Production of LABSA

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United Arab Emirates University College of Engineering Chemical Engineering Department Graduation Project II

Production of Sulfonic Acid Salts

Group Members: Ahlam Mohammed Kholoud Sahool Maitha Muftah 200211739 200221677 200203114

Project Advisor: Dr. Basim Abu-Jdayil



Equipment Design



Cost Estimation

Site Location

LABSA Production Process Modification


Conclusion and Recommendation

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

The UAE is considered as one of the most important countries in the oil and gas industry.
Huge amounts of sulfur are produced from the desulphurization process and sold to the chemical plants.

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

The aim of this project is to utilize the sulfur from the oil and gas industry to produce Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid Salt (LABSA). The aim of GP2 is to design the equipment in the LABSA plant.

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

GP1 Accomplishments
Selecting the LABSA as the product in the sulfonic acid salt plant. The Sulfur Trioxide Technique was chosen as the best method for producing LABSA. Applying the mass and energy balance on the process. Determining the capacity of the plant which was 1 ton per year.

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

LABSA Production Process Modification

LABSA Plant Capacity
In GP1 the amount of LABSA produced was 1 ton per year. In GP2 the capacity increased to 30,000 ton per year.

Modified LABSA Process

The modifications include the addition of different equipment in the plant and they are:
Air dryer Unit

Compressor Pumps Storage Tanks

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Modified LABSA Process PFD

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Equipment Design

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Sulfur Melter
The melter aims to transform the solid sulfur to liquid by using hot steam.

The calculated Parameters:

V 3.802 m3
Q 5680 kJ kg

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Heat Exchanger
Heat exchanger is a devise that is used to transfer thermal energy from one fluid to another without mixing the two fluids.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Air Dryer Unit

The air dryer is a column packed with desiccant material which selectivity holds the water.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

SO2 Reactor
The SO2 Reactor is a Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) which is used for chemical reactions in continuous and flowing systems.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

SO2-SO3 Converter
The SO2-SO3 converter is a typical PFR packed with some solid material (V2O5).


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Sulphonation Reactor
Sulphonation reactions are preferred to be conducted in multitube falling film reactors.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Gas-Liquid Separator
The gas-liquid separators are vertical vessels used to separate the liquid from the gas stream by gravity.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Cyclones are widely used as gas-solids separators by employing centrifugal force also they are frequently used for gas-liquid separation.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Absorbers are packed columns where the gas and liquid are contacted continuously.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt



GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

A gas compressor is a mechanical device that reduces the gas volume by increasing the pressure. To design the compressor the type and the actual power are determined.

Centrifugal Compressor Actual Power= 118.1246 kW 120 kW


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Cost Estimation


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Cost Estimation
Cost estimation is used to estimate the future cost of the chemical plant and provide the engineer with general expectation for the budget preparation. To calculate the capital cost the following steps where followed:

1) Calculate the purchased cost (Cpo):

log 10 C p K1 K 2 log 10 ( A) K 3 log 10 ( A)



GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Capital Cost Estimation

2) Calculate the bare module (FBM):

FBM B1 B 2 FM F p
3) Calculate the bare module cost (CBM):


4) Find the grass root cost (CGR) :

CTM 1.18 C BM ,i

CGR CTM 0.5Co BM ,i

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Capital Cost Estimation

Capital Cost Estimation for the LABSA Process:

CGR, 2008

cost index 2005 cost index 2001

CGR, 2001 (1.053 )

CTM= $2631712.71
CGR,2001= $3252328.70 CGR,2008= $4440207.145


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Operating Labor Cost Estimate

Calculating the cost of operating labor (COL) helps in estimating the labor requirement for the LABSA process.

N OL (6.29 31.7P 2 0.23N np ) 0.5

N np Equipment Summation

Solid Handling


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Operating Labor Cost Estimate

N OL 6.366
Operating Labor= 4.5 x 6.366 = 28.645 29 operators

C OL (2001 ) 29 x $50,000 = $1432244.742/yr

GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Cost of Operating Utility

The cost of each utility required by the LABSA production process is calculated (CUT):

CUT= $ 562601.55/yr


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Raw Material Cost

The raw material cost (CRM) is calculated by knowing the price of the raw material and the chemical feed stocks required by the process:
Sulfur Cost 120 $ kg hr day 1 ton 338 24 365 0.95 $337540 .320 / yr ton hr day yr 1000 kg

LAB Cost 10 .007

kmol kg hr day $ 1 ton 240 24 365 2050 0.95 $40972900 .968 / yr hr kmol day yr ton 1000 kg
ton $113 .295 hr day 24 365 0.95 $139257 .614 / yr hr ton day yr

NaOH Cost 0.1477

CRM $41449698 .902 / yr


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Waste Treatment Cost

It is important to calculate the waste treatment cost (CWT) because it helps protecting the environment from pollution:
kg m3 hr day 41 $ Air Dryer Waste Cost 2.922 1 24 365 0.95 $996.992 / yr hr kg day yr 1000 m3
ton 56 $ 1 m3 kg hr day Absorber Waste Cost 0.1152 1000 24 365 0.95 $59.533 / yr hr 1000 m3 901.8 kg ton day yr

CWT= $1056.525/yr


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Total Manufacturing Cost

The cost of manufacturing (COM) is the total operating cost per year:

COM 0.280 FCI 2.73C OL 1.23(CUT CWT C RM )

COM = $ 56829715.232/yr Profit = Income Total Costs

Pr ofit $7268204.522 / yr


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt



GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

HAZard and Operability Studies

The HAZOP study technique makes use of a series of parameters and guide words.
The objectives of the HAZOP study are: Identify all potential causes of the process disturbance which could lead to significant safety. Recommending suitable modifications which reduce the risks


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

HAZard and Operability Studies

HAZOP Study for Gas-Liquid Separator (Flow Deviation)
Guide Word No Deviation Flow Causes o Consequences Action o Plant shut down o No product Repair valve Repair pipe o Less product o Less performance of plant Clean pipe Repair leakage Fit low flow alarm (FAL) o More product o Flooding and overflow Repair valve Repair LC Fit high flow alarm (FAH)
GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Valve failure Pipe failure



Valve blocked Pipe blocked Pipe leak


Flow Valve failure LC failure


HAZard and Operability Studies

HAZOP Study for Gas-Liquid Separator (Temperature Deviation)
Guide Word Less Deviation Temperature Causes No separation Less efficiency o o o o o Consequences Action Less product Less performance Clean pipe Repair leakage More product Flooding and overflow Repair valve Repair LC



No separation Less efficiency


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

HAZard and Operability Studies

Chemical Waste
The absorber chemical waste consists mainly of Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) and Sodium Sulfite (Na2SO3):

The H2SO4 is formed by the reaction of water with sulfur trioxide The Na2SO3 is formed by the reaction of sulfur dioxide with caustic soda


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Site Location


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

LABSA Plant Site Location

Determining the location of the LABSA plant is considered an essential factor in designing any plant. Selecting the suitable location for the plant helps in lowering the cost of some important factors such as transportation and raw material supply.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Other Site Location Factors

Site Location Case Study Evaluation Results:


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

Conclusion and Recommendation

In the plant the sulfur is utilized to produce LABSA. The Sulfur Trioxide Technique is considered the best method because it utilizes the sulfur and reduces the amount of toxic gases. All the equipment in the plant are designed by calculating their dimensions. The project profit is $7,268,204.522/yr which makes the project profitable. Abu-Dhabi is selected as the best location for the LABSA plant. The sulfur enters another industries such as manufacturing fertilizers and producing sulfuric acid.


GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

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GPII-Production of Sulfonic Acid Salt

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