered
Interviewing - Limitations
Interviews are more costly and time consuming Likely to be affected by the interviewer's biases Can be at times inconvenient to respondents Less anonymity of the respondent Less effective in the case of sensitive issues
Projective Techniques
The Projective Hypothesis The projective hypothesis (Lawrence Frank, 1939) asserts: when people try to understand vague or ambiguous unstructured stimuli; the interpretation they produce reflect their needs, feelings, experience, prior conditioning, and thought processes. The Problem: The difficulty is in ascertaining which particular needs, feeling, experience, prior conditioning, thought processes are reflected. Projective techniques can draw equally upon the imagined and real, the conscious and unconscious, the recent and the old. Much room for interpretation is left given to the tester making test validation impossible.
Word Association
The subject is presented with a test of words, one at a time, and asked to respond with the first word that comes to mind. e.g., Kent-Rosanoff Test Dark Deep Mountain Fruit Smooth Slow Rough Hard Stem Cottage Bitter Thirsty
Sentence Completion
This method is also based on the assumption of free association. The respondents are asked to complete a number of incomplete/partial sentences or phrases. e.g., People who work late are. A female manager is liked by. .. Other people usually I worry over. When I was a child
Third-Person Technique
You found this grocery list in a supermarket. Characterize the local woman who brought the groceries, write briefly about her personality and values Mutton Bread Hamburgers Cornflakes Pizza Coke
A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed in a definite order on a form (or set of forms) The forms are usually mailed to the respondent who are expected to read, understand and reply to them in writing in the relevant spaces provided for the purpose on the form/s. A respondent has to answer the questions on his own, ideally. A schedule also has a reference to proforma containing a set of questions, handed over to the respondent and filled in the presence of the interviewer.
Advantages of Questionnaire
It does not call for any special skills or training on the part of the investigator It covers a large number of people spread over a large territory making it economical in terms of money, time and energy It is an impersonal technique. Uniformity from one measurement situation to another is provided by way of standardization It ensures anonymity The respondent gets ample time to respond
Limitations of Questionnaire
It can be administered only on subjects with a considerable level of education In a mailed questionnaire, the proportion of returns is very low The respondent can misinterpret questions The respondent need not have clear views on the issues probed All respondents need not show a sense of responsibility The researcher is not in a position to vary the stimuli or social atmosphere impinging upon the subjects according to his designs
Pre-testing of the Tool: This should be done with a group of people similar to the intended population and study subjects This is a trial run to test the data collection tool and will allow a prediction of how respondents will interpret and react to the questions Gains of Pre-testing: Locates problems before starting with data collection Provides overall importance of respondents and interviews Facilitates correction and modification in the tool and may suggest even altering wordings of questionnaire items
Measurement Assigning numbers or other symbols1 to characteristics of objects 2 according to certain prespecified rules3 this definition contains 3 parts We measure certain characteristics of the objects and not the objects (such as preferences, attitudes etc) There is one to one relationship between the numbers and characteristics measured Creating a continuum, on which measured objects are located/placed (scaling)
Measurement of Variables
Conceptual variables Measurement The ideas that form the basis of Actual empirical referents a research hypothesis. Usually that represent the stated in an abstract manner conceptual variables Example: Study Time ------- Hours of study (1 hr, 2hrs, 3hrs etc.) Aggression ------- No. of presses of a button that administers shock to another person Self-monitoring skill ------- Scores of R. D. Lennoxs selfmonitoring skill scale
Research findings
Develop a construct
Which is used to create
Operational definition
A conceptual definition
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A pure categorical variable, in which the numbers serve only as labels or tags to identify and classify the objects Assign numbers to categories that have no special order to one another 1 5 3 2 4 (Range) * * * * * (Phenomenon) e.g., What is your nationality? Indian British American Japanese Others e.g., Sex, Marital status, Social status, Education, Days of week/month Job type: Executive, Technical, Clerical
Nominal Measurement
Ordinal Measurement
Measures phenomenon that can be rank-ordered or sequenced in terms of more or less of the phenomenon being measured. But the anchor points are not equidistant. 1 2 3 4 5 (Range) * * * * * (Phenomenon) e.g., How often you make plant visits? Never A few times a year Once a month Once a week More than once a week e.g., Size of the dress: Short, Medium, Large, Extra large
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ordinal Measurement
A scaling method, in which the numbers are assigned to the objects to indicate the relative extend, to which some characteristic is possessed Here we try to determine whether an object has more or less of a characteristic than some other objects. We cannot determine the magnitude of the characteristic.
Interval Measurement
Measures phenomenon on the basis of equal underlying intervals between the anchor points on the measurement scale. 1 2 3 4 5 (Range) * * * * * (Phenomenon) e.g., Indicate your overall approval of the decision: 1 2 3 4 5 Do not approve --------------Approve e.g., Temperature scales
Interval Measurement
A scale, in which the numbers are used to rate object/characteristics of the object such that, numerically equal distances on the scale, represent equal distances in the characteristics being measured. Here an arbitrary zero is fixed. The distance between 4-5 is equal to distance between 5-6 etc., Most of the researcher treats this scale as ratio scales and compute all the relevant measures. Measures of central tendencies and dispersions are permissible measures
Ratio Measurement
Measures phenomenon on the basis of equal underlying intervals on the measurement scale with an absolute zero point. 0 1 2 3 4 (Range) * * * * * (Phenomenon) Height Length Time Income Market share How many subordinates you have?----no. of subordinates
Ratio Measurement
It is a combination of Nominal, Ordinal and Interval scales with an absolute zero position. All the arithmetic calculations are permitted. Measures such as Weight, Height, Age (Years/Months) are examples of ratio scales. All the measures such as regression/correlation/measures of central tendencies/measures of dispersion/ are permitted. But very rarely used in consumer researches.
Naming Ranking
Measurement Categorical
Mathematical function
Measurement Error
Interviewer error Ambiguity scale/questions
Inaccuracy of response
Attitude Scales
Scale A coherent set of items related to factors that are regarded as indications of a more general concept Item A single component in the scale Congeneric items When all items lead to one and the same factor they are known as congeneric (uni-dimensional) items Index A set of items (say, 4 or 5 items) that are reflective of a variable. The items will have equal weightage.
Scaling Techniques
Scaling Techniques No. of Dimensions Format Types
Continuous rating
Itemized rating
Dimensional Scales
One-dimensional scales Procedures designed to measure only one attribute of a respondent or object Multi-dimensional scales Procedures designed to measure several dimensions of a respondent or object
Measures such as Spearman Rank correlations are frequently used to summarize the results.
The respondents are asked to assign/allocate a constant sum (say 100 pts. or 100%) to the set of objects/characteristics of the objects If some of the attributes are not very important or not at all important to the respondents, can assign zero also The basic question is whether he/she is exhausting all the 100 points/% Then the researcher has to find out the average for all the characteristics across the respondents. Even though the scale slightly appeared to be metric, it is considered as ordinal since the points are assigned on comparison of objects/stimulus.
Sl. No
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Drum Type Color Scratch Resistance body Water Consumption Power Consumption Spares Availability
Form 2: The worst 0_________________100 The best Form 3: Very bad 0_______NB/NG________100 Very good
Developing a Tool/Scale
Option 1: Adopting a standardized, validated culture-free tool/scale developed by experts in the field for the use in a similar setting or population - Measures may be accepted Option 2: Scale requiring minor modifications (like semantic issues, jargons, different population etc) - Re-establish validity (sometimes) and reliability Option 3: A all-new scale to be constructed/developed - Involves construction of the scale followed by the establishment of validity and reliability measures
Measuring life styles of women employees: How often do you smoke in a day- at home and outside? Measuring diversity awareness of managers: Are you in favor of the provisions of the EEO and the underlying principles of the affirmative policy? Measuring attitude towards HR practices: Do support the recent hike in dating allowance for the staff? Measuring attitude towards road traffic offences: Indicate your preference regarding the number of points to be cut for lane violations
Defective Instrument
Reasons: Insufficient operational definition Poor selection of content items It causes distortions: Can be too confusing and ambiguous Use of complex words and syntax beyond comprehension Leading questions Ambiguous meanings Mechanical defects Multiple questions
Phrasing Questions
Open-ended response vs. Fixed-alternative questions Fixed-alternative questions Simple --dichotomy questions Determinant-choice question Frequency-determination question Attitude rating scale Checklist question