Eye Donation

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What do you mean by Eye Donation?

Donating eyes after death Donating eyes during life Donating eyes during fetal life Donating eyes during embryonic life
Eyes can be donated only after death unlike other organs like kidney, skin and liver. Removal of eye or a part of it disturbs the integrity of the globe. Hence even if the patient is blind with a healthy cornea, the eye can only be donated after death.

What is meant by pledging the eyes?

Consent expressing wish to donate eye during life Consent expressing wish to donate eye after death Both

Pledging of the eyes means signing a consent letter (by people who want to donate their eyes) during their lifetime stating their willingness to donate their eyes after death

Can the person wearing spectacles donate eyes?

Yes No

Can a person who has undergone cataract operation still donate eyes?
Yes always No never Only if cornea is normal

Patients who have undergone cataract surgery can donate their corneas provided it was not a complicated or traumatic surgery. Complicated surgeries have high chances of compromising the cornea making it unfit for donation.

What should be the age of donor?

Above 10 years Above 20 years All ages

Below 60 years
Cornea can be donated at any age after death. The young corneas are usually ideal for donation purpose and good visual outcome.

What to do in the event of a death?

Cover eye lids Switch off the fans. Put wet cotton on lids

Inform eye bank

After the death of the person who has pledged his eye, the first thing to be done is to close his eyes and place eye packs over them. The fan or the air conditioner should be switched off. The eye bank must be informed as soon as possible so that the eye can be retrieved within 6 hours of death. Wait for the eye bank personnel to arrive. Meanwhile, it is advisable to elevate the head end of the body with some pillows placed beneath the head in order to avoid bleeding after eye removal.

Within how many hours after death eye donation can be done?

3 hours 4 hours 10 hours

6 hours

The eye should be retrieved within 6 hours from death of the patient to prevent autolysis and degradation of the retrieved tissue. Degradation would make the tissue unsuitable for use.

Does eye donation delay the funeral process?

No Yes Sometimes


It does not delay the funeral process as the eye is retrieved within 6 hours.

Does the body need to be shifted to the hospital for eye donation?

Yes No Sometimes

The team of eye care professional including one authorized doctor reaches the site of death as soon as possible after being informed. They retrieve the tissue at the donors home and there is no need to shift the body to any hospital.

Does removing the eyes disfigure the face of the deceased?

No Yes Sometimes

There is no disfigurement of the face as after the globes are removed the socket is replaced with a shell and the lid is covered over it. If required a tiny stitch is place to hold the lid closed.

What happens to the eyes stored in eye bank?

It is examined It is stored in appropriate media All

The eyeball is preserved in a special solution so that it remains viable for at least 3 days. After which it is thoroughly examined to look for the quality and whether it is good enough to be transplanted. The blood sample collected from the donors body at the time of eye retrieval is sent to the laboratory to test for the presence of any transmissible disease. The patient requiring the donated eye is then informed as well as the operating surgeon.

Which part of eye is transplanted in the receiver of the eye?

Lens Retina Cornea


The part of the eyeball that is transplanted is the cornea. Cornea is the anterior transparent watch glass- like structure.

What is an eye bank?

Retrieved eye examined Link between donor and eye hospital Retrieved eye stored


Eye bank is referred to as the link between the donor and the eye hospital. They retrieve and co ordinate with the eye hospital about the donated eyes.

Can eyes be donated if the one who pledges his/ her eye is blind?
Yes, if cornea normal No Often


A blind person can pledge to donate his eyes after death provided his cornea is normal and is cause of blindness is not cornea related.

Who cannot donate eyes?

Corneal disease AIDS Hepatitis

All patients suffering or harboring any transmissible disease like HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, etc strictly cannot donate their eyes. Again, patients with diseased cornea in any form are unsuitable donors.

We appreciate your participation in EYE QUIZ Since you are aware now of EYE DONATION you may

pledge for EYE DONATION and ask for a EYE DONATION FORM which will be posted to you in a self addressed envelope.

DONATE EYES GIFT SIGHT In the public interest by: Dr.Agarwals Eye Hospital Limited For more details you may visit our hospital or you may call

3300 8800

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