Client Server Design Sharing System Project
Client Server Design Sharing System Project
Client Server Design Sharing System Project
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Objective of Project
The aim of this project Client Server Design Sharing System is to provide a communication system within an organization.
This application will be capable of facilitating members of the organization to communicate through text as well as graphical designs. Application has client and server based architecture which allows multiple user to interact with each other individually and in groups at the same time remotely.
Firstly, server listens to all the registered client systems on network and helps each client system to interact with each other. Server Application receives the connection request from the client and will send the intimation to all other the client systems (friend) available on network. It will also manage client sessions. Client Application sends the connection request to the server for session management. Client system sends and receives messages (text/design information) from each other with help of server.
The project I have worked on is the development of a Client Server Design Sharing System. Today java client server application is the primary need of the working personnel specially and other people. We have tried to provide a user-friendly interface for providing a complete solution to the Client Server Design Sharing System.
Characteristics of a client:
Initiates requests. Waits for replies. Receives replies. Supports design sharing. Typically interacts directly with end-users using a graphical user interface.
Characteristics of a server:
Never initiates requests or activities. Listens to network and responds only to requests from connected,authorized clients.
Whenever the user minimizes the chat window, the new messages will start coming to that user in a popup window from the right corner of the screen. If the user wishes not to get the messages in a popup window he can select a suitable checkbox.
Design Description
Design of the project basically includes two applications namely
Client Application:
Main goal while designing the client is to make it multi-threaded. One thread runs the user interface. A separate thread handles the I/O with the server.
Server Application:
Here also the goal is to make the server multi-threaded. It handles the user interface with one thread. A second thread listens on a well-known port for client connections. A third thread is started when a client connection is made to handle that client's requests. After launching the thread to handle a client's connection, the server continues listening for additional client connections. If another connection comes in while an earlier client is being served, a fourth thread is started to handle the new client's requests, etc. Thus, the server includes at least three threads but may start additional threads for multiple simultaneous connections.
Server User1
Authentication Process
Connection Request
Accept Connection
Validate Client
CLIENT1 Connection Close Request SERVER NETWORK
Connection Closed
A program used for software development or system maintenance. Virtually any program or utility that helps programmers or users develop applications or maintain their computers can be called a tool. Here in our application we are using Textpad (Java).
Java (JDK 1.3) Some of the advantages of Java framework are: Consistent programming model Multi-platform applications Multi-language integration Automatic resource management
Ease of deployment
The Client Server Design Sharing System will be available to the Users who are the members of the organization. Therefore the system has two aspects, namely the client and the server.
The Client: The hardware requirements of the client are as follows:
A Local Area Network Connection Color Monitor or any other Visual Display Unit Mouse and Keyboard for User Inputs
The Server: The hardware requirements for the server are as follows:
The Client: The software requirements of the
client are as follows: Operating System Web Browser
An IP address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies each computer physically attached to the Internet. A protocol is a set of rules and standards defining a certain type of Internet communication. A port is a 16-bit number that identifies each service offered by a network server.
A socket is a software abstraction for an input or output medium of communication. A datagram is an independent, self-contained piece of information sent over a network whose arrival, arrival time, and content are not guaranteed.
Thank you