Bucket Fillers

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The key takeaways are that students will learn the classroom rules and expectations, daily schedule, subjects, and importance of being kind to others through bucket filling.

The classroom rules include bringing required materials, being in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings, following directions, raising their hand before speaking, and remaining in their seats unless given permission. Consequences for not following rules include warnings, timeouts, and referrals.

The school day begins at 7:45am and ends at 2:55pm. The daily routine includes placing belongings in cubbies, getting homework and materials ready, and starting the morning warm-up. Recess and lunch will also be part of the day.

Welcome to th 5 Grade!

Students will be active listeners to participate by answering questions, predicting, summarizing, and clarifying to create a bucket and write how they can be a bucket filler. Students will learn 5th grade Expectations and procedures.

Ms. Jackson

5th Grade ROCKS!

New at Kettering

New Principal

Mr. Nelson

KETTERING COUGAR COMMON CORE I Will Communicate with clear and thoughtful words, I will Organize my thoughts before making decisions, I will be Respectful to myself and others, and I will fully Engage in the learning of my lessons.

The 3 Ps

PUNCTUALITY: I will be where I am supposed to be, when I am supposed to be, in order to maximize my learning.

Be on time for class.

PREPARATION: I will come to class with the instruments necessary to learn on a daily basis. At a minimum, I will bring a pen/pencil, lined paper, and a folder/binder.

Be prepared for class.

PRUDENCE: I will plan, practice, persevere, and value good judgment and management inside and outside of the classroom.

Making Predications


Discussion Questions:
(Turn and Talk)

What is something we can do for a friend?

What is some KIND statements we could make to our friends?

What are some ways we can help at home and school?

Bucket Filling + Bucket Dipping

Make a list of ways YOU are a bucket filler. Make a list of ways YOU are a bucket dipper.

Discussion Circle

Be a Bucket Filler in SCHOOL!

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

Listen carefully to the teachers directions and follow them.

Respect and be kind to others.

Raise your hand when you want to ask a question.

Complete your class work quietly.

Listen quietly while others are speaking.

Respect classroom materials and equipment.

Return all classroom materials and supplies to the correct place at the end of each class.

Keep your desk area clean and tidy.

The following are not allowed in class:

Gum Cell Phones I-Pods/Games/Toys

Warning Time Out No Recess Time out another class/phone call/referral Parent/Counselor conference

Homework Assignments:
Homework should be complete, neat, and handed in on time.

Praise Positive not or call home Rewards stickers/sweet treat Treasure Chest Rock Star Lunch with the teacher Various other positive perks The Joy of Learning

School Subjects:

Pencil Sharpening and Trash

Pencil Sharpening a. Students are to sharpen pencils upon entering the classroom b. If your lead breaks during class and if your have no other writing utensil, raise your hand and wait for further instructions. Trash a. Trash will be thrown away when your are dismissed from class. Keep it at your desk until you are dismissed. b. Pick up all paper around your desk before leaving the room.

Walking In The Hallways As A Class

A. Students are expected to walk in a straight line when in the hallway. B. There will be NO TALKING in line. Other students are still in class. C. All class rules apply in the hallway.


Ms. Jackson

Entering and Exiting Class

A. Entering Class After entering the room, students may not leave without permission. Students may not leave books and materials outside the classroom for any reason Upon entering, students should go to their assigned seats and prepare for class. Begin working on morning warm-up

Exiting Class
A. B. The teacher will dismiss the class Not The Bell. Do not pack books to exit class until instructed to do so by the teacher. Students will be dismissed by rows. Students are responsible for cleaning the area around their desks before leaving the room.






There will be a spelling test each Friday.

You should read your library book or a free choice book each evening at home for 20 minutes.


Mrs. Copes


Mrs. Copes

Social Studies:

Ms. Jackson


Ms. Moon

Physical Education:

Mrs. Lacey


Ms. Rice


Ms. Miran


Mrs. Ross Kessler, Instrumental Music

The School Day:

Bell Schedule:
School Begins: 7:45 School Ends: 2:55

Book Bags and Cubby

Book bags should be placed in the cubby. Make sure you take out everything for the day. Place lunch in basket in the morning.

Your Behavior sheet needs to be sign daily.

School Nurse:
Ms. Farrow

Only for emergency only

Use bathroom signal. Only one person at a time

Follow all rules

Play safely

Classroom Rules
1. Students are to bring all required materials and supplies to class each day. 2. Students are to be in their seats, quiet, and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. 3. Students are to follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Students are to raise their hand to be recognized before speaking. 5. Students are to remain in their seats unless given permission to get up.

Bucket Filling Rewards

Class celebration

1st quarter 15 points 2nd quarter 20 points 3rd quarter 25 points 4th quarter 30 points

Our Morning Routine

Come in quietly (good morning) Turn in homework and get new homework Sharpen (3) pencils Start morning warm-up


Bucket Filling is important to me and others for many reason. First, _______. Also, _______________ Finally,___________.

Lets have a great year!

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