Case Study - Bata
Case Study - Bata
Case Study - Bata
Javed Kalangade (P1118) Ashish Khandare (P1124) Amit Kumar (P1129) Raul Pinto (P1148) Sonal Sherekar (P1155)
Trusted global company that offers fashionable and affordable footwear to every member of the family 5,000 international retail locations in over 70 countries Services over one million customers per day
Offering style, comfort and quality at the best price
- Thomas G. Bata
Policy at Bata
Managed in a decentralized way, which means that the company is able to adapt to the local environment
The company was founded in 1894 in Zln (Czech Republic) by Tomas Bata A large order from the army, military shoes and rising demand for them, during World War I started rapid growth and small manufacture turned into modern industrial concern, one of the first mass producers of shoes
1918 The Czechoslovak state was conceived as a parliamentary democracy 1939 The Company relocates to Canada after the movement of German military forces into Eastern Europe 1945 Czechoslovakia business operations are nationalized by the new communist government following World War II
Anticipating the Second World War, Thomas J. Bata, the founder's son, together with over 100 families from Czechoslovakia, moved to Canada in 1939 to develop the Bata Shoe Company of Canada, including a shoe factory and engineering plant, centred in a town that still bears his name, Batawa, Ontario
Business in Canada
Canada defines Small Businesses as those with fewer than 100 employees (in goods producing firms) and 50 employees (in service firms)
1979 1986
Economy of Uganda
For decades, Uganda's economy suffered from devastating economic policies and instability, leaving Uganda as one of the world's poorest countries Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, and sizable mineral deposits of copper and cobalt
The country has largely untapped reserves of both crude oil and natural gas
Uganda is rated among countries perceived as very corrupt by Transparency International
Bata had been also criticized for maintaining different types of relationships with totalitarian regimes, as the one of Chile The company presented in its own defence the argument that it had been activating in Chile more than 40 years, meanwhile many political regimes had changed
Economy of Chile
Chile is one of South America's most stable and prosperous nations
During the early 1990s, Chile's reputation as a role model for economic reform was strengthened when the democratic government of Patricio Aylwin, who took over from the military in 1990, deepened the economic reform initiated by the military government The 197390 military government sold many state-owned companies, and the three democratic governments since 1990 have continued privatization, though at a slower pace
Under Communism, production is Under Socialism, managed by the government communities of workers Under Capitalism, has the role of the government favoring the needs of society has the role of easing the class struggle in favor of Capital
The case of South Africa was a major challenge for Bata The GDP per capita in this country is the highest of all nations in the African continent The main attraction of the country is represented by the incredible high profit rate, mainly generated by low labour costs and rich deposits of mineral resources The relatively large South African market allows the companies to obtain economies of scale in production by using cheap labour force
The general background deteriorated rapidly at the beginning of 1980s For decades, South Africa had an apartheid regime that led to political, social and economic segregations between black and white people The black Nationalists were fighting for the right to vote of each and every citizen, but the white Government was refusing them The African National Congress, led by Nelson Mandela, was fighting against capitalism and was sustaining the idea of nationalizing the whole industry, no matter if the companies considered were national or owned by foreign entities
The Canadian Government had imposed a very conservative legislation regarding the new investments in South Africa As a result, Bata decided to leave South Africa in 1986, but the company did not admit that the apartheid had represented the cause of its decision The selling conditions were clearly stipulating that the name of the company and the production brand would not be used anymore in South Africa and all the connections with Canada would be broken off The new buyer of the business operations and the production facilities had to keep the jobs of all workers, most of them black people
State ownership and interference impose high barriers to entry in many areas the top corporate tax rate is 28%
Since South Africa has evolved into a more favourable investment destination, Bata should re-enter South Africa
Bata should continue with its strategy of using local production to cater to domestic markets as
Political scenario of the region After the collapse of Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic and Slovakia, both were considered free politically Czech Republic was considered mostly free economically Czech started to encourage privatization of companies But Slovakia encouraged nationalization of companies
Advantages for Bata for getting back operations in Republic of Slovakia Bata will be able to return to the home country Bata will gain access to large facilities and a huge market in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union Already an established company there Disadvantages for Bata for getting back operations in Republic of Slovakia Bata will have to face the not so free economic policy of Slovakia as its not promoter of free trade Bata have to comply with the economic policies which are not desired by a company which has been operating freely around the globe
Bata chooses local resources for the production so the local resources of the Slovakia will be explored and utilized in the proper manner
Bata gets its raw materials from diversified local suppliers, this will help create strong supply base in the host land and it increase the revenues of the raw material producers
Disadvantages for Republic of Slovakia and the reason for not allowing Bata to reenter The compensation which was promised has to be paid back to Bata It has to handover the management to Bata itself The relation with the Slovakian government will not be truly positive and the support from the government will be less to Bata causing mutual conflict
Why Czech Republic allowed Bata to re enter The Czech Republic will gain access to Batas global design, production, and marketing expertise The Czech Republic might be able to get Bata to invest significant capital into the plant to get it up to world-class standards Bata will create new jobs for Czech workers and the purchasing power of the Czech will increase The success in the host country comprises of the better knowledge of economic, political and cultural diversity knowledge Bata having operated in almost 60 countries knows and have dealt with diverse conditions worldwide so, they are in great shape to deal with things there
Political System in Czech Republic Parliamentary republic, democratic state Power is divided into legislative (Czech Parliament), executive (Czech Government and the President of the Republic) and judicial The President of the Republic and the Czech Government are representatives of executive power within the country
Political System in Slovakia The National Council of The Slovak Republic Countrys sole constitutional and legislative body
Why Tom Bata Sr. cant bear to lose grip on business he started He is the one who took his ancestral business to a global level
Batas Future
He did a lot of hard work to keep the Bata philosophies alive and also ensured that it grew into a global empire His entrepreneurship method of keeping the company alive was a success in his time and perhaps he believes that the same tradition should be carried forward to the future
Having grown a business, it is often hard to turn it over to others who may have different ideas about how the firm should be managed
Batas Future
Bata is huge, having operations in about 60 countries. Different countries have different political and cultural environment. Having seen and managed all this so effectively and for so long, its difficult to trust someone else
What is the risk, if Bata Sr. cant find a way to retire Tom J. Bata led his firm through a period of great turbulence and growth but both the world and the company are now very different than they were in Doing business is changing rapidly and being dynamic to adapt to those changes is a necessity So Tom Bata should formulate a retirement plan in such a way that the new CEO or a successor will be able to continue his inheritance in a new way
Batas Future
What is the risk, if Bata Sr. cant find a way to retire The training under Tom J. Bata will prove more effective
Batas Future
Hiring and training the best candidate after he is gone, will be the challenge for the management Hence, Bata should focus not only in its current strategies but also have a good succession strategy
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