Nuclear Chemistry: P Squires Basic Chemistry 2005-2006

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Nuclear Chemistry

P Squires Basic Chemistry 2005-2006

have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons.

have different mass numbers but the same atomic number.

Symbols for Isotopes

Mass number

235 92
Atomic number

Symbol of Element

Symbols for Isotopes

Mass number A is the symbol for mass number Atomic number


Symbol of Element Z is the symbol for atomic number

Consider an atom of aluminum with 13 protons and 15 neutrons. What is Z and A?


+ #p

+ #n

13 + 15 = 28

How are isotopes of the same element alike and different?

Alike: 1. Number of protons and electrons 2. Atomic number 3. Chemical properties Different: 1. Number of neutrons 2. Mass Number 3. Atomic weight of the isotopes


See Illustrated Isotope example

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus. The number of electrons in a neutral atom equals the number of protons.

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

# of neutrons = A - Z

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Z = 92 protons = 92 electrons = 92


A = 235 protons + neutrons = 235

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Q. Find the number of neutrons in the Ba-137 isotope.

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z

#p #n #e

66 In 85 82 210 68 38


136 35 47

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z

#p #n #e

Zn In


30 66 30 36 30 68 85 38 82 210 136 35 47

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z
Zinc Indium

#p #n #e

Zn In


30 66 30 36 30 49 117 49 68 49 85 38 82 210 136 35 47

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z
Zinc Indium Strontium

#p #n #e

Zn In Sr

30 49 38 82


66 30 36 30 117 49 68 49 85 38 47 38 210 136 35 47

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z
Zinc Indium Strontium

#p #n #e


Zn In Sr Pb Rn

30 49 38 82

66 117 85 210

30 49 38 82

36 68 47 128 136 35 47

30 49 38 82

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z
Zinc Indium Strontium

#p #n #e

Lead Radon

Zn In Sr Pb Rn

30 49 38 82 86

66 117 85 210 222

30 49 38 82 86 35

36 68 47 128 136 47

30 49 38 82 86

Finding the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

Element Symbol Z
Zinc Indium Strontium

#p #n #e

Lead Radon

Zn In Sr Pb Rn Br

30 49 38 82 86 35

66 117 85 210 222 82

30 49 38 82 86 35

36 68 47 128 136 47

30 49 38 82 86 35

Only one element has unique names for its isotopes

1 1

H hydrogen H deuterium H tritium

2 1 3 1

Deuterium and tritium are used in nuclear reactors and fusion research.

Some isotopes are radioactive

Radioactive isotopes are called radioisotopes. Radioisotopes can emit alpha, beta or gamma radiation as they decay. Radioisotopes are important in a number of research fields.

Protection from radiation

1. Shielding

2. Distance

Protection from radiation

How do you protect yourself from

2.5 cm of air, paper, skin


aluminum, lead, other metals, wood, plastic, etc.

up to a foot or two of lead, many feet of concrete


Properties of Alpha Particles

Alpha (a) particles are the nuclei of helium atoms and have the 4 symbol 2He

Properties of Beta Particles

Beta (b) particles are high speed electrons ejected from the nuclei of atoms 0 and have the symbol -1e .

Properties of Gamma Rays Gamma (g) rays are high energy electromagnetic waves, not particles. Gamma rays have short wavelengths and high energies and travel at the speed of light.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma

Electrically charged plates
+ + + + + + + +

What is the effect of electrically charged plates on a, b, g ?

- - - - - - - - Radioactive Source

Alpha, Beta, Gamma

Electrically charged plates
+ + + + + + + +

b g

- - - - - - - - Radioactive Source

Alpha, Beta, Gamma

Why do the a, b and g rays take the paths that they do?

Alpha, Beta, Gamma


Radioactive Source

Aluminum foil

Alpha, Beta, Gamma


b a
Radioactive Source

Aluminum foil

Alpha, Beta, Gamma


b a
Radioactive Source

Aluminum foil

Decay equations

Alpha Decay
In alpha decay, an alpha 4 particle (2He ) is released from the nucleus.

Alpha decay

decay product
238 U 92

4 He 2

+ 90

234 Th

alpha particle

Alpha decay
Radon-220 decays by alpha emission. What is the decay product?
220 86Rn

4 2He

216 Po 84???

Alpha decay
Write the alpha decay equations for:

1. 2.

241 Am 95 216 84Po

4 2He
2 2 4 He 4 He

237 93Np
212 Pb 222 Rn

+ 82 + 86


226 88Ra

Beta Decay
Beta decay occurs because of the instability of a neutron.
Neutrons are a little more massive than protons; and neutrons are neutral.

Beta decay
Decay of a neutron:
1 H1 + n 0 1 0 e -1




The electron ejected from the nucleus is a beta particle.

Start with a Li atom with 3 protons and 4 neutrons.

Beta decay
Suddenly a neutron decays!
A beta particle goes zipping out of the nucleus.

Now there are 4 protons and 3 neutrons.

Beta decay
decay product
6 14 C

14 N

+ -1

0 e

beta particle

Beta decay
Zn-62 decays by beta emission. What is the decay product?
30 62 Zn


0 e

62 ??? Ga 31

Beta decay
Write the beta decay equations for:

1. 2. 3.

214 Pb 82 62 27Co

0 -1e
-1 -1 0 e

214 83Bi
62 Ni

+ 28 + 48

113 ??? Ag 47

0 e

113 Cd

Gamma Decay
Gamma rays are neutral and thus no change is made in the equation.
14 6C

14 6C

Half life

What is half life?

Half life is the time needed for one half of a radioisotope to decay.

Half Life
Take 100 pennies and throw them on the floor. Remove those that are heads up. Count remaining pennies. Continue until only one penny remains.

What can this tell us about Half Life?

What is half life? Suppose you start with 100.0 grams of a radioisotope that has a half life of exactly 1 year.

How much will be left after 1 year?

How much will be left after 2 years?

Half life project

Questions: 1. A radioisotope has a half-life of 100 years. How long will it take for the radiation to decrease to 1/16 of its original value?

400 years

Half life project

Questions: 2. A radioisotope has an activity of 560 counts per minute. After 16 hours the count rate has dropped to 35 counts per minute. What is the half life of the radioisotope?

4 hours

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission
Fission the splitting of an atom after being struck by a neutron.

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission

Fission fragment
U-235 Neutrons Neutron Fission fragment U-235


Nuclear fission
To picture a chain reaction, imagine 50 mousetraps in a wire cage. And on each mousetrap are two ping-pong balls. Now imagine dropping one more ping-pong ball into the cage

Detail of ping-pong balls on mousetraps.

Nuclear fission

This heat energy can be harnessed to boil water, creating steam,

that can turn a generator, creating electricity.

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion A day without sunshine is a day without fusion.

Nuclear Fusion

How do we detect radiation?

Geiger-Mueller Tube Counter


Wire (+ side of circuit) Metal shield (- side) Low pressure Ar gas Mica window (fragile)

GM Tube


Rays leave the source Some hit the GM tube Most do nothing One ray may cause a discharge and the detector clicks

GM Tube
Filled with low pressure argon gas
About 1% efficiency About 1 in 100 rays causes an electric spark between the case and the wire Each spark registers as a count or click on the counter

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

The Nuclear Fuel Cycle consists of sequence of steps in which uranium ore is mined, milled, enriched, and fabricated into nuclear fuel and then irradiated in a reactor for several years. The entire fuel cycle lifetime from mining to discharge is about 8 years.

Where is Nuclear Waste Kept?

After irradiation the fuel is cooled in the spent fuel pit for several years and then moved to dry cask storage on the reactor site.

Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool

Keep spent fuel rods under at least 20 feet of water to provide adequate shielding from the radiation for anyone near the pool Spent Fuel Pools were designed as TEMPORARY storage for fuel while short lived isotopes decay (<1 yr)


US Nuclear Power Plants

Radioactive Decay

The uranium decay series

Uranium-238 decays through many steps to make stable lead-206

Nuclide U-238

Half-Life 4.468 109 years 24.1 days 1.17 minutes 244,500 years 77,000 years 1,600 years 3.8235 days 3.05 minutes 26.8 minutes 19.9 minutes alpha beta

Radiation *

Pa-234m U-234 Th-230 Ra-226 Rn-222 Po-218 Pb-214 Bi-214

beta alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha beta beta

Po-214 Pb-210 Bi-210

63.7 microseconds 22.26 years 5.013 days

alpha beta beta

The uranium decay series Radon is the only gas present in the decay process.

Symbol and Atomic number





The uranium decay series in NC EOC reference pages

Mass number

Hazards from radon Radon gas works its way up through the ground and into your basements and crawl spaces. You breathe radon into your lungs.

Hazards from radon When a radon atom decays it releases an alpha particle which travels only a short distance before it is absorbed by your lungs, and transfers its energy.

Hazards from radon

This ionizing radiation in your lungs can cause lung cancer.

Smoking cigarettes and breathing radon really increases your chances of getting lung cancer.

Half Life Project

Half life project

1. Pick a mass between 10g and 50g. 2. Decide on a half life any time. 3. Scale your graph mass on y-axis and at least six (6) half-lives on the xaxis. 4. Plot the masses after intervals of one half-life.

Half life project

5. What shape is the graph? 6. When will the mass of the radioisotope fall to zero? 7. When is the radioactivity no longer a problem? 8. What mathematical function describes radioactive decay?

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