Creating Dashboards Using Dashboard Manager: - Sandeep Kumar Jaina
Creating Dashboards Using Dashboard Manager: - Sandeep Kumar Jaina
Creating Dashboards Using Dashboard Manager: - Sandeep Kumar Jaina
What are the performance management products?
1. Business Objects performance management products are packaged analytic applications that allow organizations to build custom analytic applications that meet their specific requirements. 2. They consist of an integrated application or dashboard builder, a catalog of analytic templates, and integrated analytic engines. 3. The analytic engines provide the processing power to analyze data in a wide range of business areas. 4. This information can easily be delivered to dashboard interfaces for a rapid understanding of the status of the business.
What is Dashboard Manager?
1. Dashboard Manager is the performance management product that allows you to create dashboards that provide visibility to your business activities across your organization.
2. Dashboard Manager offers metrics, alerting and dashboard management capabilities to help your organization monitor and understand business activities.
What do we need to start building Dashboards?
As a prerequisite, you must have already 1. installed Business Objects XI Release 2 2. configured Web Intelligence
3. created users, including one user, President, who has view rights only to the dashboards and analytics in the Performance Management folder
4. installed the performance management framework with Dashboard Manager and Performance Manager
Note: You must have an excellent understanding of Business Objects XI and be familiar with creating universes in Designer. You must also have access to Designer with a network connection to the machine on which you installed the performance management products if it is not on the same machine.
Basic configuration tasks that are indispensable for using Dashboard Manager are Setting-up the repository Creating the target database connection
2. Enter the System, User name and password details 3. Select the Authentication that was indicated when the product was installed. Business Objects XI opens to the InfoView home page. 4. Click the performance management icon.
By default, the CMS Name, and the Authentication are already entered in the appropriate boxes. The CMS, or Central Management Server, is the server on which your performance management products are installed.
Take a moment to check that the repository has been set up correctly. If the boxes under Repository Information are blank, you must set up the repository. If your installation was previously configured, you do not have to set up the repository. In this case, you may want to click Check to verify that the server is responding.
2. In the Universe Connection box select the name of the universe connection that you created in Designer, demo connection.
3. Select demo universe from the Measure Universe list. As you make a selection the name of the universe and the domain in which it is located appear in the boxes. 4. Click OK. The demo universe is added to the list of available universes.
6. Click Update. Since you have not yet created metrics on your universe, there are no metrics to update, therefore, it is not necessary to select Update Metrics and Control Charts Definitions.
The objects that you created in the demo universe are displayed under the demo universe folder. As you highlight each of the measures the corresponding SQL code appears in the SQL box. You can see the Where clause that you entered in Designer.
At this point you are ready to create metrics on your universe. Click the Performance Management button to exit the Setup page.
Creating Metrics
Creating Metrics
Whats a metric?
A metric is the measure of actual performance. A metric is defined using objects in the universe, and is usually made up of the following: a measure a filter a date restriction By using metrics, you can track actual performance and compare it to a goal and you can detect trends. Metrics are most commonly used in organizations as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor critical business areas.
Creating Metrics
Whats an analytic?
An analytic is the visual representation of your data.
Whats a speedometer?
A speedometer is a gauge that displays data in a given range based on predetermined values.
Creating Metrics
Creating a new metric
In this step you use Dashboard Manager to create metrics using the demo universe that you created in Designer. First you create two metrics using the Unitcost and Unitsales measures: the average of unit cost average of unit price Then you create a third metric, the average of cost, which is the average of total cost over the same period.
Creating Metrics
Creating Metrics
The Create Metric dialog box opens to the first of three pages on which you create the metric.
On the left side of the Measure page, under Select a measure, the measure objects that you created in Designer are displayed. On the right side, a list of available aggregate functions is displayed.Begin by creating a metric for the average unit cost. To create the metric for the average of unit cost:
1. Highlight the measure Unitcost. 2. Highlight the aggregate function Average. 3. Click Next. The dialog box changes to display the Filters page. Only one filter is available, None. 4. Highlight None, then click Next.
Creating Metrics
Creating Metrics
The Create Metric dialog box changes once again to display the Attributes page.
Creating Metrics
5. In the Calculation interval box select demo universe. Leave the default values under: Refresh type Storage options Parameters 6. Click the calendar icon under Metric History, then select the start date Jan 2000. 7. Click Stop metric calculation and select the stop date, Dec 2001. 8. Click Finish. The metric Avg of Unitcost is added to the list of available metrics.
Creating Metrics
9. Click Refresh and confirm the operation. When the metric is refreshed the Metric history section of the dialog box changes to display the Start, Last, and Stop dates of the metric as shown below.
Note: If you forget to click Refresh the data does not display properly when you create your analytic.
Repeat the above procedure to create a second metric, Avg of Unitprice. When you finish, the metrics appear in the list of available metrics as shown below.
Creating Metrics
Creating the Average of Cost metric To create the Average of Cost metric 1. On the Metrics page under Available Metrics locate demo universe.
Creating Metrics
2. Click Add, then select New Metric. 3. In the Create Metric dialog box, select Cost and the aggregate function Average. 4. Click Next. 5. On the Filters page, highlight None, then click Next. 6. In the Attributes page select the calculation interval, demo universe. 7. Under Metric history, select: the start date of Jan 2000 the end date Dec 2001 8. Click Finish. The new metric, Avg of Cost, appears in the list of metrics under demo universe.
Creating Metrics
You have created three metrics that you are going to use to create analytics to use on your dashboard. Now you are ready to begin creating your dashboard using the Dashboard Builder. Note: When you created your universe in Designer you created two dimensions along with the measures. Dimensions are used to create sliced metrics. A metric is sliced when it is divided into separate slices of data to enable a more detailed analysis. Filters are conditions that limit the information that is returned to that specific information that is most useful to you. Using dimensions and filters is an integral part of using the performance management products.
1. Click Dashboard Builder. The Dashboard Builder page opens. The available applications appear in the left pane. 2. Click Add, then select New Dashboard from the menu. The new dashboard appears under Dashboard Structure.
5. Under Location, select the Performance Management folder but do not expand it. 6. Click OK. The demo dashboard appears under Dashboard Structure on the Dashboard Builder page.
To edit the chart display options 1. Click Graph and Legend. The page changes to display the various options available. 2. Under Title and Legend options click Display Text. 3. In the box, type a title for your analytic: Avg. Unit Cost vs. Avg. Unit Price. 4. Under Legend select Show Legend.
3. Click the demo dashboard title. The empty dashboard opens. 4. Click Customize. The Content and Layout page opens to the Content tab.
The IMT shows the average unit cost and the average unit price over a period of 24 months. You can see that the trend for both shifted in April 2001 and stayed relatively stable until the end of the year.
To create the Speedometer analytic 1. Click the Edit icon on the title bar of the Speedometer window. The page changes to display the Content and Layout page.
5. Select the demo universe. 6. From the list of available metrics expand Avg of Cost and highlight the yellow filter, None. Do not modify the Time Window.
In the Performance Management folder you find the: demo dashboard demo IMT analytic
When you create a rule to raise an alert you determine if the scope of the alert is private, available to you alone, or public, that is, available to all is an analytic that informs the user of any major changes that occur in the data.
Rules and alerts automate the process of detecting and interpreting change, and delivering relevant analysis to key individuals or operational systems. You can use rules to track large changes, generate lists, and automate basic procedures like refreshing a report.
The Rules page allows you to create these rules. You can create a new rule and define events, a condition, and actions for the rule, edit and delete an existing rule, duplicate a rule, and execute a rule.
Now you can create the alerts analytic. To create the Alerts analytic 1. Click the Alerts analytic. The page changes to display available categories for the alerts.
The description of the rule appears in the lower pane. In each case, there is an event, a condition, and an action. In some cases the rule includes sending feedback.
3. Select Activated.
4. Under Scope, select Public, which allows your alert to be viewed by all users.
3. Click Parse to check the syntax of the formula. A message box appears to tell you that the parsing is OK. Do not enter dates. 4. Click OK in the message box. 5. Click OK in the dialog box. You return to the Add Rule dialog box. The last step is to select the action that you want executed.
This message means that your test has run successfully. 2. Click OK.
Note: An alert is sent only when the condition set in the alert is met. It is possible for your test to run successfully without an alert being sent.
9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for Avg of Unitprice. You have updated the period of two new metrics. These updated metrics are automatically applied to your IMT, both as a standalone analytic and on the demo dashboard.
Examine the analytic demo imt. Data points have been added to show the average unit cost and average unit price for the additional months. Place your cursor over the last data point for Average of unitcost. The tooltip displays the average unit cost on 4/1/02 as $433.00 which, indeed, does exceed the limit of $275.
Click on the alert. The alert opens and you can read the text you entered: The average unit cost exceeds $275.
If the average unit cost had been under $275, the rule would have run without meeting the condition, but you would not have received the alert on the dashboard.
Creating A Goal
Adding a Goal
What is Performance Manager?
Performance Manager is the Business Objects application that helps organizations communicate strategy and manage group decisions. Through setting goals and tracking performance in scorecards, people can focus their efforts, collaborate with others, and follow recommended actions to improve organizational performance.
Whats a goal?
A goal is the measurement of the achievement of a given metric. A goal consists of a target value and, optionally, a tolerance zone. A goal is assigned a goal status based on the performance of its associated metric. When the metric actual value over-performs the target value beyond tolerance, then the goal status is green. If the metric actual value falls within the tolerance range, then the goal status is yellow. If the metric actual value under-performs the target value beyond the tolerance, then the goal status is red.
Adding a Goal
Creating the goal
When you create a new goal you set a target and then determine a range in which off-target performance is permitted. This range is called the tolerance zone. You can set either absolute values or percentage values for the upper and lower tolerance levels. You can also choose not to set a tolerance level. You create your goal in three pages of the New Goal dialog box. To start creating the goal 1. In Performance Manager, click Goals Management. The Goals Management page opens.
Adding a Goal
3. Click Add. The New Goal dialog box opens to the first page: Name and Metric. On this page you identify the goal. 4. Under Goal Info, enter a name for the goal you are creating: average net sales goal. 5. In the Goal Type box select None. Target types are useful as a sort of filing system when you have many goals, however in this tutorial you do not use goal types. 6. Under Metric Info, click Select a Metric. The Select a Metric dialog box opens. 7. Select Avg of Netsales, then click OK. You return to the New Goal dialog box. 8. Under Goal span, click the calendar icons to select the dates: From: Jan 2000 To: Jan 2001
Adding a Goal
The Name and Metric page looks like this:
9. Click Next. The Auto-fill and Tolerance page of the dialog box opens. On this page you set the numeric parameters of the goal. Remember that your boss wants to see an increase in average net sales of three percent per period with a tolerance level of minus 1%.
Adding a Goal
To set the Auto-Fill and Tolerance parameters: 1. Under Auto-fill, select the method you use to calculate your goal: Period to Period % Change. The dialog box changes slightly to allow you to enter values. 2. Clear Last value is known. 3. For First Value click Use Metric History. The Use Metric history dialog box opens. 4. Next to Use metric values as of, select 1/1/00. 5. Next to Apply percentage, select 100%, then click OK. 6. In the % Change box enter 3, which corresponds to the desired three percent per period increase in average net sales. 7. Under Tolerance, in the Type box, select the Percentage of goal value. The page changes to display two boxes in which you insert the tolerance levels. 8. Enter 0 in the Upper Tolerance box and 1 in the Lower Tolerance box. 9. Click Next. The New Goal dialog box opens to the Edit Values page.
Adding a Goal
Editing values Notice that values have been entered for each of the periods that you are tracking. The default values reflect a 3 percent increase per period starting with the value on 1/1/00. By default, Keep auto-filled values is selected. Do not modify these values. Click Finish. Your goal appears on the right side of the Goals Management page.
Adding a Goal
Saving the goal
To save your goal analytic: 1. Click Save As. The Save an Analytic page opens. 2. Enter title Average net sales. 3. For Refresh, select When opened 4. For Overwrite, select Yes 5. Expand the Public Folders and highlight the Performance Management folder. 6. Click OK. The analytic is saved to the Performance Management folder. Take a few minutes to examine your goal analytic.
Adding a Goal
For the first three months the increase in average net sales was a little over target, but over the four successive months sales were below target. If your president wants to meet her year-end target, she has to take action now!
Adding a Goal
Adding the goal to your dashboard
The last step is to add the goal to the dashboard. To add a goal to a dashboard 1. In InfoView, open the demo dashboard. 2. Click Customize. The Content and Layout page opens. 3. On the left side of the page, under Corporate Analytics, expand the Performance Management folder and locate the analytic average net sales goal.
4. Select this analytic and drag it to the right side of the page. When you release the mouse button the analytic appears on the page. 5. Click Apply & Close. You return to your dashboard.
Adding a Goal
Viewing the company presidents dashboard
You have created a dashboard for your company president. Take a look at what she sees when she logs on to InfoView.
Dashboard Manager and Performance Manager installed, there are no links or buttons available to access Dashboard Manager or the other Performance Management modules. She does have rights to view, however, certain dashboards and analytics in the Performance Management folder.
Adding a Goal
To view the dashboard
1. Expand the Public Folders and click the Performance Management folder. A list of available analytics and dashboards appears in the right pane.
2. Click demo dashboard. The dashboard opens in InfoView. The demo dashboard contains the IMT and speedometer analytics that you created as well as the Alerts analytic and the goal. Note that in the Alerts analytic, none of the alerts has been opened. 3. Click the various alerts and read them.
Adding a Goal
You see both the subject of the alert and the description that you entered as shown here:
You have learned how to:
create metrics
create a dashboard create analytics add analytics to your dashboard create and run a simple rule create a goal on your analytic