Stimatizing HIV Infections
Stimatizing HIV Infections
Stimatizing HIV Infections
Lesson Objectives
Define and identify HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination Better understand international and national human right issues
Clarify personal values and attitudes with regard to HIV/AIDS prevention and care
Know how to address stigma and discrimination in the context of providing HIV services
The Microsoft Word Dictionary defines stigma as the shame or disgrace attached to something regarded as socially unacceptable. Sociologists have taken this a bit further. In a seminal study on stigma in 1963, stigma was defined as an attribute that is seen as deeply discrediting to a person or group (Goffmann). Those attributes could be an illness, physical deformity, aberrant behaviour or social group (based upon religion or ethnicity, etc.). Stigma lets people or groups see differences or "others" in a negative light while confirming their own sense of normalcy and decency. Subsequent researchers have viewed this more as a social process that creates or perpetuates social inequities and which is used to legitimise discrimination. While this is generally true, stigma can also be a primal human responseparticularly in the case of fearing a disease that is transmissible and potentially incurable.
Stigma refers to unfavourable attitudes and beliefs directed toward someone or something Discrimination is the treatment of an individual or group with partiality or prejudice Stigmatization reflects an attitude
Root Causes
1.The role of knowledge about HIV and AIDS and fear surrounding it
Ogden and Nyblade believe that the fear of transmission from casual transmission, and the various "what if scenarios" are the result of 1) the lack of specific, in-depth information about HIV transmission, 2) fear-based public messaging, and 3) the evolving nature of knowledge about HIV and AIDS.
This stigma is exacerbated by the seriousness of the illness, its mysterious nature, and its association with behaviours that are either illegal or socially sensitive (e.g., sex, prostitution, and drug use). Also relevant is the perception that HIV infection is the product of personal choice: that one chooses to engage in "bad" behaviours that put one at risk and so it is "one's own fault" if HIV infection ensues."
Ogden and Nyblade divide stigma into four loosely defined groups: physical, social, verbal and institutional. Social stigma Isolated from community Voyeurism: any interest may be morbid curiosity or mockery rather than genuine concern Loss of social role/identity: social `death`, loss of standing and respect Physical stigma Isolated, shunned, abandoned Separate living space, eating utensils Violence
Verbal stigma Gossip, taunting, scolding Labelling: in Africa: "moving skeleton," "walking corpse," and "keys to the mortuary." In Vietnam: "social evils," and "scum of society." Institutionalised stigma Barred from jobs, scholarships, visas Denial of health services Police harrassment (eg of sex workers, HIV-positive actvists in China, outreach workers in India)
HIV-related stigma is increasingly recognized
Human rights
Freedom from discrimination is a fundamental human right Discrimination on the basis of HIV/AIDS status, actual or presumed, is prohibited by existing human rights standards Discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), or those thought to be infected, is a clear human rights violation
Effects of stigma
Social isolation
Addressing stigma
HIV awareness and knowledge MTCT activities as integral to health care and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment Referrals to and from MTCT services Awareness of MTCT interventions
Ongoing training
Integrate MTCT into antenatal services Encourage partner involvement Enlist partner and family support to decrease HIV transmission
Addressing stigma
HIV transmission Activities to address stigma Awareness of language that describes PLWHA MTCT-related policies
Addressing stigma
Enlist managers help to ensure policies and procedures are in place and implemented for:
HIV/AIDS-related stigmatisation and discrimination can discoura access to key HIV services, including:
Summary contd
Stigma discourages -Disclosure of HIV status -Acceptance of safer infant-feeding practices -Access to education, counselling, and treatment even when such services are available and affordable The MTCT programs and staff can help reduce stigma and discrimination in the healthcare setting, in the community, and at the national level Encourage MTCT staff to serve as role models Involve PLWHA Promote partner participation and community support