Adaptive Headlight System

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Adaptive Headlight System

Betzayda Rivera Projects II Design Review Tuesday, 9-16-03

Headlights shine directly in front of a vehicle

The high to low beam transition is manual

In general, the same beam shines all the time just at different intensities

Project Objectives
To ENHANCE the existing functionality Improve VISIBILITY Decrease number of night time accidents Increase SAFETY for drivers & pedestrians

First Feature
Adaptive Headlights:
BMW animation

Second Feature
High to Low beam transition:
High => Low with oncoming traffic or city environment Low => High after lighted situation passes


Light/Dark Sensor

Third Enhancement
Speed Controlled Beam Orientation:
Narrow & lengthen the beam at HIGH speeds Widen & shorten the beam at LOW speeds


Secondary Reflector

Analysis & Specifications

Vishay Spectrol
Full 360 degree Smart Position Sensor

Light Sensor
Two methods under experimentation
Darlington Light Sensor Cricket Light Sensor

Four Servo Motors

Two to control large reflective plate Two to control smaller outer reflector

Analysis & Specifications

Vishay Spectrol Smart Position Sensor
Electrical Component Supply Voltage Supply Current Resolution Electrical Track Analog Vout Output Impedence Mechanical Component Rotation Rotational Speed Max Torque Weight 360 degrees continuous 5 max revs/sec for 60sec 3.68 (0.5) mNm (oz in) 30 gm 4.5 to 5.5 VDC 20 mA max min of 0.5 degrees 360 degrees continuous > 90% of supply 1 ohm typically

Environmental Component Operating Life 5,000,000 Cycles

Analysis & Specifications

SW 1 9V R1 D1 BZ 1


VR 1



TIP 121 0V

SW1 = Toggle switch R1 = LDR R2 = 10k ohm R3 = 1k ohm

VR1 = 10k ohm BZ1 = Buzzer D1 = Diode (1N4001) Transistor = (TIP 121)

Analysis & Specifications

Two Large Inner Reflective Plates
Used to aim the headlight during turns Servo positioned in center; weight distribution 45 degree total mobility

Two Small Outer Reflective Plates

Used to narrow or widen beam by speed Servo positioned in center; weight distribution 30 degree total mobility

Power Consumption

Relatively Low Power Stationary System; therefore Utilize Wall Power.

Scheduled Work Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 1/2 Week 2 Task Final Proposal Due (R 9.11.03 10a) Investigate and Select Sensors & Actuators Prepare HC12 for program simulation with lamp/switch board Begin Website Creation Design Review Presentation (T 9.16.03 10a) After Design Review Week 2 (9.16.03) Week 2 (9.20.03) Week 2 Week 2 (9.17.03) Week 2 (9.18.03) Week 3 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Finalize Component List and Methods; Update Proposal Acquire Components Begin HC12 Simulations Acquire Test data Experiment with servo/mechanical method to move reflectors or find better method Experiment with sensors Build encasing and headlight setups; Test separate from HC12 Interface tested physical components to HC12 Connect all components together & test full sys. Demo Prep. Prepare what is left of Write Up & Demo. 9.15.03 (begun) 9.12.03 9.16.03 Actual Completion Date 9.10.03 9.15.03

Test Plan
Test Data
Steering wheel rotation vs headlight movement Light/Dark standards and cutoffs

Vishay Spectoral Rotational Position Sensor

Test alone Test with servos and HC12 for position analysis Test with servos and load to calibrate

Test Plan
Darlington Light sensor circuit is equip with a buzzer for independent testing Cricket Light sensor setup designed light an LED when active then HC12 beep during demo for audio indication

Expansion from Projects I; test with load for available torque and repeatability

Safety Concerns

Purpose is to ENHANCE the safety of all!!

Total Expected System Cost ($736)

Component HC12 MicroController Servo Motors (2) Servo Motors (2) Light Sensor (Darlington) Cricket Light Sensor (CDS Photocell, heat shrink, 3 position connector) Smart Position Sensor (Vishay Spectrol) Priced Paid RIT Expected Price $150


$15 /each
$8 /each $10 setup $10 setup


~ $300 /each $20 $15 /all $30 $20

Steering wheel and column (junk yard)

Mirrors (2 long ; 2 short) Light Bulbs (4) Headlight encasings (junkyard) Light Meter for tabulating data & testing 2x4 wood beams for mounting External Lighting for testing & demo Batteries (flashlights, etc) Misc (screws, wire, solder, R, C, etc) PreOwned RIT


$15 $10 $30

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